Well I went back to Walmart after the reservation run today. Saveing over 50 dollars for a carton of smokes does something for a person. You got to LOVE NY State for all the high taxes that they get for doing nothing for some of us small fry in the state. It's a wanderfull place at
www.smokinjoes.com. If you go in its just a down right neat place. So anyway I went back to Walmart today for a few other things that I needed that i forgot on Wensday and forgot the canned corn of course for dinner tonight. And I had another dollar in coupons when i walked in. So I got to thinking with the last more coupons anyway, well why not get more freebees while I'm at it all. Free samples are always good in my household. Theres a thing on
www.walmart.com for free stuff in the other things on the start page. I have got alot of free samples over the years also since I got the computer and internet connection. The best was 2 free TP rolls just to sign up for it. Theres a ton of sites out there for free stuf anyway and got to a site that you like the product(s) and ask if they all have coupons and or free stuff to give you. The worst they could tell you is NO. I have done it for coupons to free stuff to alot of other things also. So now I looked at alot of my free stuff pages on my fave's list and dident find anything today but tomarrow is always another day. Tomarrow will be another day and i will be back again. With love and always a tone of trying to save.