Sunday, August 15, 2010
With alot of things
Well I know I haven't been here for awhile at all. I have been working on the other blog and alot around here in the can. Since I have went cheaper around here and was working on more things here I got called White Trash by the Management of the park since I do not work out side of the home that often around here to say the least. So that lit a fire under my toush to go that much cheaper around here in the past month or so here. Since I do have my water bill cut way down around here maybe that is what she is mad about with me now let alone catching her in several lies along with the jack ass that was with her the day that she called me white trash. Well I am not a quiet person when I have been lied to at all and know about it all. Now around here I have moved some things around and can put the coupons and the sales and a few other things back around here in what I should have been doing in the first place here in the can. Another thing is that I have switched around the laundery deturgant and a few other things also while I was at it all. I have totally switched to the Green Works products here for the household and the birds seem to be doing better. Yes I said birds. I had Olliver as you all know and now I have Alice also here. Pluss another person wanted me to take in another bird while I was at it and I said no right away around here along with another dog also as of lastnight here. Between the fur balls and feather balls I am done so far. Now both birds have been abused around here and I tore up someone also for trying to nail one of the birds to the wall also lastnight while I was at it all. I do not put up with squat when the person has been told about the abuse that my boys have been thry already and they do not need any more crap from an outsider of the household at all and I let it be known. I simplely put it do it again I will have your nuts in a sling beat you half to death and leave ya out in the middle of the street period to make a point. So now I can say that I will run my household as I see fit and do not care what others think about what I do around here. Since I have to get seed anyway may as well take on another bird here. With the water bill that is another thing around here. I have stopped flushing the cammode so much during the day around here. Since there is only myself for days on end around here may as well save on the water. Pluss I do not do as many dishes while I am alone also during the week here also. So now with other things I have been leaving stuff off while I am at it around here also and the power bill went bizerk this month but I had asked around and so did everyone elses also while we were at it all. So at this point also I have scraped the idea of saveing up for the woodburning cook stove for when I move so far. I have been sticking all the cans into the house fund for the past 2 months at this point in time. With what I am doing around here I have been keeping to myself even more around here and some folks do not have a total clue what I have been doing around here. There has been more sales and coupons floating around here to say the least and I will be living broker than broke from now on around here. It has got that bad around here in the park and I have finally put my foot down also while I am at it all. After almost 20 years around the same place and it has got worse instead of better around here I do not need the total drama that the Trailer Park wants me to deal with. Now we are working on my terms around here. So if you are in NY State and want the number to the state and section 233 let me know around here and I will put the number out for it. Along with the main office for Cavalier and Associates also. So ok folks have fun and I will be back.