Monday, April 5, 2010
Here I sit
The poor Hubby is out cold on the sofa and I had to turn on the modem once again early. To bad some people are missing this one in life. Well I am still waiting on the dish water to cool down so I can get the rest of the dishes done around here today. Yes I am still mad about some things that happened last week and I am supporting another child on welfare becuase his Mom (my step daughter) refuses to get full time employment and is doing what her mother did to her. That is what makes me madder than ever is the folks who work Part Time and collects full welfare Benafates eather way pluss child support. I wander if she even bothered to ask her ex to sign over custoty to the new man like her mother asked my Husband to do. Like that is gonna help matters out any if at all. As I have said the welfare system is so broken here in NY State that it is not even funny at all. And the Budget is late as normal with the Albany Crew running this God forsaken state. While all the bills keep going up includeing the grocery bill I am stuck paying for Idots like my Step Daughter to eat for free includeing my Grandson. What some do not know will not hurt them niether around here. I would rather have full custoty of my grandbaby and know he is well taken care of and not hurting for squat. Where he has no worries of laying his head at night and eating his next meal unlike myself growing up. Or if his Mommy is gonna wig out becuase he grew another 2" that month. Myself and my Husban can save alot of headaches in the long run and No My GrandSon isen't mentally insane at all. What runs in his mom side of the family is a long line of Mental contole and a few other things which I hope that my Step daughter never experianced also growing up like I did. It does run in familys eather way and my grandson has the gift also. Ok folks this one is food for thought and to think on it all.