Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Getting it done now
Well at this point in time I had my Niece here and have thrown her out also withing the past couple of weeks while I was at it. With that being said most of the household fell apart on being cheap here with the 4 months that she was at the can. Within the past 2 weeks here I did buy a house and alot of the stuff from the trailer is here at the house. Also while I am at it all I went back to being totally cheap and I am trying to unravle in what my Niece did while she was under my roof. I have cut way down on the laundery deturgent, dish soap, and many other things that some have figured since I was stocked up on alot of things here. I ended up with 3 drying racks also for laundery for both places and it was pulling teeth all over again when I told that the dryer was off limits after all the racks were up. Now I have the racks along with lines in the basement and alot more is being turned off around the new place yet again. I have been cutting back big around both places here as of the past 2 weeks. Since some did not understand what I was trying to do for the place and the girl did not have a job at all guess what I won in both places now. With the gas prices up greatly here and trying to move on top of it I have noticed that I have gone thru less of alot of things in the house without my Niece here. I can now sit back and not worry to much about some things that I have ran out of and get to the store becuase of needing to put dinner on the table. I am back to shopping once a month for the place again and I like it like this. With that being said I was going to the store at least twice a week and it was not pretty at all for the trailer. Pluss I was going thru more cheese and eggs that I knew that I bought and was gone for what I planed for dinners for the month. Now I do not have to worry about it at all with things disappering on me in the house. Also I have been collecting the nickel deposits out of parking lots and several other places around here. When I do that it keeps me busy and I get extra money for the household while I am at it here. I still have not got any paper plates for the house here at all. Of course the people that come over around here and whine about in how broke they are started in on not having paper plates to eat off of in my place yet again. I figure why bother to waste the money on the paper plates and have for years now, when I have to wash dishes anyway for the place. As I sit here and think of all that I can do for to save money around here I like it even more becuase I am seeing more things that I can do for the place here. I have been planning on alot of things for the household here and alot of it has been for the good.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
With alot of things
Well I know I haven't been here for awhile at all. I have been working on the other blog and alot around here in the can. Since I have went cheaper around here and was working on more things here I got called White Trash by the Management of the park since I do not work out side of the home that often around here to say the least. So that lit a fire under my toush to go that much cheaper around here in the past month or so here. Since I do have my water bill cut way down around here maybe that is what she is mad about with me now let alone catching her in several lies along with the jack ass that was with her the day that she called me white trash. Well I am not a quiet person when I have been lied to at all and know about it all. Now around here I have moved some things around and can put the coupons and the sales and a few other things back around here in what I should have been doing in the first place here in the can. Another thing is that I have switched around the laundery deturgant and a few other things also while I was at it all. I have totally switched to the Green Works products here for the household and the birds seem to be doing better. Yes I said birds. I had Olliver as you all know and now I have Alice also here. Pluss another person wanted me to take in another bird while I was at it and I said no right away around here along with another dog also as of lastnight here. Between the fur balls and feather balls I am done so far. Now both birds have been abused around here and I tore up someone also for trying to nail one of the birds to the wall also lastnight while I was at it all. I do not put up with squat when the person has been told about the abuse that my boys have been thry already and they do not need any more crap from an outsider of the household at all and I let it be known. I simplely put it do it again I will have your nuts in a sling beat you half to death and leave ya out in the middle of the street period to make a point. So now I can say that I will run my household as I see fit and do not care what others think about what I do around here. Since I have to get seed anyway may as well take on another bird here. With the water bill that is another thing around here. I have stopped flushing the cammode so much during the day around here. Since there is only myself for days on end around here may as well save on the water. Pluss I do not do as many dishes while I am alone also during the week here also. So now with other things I have been leaving stuff off while I am at it around here also and the power bill went bizerk this month but I had asked around and so did everyone elses also while we were at it all. So at this point also I have scraped the idea of saveing up for the woodburning cook stove for when I move so far. I have been sticking all the cans into the house fund for the past 2 months at this point in time. With what I am doing around here I have been keeping to myself even more around here and some folks do not have a total clue what I have been doing around here. There has been more sales and coupons floating around here to say the least and I will be living broker than broke from now on around here. It has got that bad around here in the park and I have finally put my foot down also while I am at it all. After almost 20 years around the same place and it has got worse instead of better around here I do not need the total drama that the Trailer Park wants me to deal with. Now we are working on my terms around here. So if you are in NY State and want the number to the state and section 233 let me know around here and I will put the number out for it. Along with the main office for Cavalier and Associates also. So ok folks have fun and I will be back.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
I have realized
Well I came to realize that I have been doing right all along around here. I have been reasured from alot of folks at this point. It is hard to believe that when I first started going cheaper in life I was at 16 years old. I have not stoped at all thru the years on alot of things. I got real cheap and tight when I first got up here to NY State also. Between the bargan rack that has moved several times thru the store and a few other things also. I can remember all the screaming and the arguements that have went on over the past almost 16 years also. And I have got alot cheaper since I have moved up here. Clarence racks, bargin racks, garage/yard sale hopping just to make ends meet around here with Child Support going out on top of it all. Yet I still manage to get blamed for supposadly being a "Rich Bitch" in some folks eyes and words. When myself and my Husband have been struggleing thru the years even though folks do not see it that way. I started with the home hair cuts years ago and even did my own thru the years while I was at it all also. I do not take pitty on myself nor my Husband at all. I do take Pitty on my ungreatfull Step Daughter who has for all the years has welcomed the B.S. from her mother and believed every word that she has said thru everything. I have never doubted my Husband all these years after what his Ex put me thru and Lied about with me. And to shove me out of a congragation for church is just plain nuts in my book but, somehow my Step Daughters mother found away to do it to me. I almost lost all faith in the church system totally when that happened to me almost 9 years ago. I do alot of things at home and on my own becuase of what has happened over the years thru no fault of my own. This is why I keep to myself alot of the times anyway so I do not get burnt at all. And with the statement from some folks of you will not catch me useing coupons PERIOD as long as they live. Well the coupons and a few other things have been money savers over the years to me. I always figured to save about 600 dollars a month between sales and coupons or eather one I have made the child support payment while my Husbands daughter was growing up and got the support. And I had the proof in my luggage that I carry for a purse of what was going out a month anyway and I still got called a liar eather way. Now since the support has ended I have no more obligations of to set money back for the ungreatfull child who never shown up for any reason at all nor questioned her mother on things also. Now I am letting things go and knowing what I went thru the girl is on her own after she told me to go F myself in so many words and I will find a place out of the hell hold trailer park that her father insisted that we live in after 16 years waiting on his Stupid daughter who believed all the lies and B.S. to get ahold of him. I have gone cheaper just so I can get out of here faster along with my Hubby. After all of these years I have kept my shut on alot of things and will keep my mouth shut on some things. I have alot of resentment towards some folks and I will not blame myself for it since I did give up my dreams once I got married. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Shakeing my head
Now some of us have a very tight budget around here I will admit to it. Most of the stuff I picked up yesterday was on sale anyway. And watching the news this morning hasen't helped out at all. NY State government is just totally out of controle still. Well there is alot more going on than passing along E-Mails to others from one. I wander how many of the folks in Albany really do run around on thier other half. Pluss all the shady deals that are going down also. Well after all said and done the NY State government does not have a clue as to what the regular working folks are doing around here to cut the costs in the households. Now this month my rent went up another 10 dollars to 355 a month. It does not incude anything at all except pot holes that will not get fixed at all around here. My Niece made the comment yesterday of how cute most of the trailers were in the park. I told her that at least 7 more are coming down and the FEMA trailers are coming in. The state of NY does not care nor the town of Niagara. As most folks say around here Money talks and Bull Shit walks. It is so true. For some of the polititions I would love to see thier face when most of us little folks start cooking on the tight budget that we all have. The Govener that is in now is wanting to put a tax on all Juices and all Sodas. Well I see alot more folks going down to PA for the cheaper stuff and bringing back the nickles. I will say I will start shopping down in PA once a month also if the drink tax goes in. And it is not like I do not have family to where I am headed to also. It will be well worth the trouble of going 4 hrs to do the grocery shopping let me tell you. And I can pack the van full once a month also. If I do a full shopping trip once a month it costs about 400 dollars if not more around here it depends on the seasons also. Now the 400 dollars pluss is without coupons and just partly sales. I have been known where I shop at in PA to pick up 2 cart fulls for about 50 dollars and that was for the month includeing soda and coffee. Most of the folks down where I shop at have 200 dollars for 1 cart. Now it may be abit more since I will be makeing meat runs also. And that is fine by me also. When I can get a bag of flour for about 50 cents I am going down. Pluss the stores down in PA take all of my coupons also. That is another nice thing about it all. Well I know some folks will be happy to see me eather way when I get down there. With NY State going like they are who needs more taxes around here. When I can use a tank of gas to get alot of things cheaper elsewhere. Also I have said it before I would love to see most of the politions live where I do and see how it is. And fallow me around for a month. Most would be shocked in what I can do on very little around here. Just so they can see how it goes being married to a Truck Driver. Then send them over to another place to see how broke they really are and make it. I will not throw huge parties niether around here like Albany does. Stake dinners what is that around here. Anyway at least I know I can do it cheaper than most of the folks in the politics game here in NY. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Ok I must admit
I did have some fun today. I may not now my grandbaby but, I will get to know my great great niece. Little Miss Vi is a little porker. And that is ok by me. Miss Vi is eating well let me tell ya and at least she is eating. I told my niece that guess what she is family eather way and she looks like my Hubbys side. Well I went out to Walmart today and picked up some things for Vi and I know one is gonna be big and tough she will grow into it. Also I was getting dinner going for when my Hubby walked thru the door also. It was funny becuase I started cooking and everyone wanted to stay to eat. Chicken for dinner and ALice started hollering. Never mind what he says at this point. We also found out he hates hats also. Well I am finding out part of what Alice has been thru already. So now just to find out the rest of it and deal with it all. Anyway at this point in time I have checked my card from Kmart and I am adding up points left and right. It will come in handy in December when I am ready for the points. I will be shopping at Kmart when they have the big sales going on. I do not mind what so ever at all about it. Kmart is with in walking distance also. All the complaining that I do about where I am and I won't complain about liveing to close to all the stores at all. I told my nefew that Walmart is right there within 3 min of walking from my place. And I would hand him a rolly cart to help out. Even my Annie suprized me today. This dog hates men when she first meets them and she went right up to both of my boys today. I know big man was hurting anyway and that's who she went to. The baby she sniffed her foot and went from there. So yes I will be spoiling at least 2 girls here shortly. Also I can spoil both of my girls for cheap. Bargan racks for children are a good thing since they grow so fast anyway. Another nice thing is if the items are gently used even better for a yard sale. I will admit I have picked up enough footy jammies for kids for 50 cents apiece if that. My Niece is the same way cheap. All I can do is laugh. Well there are folks out of jobs every place. SO everyone is doing what they can to make it now adays. I was asked in how I did it without leaveing home that much. I told her ya never ever go by the tags on things that I get becuase I always find ways to get discounts and a few other things along the way around here. Also both of us know in what it is to streach out money in our places. For very little I can get alot around here. Well with births and remembering prices for food way back when it is scarry now today. Cooking on the cheap is a good thing around here. So my niece will get a few of my recipies before she goes back to Florda. Not only that I have been on the cheap side to get some of the appliances in the can. I told my Niece that I had alot of appliances for the place. Well I have saved and went from there for everything in the can. There are some things I can not give up becuase, I can make breakfast lunch and dinner out of my KitchenAids and my T-Fal also. I think that all were suprized that I was in sweats today while I was at it. I wanted to be comfy with a baby in the place. I was in my normal mode when I was cooking and family in the kitchen with me. Also some noticed that I do cook for my Hubby and he would not starve in the can/household as long as I am around here. It is one of them things that I can make something out of nothing. Well I had help from some folks like Susanne from the The sweet woman has helped me along in my place after I had a block on cooking for a bit. Ideas are always welcome in my place at all times and I will always get a recipie and make it myown. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Sitting here thinking
Well I am always thinking on my feet around here. Of how I can do things better or cheaper eather way. Well since yesterday I did hit the sales up at Kmart I saved over 25 dollars. That does not include what is on my card also for the place. Well I understand why the cashiers ask if I want to use what is on the card also. I told the gal I wanted to save it up becuase of I am always broke at points of the year. She diden't blame me after I told her also. Pluss I ended up with alot of the Green Works products to clean the can with. The product does not adjatate the birds what so ever when I use it. So I have stuck with it. In the long run it is cheaper to use the Green Works products anyway. When it takes me at least a month to go thru a bottle of dish deturgant that is 3 dollars normally unless I catch it on sale compaired to the runny brand that is not thick enough to even bother to foam up. Pluss with what I am useing now the dishes seem to come out cleaner than with the other stuff that I was useing. With children in and out of the can alot of cleaners will bother them. This way they can tell thier parents this is what so and so uses also and tell them how it works. I know one little on that was madder than a wet cat on a tin roof on Saturday. She missed the cookie bake off around here over the Easter weekend. I even had her Granddaddy laughing. Anyway I have been thinking and working on how to get my place cheaper anyway and it is an on going battle around here. I like it when it is quiet around here and there's no computer or T.V. going also. Once a person gets use to it it is not so bad. I get more work done around the can without them on. Pluss you get creative on how things are done and what you do without them going. Now around here in what I do is I wright down stuff to remind me of how I did things thru the day. It makes life easier on me. And of course there is no right or wrong way of doing things anyway. Everyone has thier own of doing housework and that is how life is. I learned over 33 years ago it takes all kinds of folks to make the world go around and everyone is differant. Just like there is no right or wrong way of being cheap/frugal also. Everyones needs are differant anyway and some of us do things in what is better for that sittuation. Like with me I hit the sales stock up and use coupons, turn off things while I am home, and make phone calls to get better deals for the utilities. There are lots of ways to go frugal and cheap and sometimes they both go hand in hand. My Hubby always teases me about makeing the dollars scream more than a dozen times before I let it go. I have had others tell me I squeek when I walk also. I laugh about it and say it took me almost 20 years to get like this. I also did all of it slowly also. With some things I ask myself ok do I really need something and is there a way that I can save up for it in the long run. Also another thing that I have is I do not go shopping for items that I do not need also. Outfits are so over rated anyway. I live in sweats most of the time along with T-shirts. Yes I do have about 3 pairs of jeans that I can go out on occations where I want to get kind of dressy. I have been known to show up to the stores in fuzzy slippers and rollars in my hair also. I have nobody to impress and if folks do not like it they do not have to look at me niether. I have been like this since I was in grade school. As I have got older I have also realized that I will cook over going out to dine someplace. It is cheaper to stay home and cook also in my book. Pluss when some folks come over they realize that yes I do cook the scratch meals for the household. And some are like can I try that out and have the recipie after they try it. With me I have a ton of recipies in the household and add things to it and try to spice it up. I also have to leave some things out of course. Oh well lets see what kind of damage I can do to the place today. Have fun and play hard.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
What a day
Well I finally got out to Kmart today. I had to take a break out of the can and everything. I dang near knocked out Alice today and that is when I knew I had to get out. He has been my problem child for 24 hrs now. Well I guess it could be worse around here of course and I do not have a clue as to how much I have on my card at all for what I got today. I had some folks laughing in line today also. The poor cashier asked if I wanted to use the points on my card and I sad nope it can sit and wait for awhile. And the woman behind me asked what I was saveing the points for. I said to restock my place includeing underpants. So the woman asked to get a card herself so she could do the same thing. Free is good in my book anyway and I know it is on the card and ready when I want to use it. So at this point I have most of the Green Works products for the place. Since the laundery deturgant is on sale for half the price I will pick it up. Pluss with doing so much laundery this week I have beed going thru the deturgant even though I do skimp out on it. Anyway at least the place is mainly clean today. I worked from about 8am untill about 1pm on it. Pluss the fight that Alice and I had to boot. Also I am stocked up on cleaners and a few other things also around here. I saved over 26 dollars today. Now to sit here and wait to see if everyone got in ok today.
Another long day today
Well I have another long day ahead of me. I got at least all of the laundery done yesterday now to get to the rest of the can. Pluss I have to call my Mom and tell her that her shipment will be there this week also. I sent goodies to her once again. Well after all said and done I can say that I am happy I said no I can not do it this week to check in on folks. I will eather way at least one day while some are out of town. Well what gets to me is that some wanted me to say screw it for the family that is coming and and just do for them once again. That is why I said no I am not doing it I have family coming in. Sorry meeting my great nefews and great great nice takes top priority now for this week besides cleaning my own can around here. I do not mind cleaning at all around here. Mondays are the worst days of the week anyway. What gets to me about the person who asked me hardly lifts a finger since she works. Well I do not complain about it since I cook, clean, shop for 2 kitchens, and the book keeper around here. And I am a referee also while I am at it all. The boys were really good since I had both of them out of thier cages at the same time yesterday morning. At least I can say that it is never dull around my place at all. Even one of the neighbors that I like real well came over yesterday. Now I know where the babies get thier Blue eyes from. Thier Grandfather has the kindest Blue eyes that I have ever seen up here in NY. The man also realized that I had some of the laundery outside hanging on the lines and liked it. It is easier on me to hang some stuff than to put it in the dryer for 2 hrs untill it is dry also. So eather way it was a fairly good day yesterday I did get alot of my list knocked out also. I just diden't get to all that I wanted to at all. Now for today there is the rest of the list that I have except for a few things that have to wait for Friday in order for me to do around here. I would like to have sausage balls for to eat on Saturday also. Part of the fun is to see what the reaction is gonna be when I slap food on the table around here. Not only that it is the cooking on the cheap 101 this week around here of course. And yes I will be makeing muffins once again around here this week. That also reminds me I need to make at least 2 pies for Saturday. It is not like I don't have the stuff around here to do everything also. It is the matter of pulling everything out and start bakeing around here. Since it is only Tuesday this is a good sign at least around here. Also there are some dietary needs that will pop up of course and met eather way. Anyway now off to the races for today to start cleaning once again. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Knowing why
Now I deffanately know why I went to the cheap side so many years ago. I will go by who raised me never depend on a man to earn enough money for ya. They may leave before the kids are grown also. Since I can still work and go from there I am not worried about myself at all. I have been thru it and worse than some have. Well I figure with what I have at the moment in the place I can always start bakeing and sell it also. Pluss there is alot that I would cut back on eather way around here. That was IF my now husband desided to up and go. Not only that some folks would be stuned if they only knew what I can do to survive around here and then some. IT is partly knowing of what to do in an emergancy situation and the other part is deturmanation also. Well if some would know me peronally I do come up swinging and when I do run and stay out of the way. There are so many things that I would love to do around here in the can that with someone else here I just can't do what I would like to do at all. I would not have the T.V. at all in the place. All I need is the internet and a cell phone that is it. I would be happy with that much at least. Well it would be less to worry about around here. There is always something to do eather way around the place to say so myself. Pluss I can get the news over the internet with live brodcasts over the station that I want since Buffalo got up to speed around here finally. I woulden't mind a slower life let me tell ya. Where there is no power and wood burning stoves to heat the place and cook on also. Now with the no Power part I would have like to have enough solar pannels to work the computer and to charge the cell phone also and the washer to get the laundery done, and maybe the fridge along with the freezer. Other than that my place can survive without lights I would rather sit in the dark anyway and only turn on the one light for the birds. Other than that I can deal without power. Even the lights can go out for the birds also at night. They would get use to it also. I just haven't gone to drastic measures as of yet on alot of things. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Well I got further than expected
I got further than I realized yesterday. Then under stress and a few other problems this morning it was not pretty at all. Well at least I can start the cleaning here shortly so what happened this morning(doesen't like alergy season at all) will be totally cleaned up by noon at the latest. Since the main counter has been cleared off of dirty dishes and cans for the nickles I felt a bit better from last night. My Hubby looked at me yesterday and said well there is room in the shed for the extra bags of cans to get them out of the way. I laughed and said that I am cashing them in this week. Well I need out of the house for a bit anyway and not includeing the some shopping that I want to do with my Niece and for my Great Great Nice also. And I have already started off the bargan racks for her. Well after haveing so many babies in the place I still have bottles around here. Pluss a trip over to Kmart after I get the cans in this week may do me some good anyway since the good laundery deturgant is on sale there. It seems that I have had more laundery as of late and have been going thru the laundery deturgant also. Well with the Kmart card it will not be so hard to start saveing on some things. Some folks do not get in what I do to save money up around here at all. I have been streaching out money very hard lately also. When I can save on every card that I have then I will do it also pluss use coupons out at the stores. Now from this past Saturday it was a real treat for us to go sit out and have dinner that I diden't cook. Pluss I was shocked when I opened some of the bills within the past 2 days also. My power bill went down by alot and the one bill came up as all zeros also. So there are going to be alot more changes around here in the can. I will keep adding things untill I start hearing a mouth going again. Since I do not drive much anyway unless I really have to this should be fun. Ok folks have fun and play harder.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Finally get to sit down for a bit
Ok I finally get to sit down before I have to get the next load in the laundery and a few other things around here. Pluss I am still makeing my list up for this week around here. I have one Hell of a week coming up around here and there is no end in sight for me. Well at least we were all late last night. I wanted chinese food for a change and was craveing it. That was the bad part of it all. For 20 dollars for 2 and all you can eat there I will not complain at all about it. Becuase I get my fish fix and my Husband gets what he wants also. Then I went to do a bleaching of the hair and 15 min after I started the poor girl was done and not looking like a stiped head of hair again. That was my specialty while I was in the Hair Bizz anyway. So I got to laughing after and said see ya early and then sent the poor Hubbs out for the kids. One would have been on the roof if I was around. Well I got out of everything for the most part even though I will start calling to see if some folks need anything anyway while I am out. Anyway at least I know that I am getting to the point of cheapness around here my power bill droped by 100 dollars also in the past month and a half. Pluss I try to find as many coupons that I can that are pet related and everything else for the can. I have noticed most of the people in the park no matter in how broke they are they have pets in thier cans. Yess I have 2 Quaker Parrots a cat and a dog. Now I have budgeted out to where I can afford the pets around here and know what to do for some things except shots. Even when I am totally broke I manage to feed the place eather way. I proved that to the tax guy today. Pluss collecting cans helps also around here. Pluss alot of planing smart also helps to pay bills and put food on the table. Now for alot of things that I do swear by is trying to keep stocked up for some things. I am always stocked for things like T.P., laundery deturgant, food, and several other things. Paper towels are the least of my problems around here since I do have cleaning rags that I can use. So are the paper plates around here I have droped those things several years ago and never looked back. Now why ask about dropping the paper plates and some other things around here it is plain as the nose on your face a waste of money. Or at least in my eyes. Now with that being said a roll of paper towels will last me in the kitchen for at least a month if not longer. The hand towels have been a life saver around my place. Now with some birds I can understand why he hates the hand towels all togeather around here so I moved them. Now I have made many changes slowly in my household or canhold eather way. It has took me at least 20 years to get to where I am at now and then some. Just like today I saved 10 cents on the gas per gallon with one of the cards that I have. I told my Husband that I wasen't sure if they would take the points yet so try. So they went thru and came back home after running for part of the day. Now that the poor man is gone I have got alot more done since I sent him back to work. It has been along day and I need to get thru most of the dishes before I can do anything more. That is includeing laudery. I have at least 4 more loads for this week not includeing the normal that I have to do. Also I have to start cleaning majorly today and tomarrow since family will be in on Tuesday around here. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Well I knew
Well since I get to go out to the super flea here next weekend I will have one happy baby on my hands. Pluss happy boys also. Fresh veggies here in the place we will be good to go around here. Pluss I got to noticeing that Alice my plucked chicken has stringers on his chest also. I am hopeing that the feathers would come back. And what I am seeing at the moment it looks like a very good chance that they will start up. The boys are quiet once again Thanks to Paula Dean being on. Now I can hear the washer and dryer. Anyway at least I will be saveing money over at the flea market and get to show off the baby to acouple of folks that I know real well. That is the fun part about it all. I am getting real excited here and I have to see about my Moms Bday presant while I am at it all. I will start looking here shortly for her. That is why I do not mind shopping on line at all around here. There are deals and I can also have it shipped directly to her. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Way to quiet here
It is so quiet I almost forgot the 2 boys untill Alice sqeeked. Olliver got upset last night becuase he diden't get to see the girls go at it on T.V. Also I told the folks over at the pet shop that Alice was doing ok and was doing the siren sounds and baby crying sounds also. Between both boys being spoiled and the fur balls also it is alot of good laughs around here. Poor Olliver and Alice got smacked with dog toys becuase Annie desided she wanted to play with them both. Thank goodness both were in thier cages at the time. Well I started the laundery while I was at it all and I have to switch out the bulbs once again. I already know what and how so just the matter of getting over to Home Depot to get the bulbs again. As I say the bulbs last for about 4-6 months in the bathroom anyway so it is not to bad with the heat and humitity in the bathroom. Anyway today should be a good day around here. A full day of lots of laundery to get done here. Well it could be worse around here. This up coming week I have to keep up with the laundery I will have folks up. I am excited now and let the cook off begin with this go around. There is still alot to do for the week and that is ok with me. So here I sit and thinking of the other things that I have to do for next week around here and go from there and plot out of course for the week while I am at it all. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Getting cheaper
Well since the boys are talking back and forth who needs the T.V. on around my place. I did save a dollar at the reservation today also when I went out there this morning also. Even though I forgot to check my point total for out that way. Well for there it is so many points off the bill eather way I go when I am there. Pluss I have has so many compliments on my luggage(purse) that I tell folks where I got it at. I do not tell the price that I have paid for it at all (6 dollars). That is what I get for haveing the cards for the stores. Deeper discounts and I get the bonus dollars also for shopping at the stores. All I can do is laugh about it sometimes to see how far I can take something also and really save money around here. Now for Kmart I am saveing up for household items that we need on the card. Every little bit helps in the long run around here in my book. And while I was out I stoped over at the SPCA also to see if they had Alice. THe girls told me to try over at earie county and they might know. The girls started laughing when I said that Alice was my plucked chicken out of the bunch. And if they could give any info out please do so so I know what I am dealing with. They coulden't tell me at all. And after said and done is good luck on the poor baby. So several more cuddle bones for both of them and go from there. I even noticed that Olliver quit pinging the cage after I got him one. Also I noticed that Alice trys to cry like a baby. Some of it is new to me with the quakers talking and trying to sound like the pervious owners. Alice purrs just like a cat and Olliver cooes. Each one has thier own personality and is like a 2 year old. It was funny when I paid the lot rent today while I was out and about today. All they could say to the one trailer across the street from me is that paybacks are Hell. And I got asked if I got another bird also and I said yes. All I told them was my house was well protected now. I have 2 small birds with big bird sydrome and a dog and cat what more do I need around here. Well also I have figured out that the cops were at Alices old place more times that I can count also. Every day he is ratting on them more and more around here. He was just mimicking a siren also while he is at it all. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Hopeing for another quiet day
Now I know I have to give Alice a couple of days to get use to the new place. Yesterday for most of the day he pinged the bars untill about 915 last night. I am hopeing that this will stop by today or tomarrow. Also I haven't started Alice on regular seeds as of yet around here. I will be mixing the regular seeds in with the stuff that he is eating at this point by next week. Anyway I will be working in the can today and likeing it. The list somewhat grew after I started in on it. And that is ok it keeps me in line for what I need to do around here and it is more of a reminder than anything. My husband always makes light of it but, realzes that the can is cleaner when I manage to get thru most of the list by the end of the week around here. Part of my list is the both birds of course. I can not wait for both birds to be in the same cage. That will be months down the road. Well with some in what they have told me to do with the one food bowl I got to wandering. So it got to the best of me yesterday when I was changeing Ollivers food. So I dumped out Alices bowl and had to wash it on top of overything. I am suprized where he was at they let it get that bad. I mixed the one supplement into the water and went from there. Alices food bowl was full of toys on top of it. Well after Alice realized that there was fresh food he started eating like a little pig. Pluss I am looking at his chest on and off thru the day also to see if any new stickers came out. The stickers are down and feathers. Alice plucked out both out of stress and depression. That is why I call him my plucked chicken. Now by 730 am one is already awake around here. So I may as well get the boys up. I think I will put the hot sauce on the bars if Alice starts up today with all the pinging again. It may work and I will let you folks know if it does and if I did use it. It is non abusive to do that anyway. It is like cyane pepper sprinkled out for the dogs outside. Anyway I do know that Alice just HATES hand towles. Who knows about that. I found that out yesterday when I got one out then the 2nd and thank goodness that there were bars between me and him at the time. Talk about wigging out between the spitting, spatting, and trying to bite. So I will move the towels over to another spot and go from there. Well at least I would rather fight with 2 birds than anyone else at this point in time. It will start getting cheaper here in the coming weeks with Alice at least. Ok folks have fun and play hard. I need to get out to Walmart for a few things for the Alice and may as well do it all early.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Quiet so far today
This has been a nice day so far since there has been no music blareing at all. Even the Quakers are loveing it. I do have a somewhat screamer in Alice and trust me everyone knew when he hit the can. Both of the birds have calmed down to the point of ok eat talk mumble eat more and nap time. So I have got alot done here in the can today. There is still alot to do of course I will not deny that one at all. I am already thinking on my feet since I have sat down also. That always happends to me. I am always thinking of how to do things cheaper than what I have been doing. I need to call the cable company anyway to see if I can get the bill any cheaper than what it is. I always say that it never hurts to call in and say hay what kind of deal can ya give me once again. The worst the companies can do is start laughing and say no. And most will not mind what so ever to find the best deal to help the customer out also. I found that out by accident thru the phone company when I still had wires thru the can. Now I have the cable modem for the phone and internet and have not had any problems what so ever except when the power goes out around here. That is partly the reason why I have a cell phone the other part is if I break down I can call to have someone help me or get a tow eather way. And the phone has saved me more than once in the past 4 years that I have had it. Between the one phone company going south on me and being out on the road it has more than paid for itself around here. I can laugh sometimes becuase some knew about what time I would call to say ok what can ya give me if anything around here. Anyway at this point in time I can say that it is worth to make phone calls and save money. Even my mother today said that I am takeing after her now when I talked with her today. When she found out that I was getting more coupons and points for gas she started laughing. She asked why the printer was going and I told her that it was for the Walmart load when I get ready to shop over there. That reminds me I will have to find more before I go over there at the middle of the month once again for the big trip. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
First day home
With Alice it is his first day home. He was being so sweet and funny at the same time last night. He got really excited when I was by his cage. Another couple was over last night to see what was going on except for when Paula Dean was on. Well my Husband and I figured it all out it is not the birds that she has it is her voice. I had to laugh about it becuase both of the boys were quiet while they ran the show. Anyway I am undecited on weather to keep the box going for the T.V. here in the main room so I can flip on thier Paula at noon and at 6. Other than that I will be off of the computer for most of the day today and go from there. I wander what is in store for me today. Since yesterday got a bit better after picking up Alice. When some of us play by the rules around here and most of the people don't even know if and when I am home since I am quiet around here even with the 2 quaker parrots here in the place talking to eachother. When my birds go into stress becuase of the radio across the street then I do have a problem with it and the so called Management does not even care about what is going on. This is why I am saveing up more than normal around here and going cheaper than what is expected of me. Well some said it best yesterday when they told the supposad manager around here that he should beat the boy but, wont becuase, we would be the ones to get the boot out of here. After we got back with Alice the office finally could hear the go kart and the radio 2 blocks away. So I will be getting more coupons, there is also the Kmart card and do some shopping over there, and many many more things also that I will be doing around here. I can also streach out more stuff around here that will hurt others that walk in to my place. There are ways and tricks still that I want to try yet around here as of yet. During the week it is a bit easier on me to start trying more also. Ok folks have fun and play harder.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Well I got the plucked chicken
My Olliver is madder than snot at me and that is ok. Alice is the plucked chicken around here since he plucked the feathers off of his chest and legs. The kids (birds) are getting along in seperate cages and I will go from there. Both are talking back and forth and talking on the phone this afternoon. As soon as I can get pictures I will post them on the blog here. Anyway today was a kind of a bummer day since a thunder storm went thru around here. I could care less about the mall at this point and if it burned down tomarrow I woulden't care at all. The strike of lightning was that close. Well at least some things have calmed down around here and that is how I like it all. Today has been fairly cheap around here even though that my Husband got home at about 11:30 this morning. After listening to the punk across the street all dang day I could care less about him also while I am at it. At 15 he has been expelled from school and both parents take off and could care less about the boy. So my Husband went to the office and told them about it athat the town clowns don't care niether. I have my reasons of going dirt cheap even more now. Just to get out of the can around here. I would rather live in the projects at this moment than deal with the maroons across the street. So tomarrow the T.V. along with everything else will be off tomarrow for a good 8+ hours if not longer. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Thinking once again
Well I went to see the "plucked chicken" yesterday and the Quaker Parrot is doing good. Another abused bird in my place if I have my way. At least that the poor bird is not takeing it out on everyone for being abused from a prior owner. It is no more expencive than to have another bird in the can except for the scratch paper for the bottom of the cage. I do pick up 20lbs of seed at one time anyway. It comes out to 2 big bags of seed and 2 differant types so there is a veriaty in the dish. Pluss Olliver is so dang picky that it's funny. Anyway since it is raining out I will be staying inside for the day. Tomarrow is going to be the good day to start in on the walks. It will take me less time to get up to the pet store that way than driveing to it. At the moment I already have a load in the washer and I will be useing the dryer at least for today. I have no choice in the matter. Pluss I do not have to cook again tonight since there are still leftovers in the fridge. Well things could be alot worse around here to say the least. Now to go on the search for coupons and other things for this afternoon for the can. I replaced the ink cartrage this morning. I saved about 32 dollars by getting the Office Max brand and I will let you know in how that works for me this afternoon. Ok folks have fun and play harder.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Here I sit
The poor Hubby is out cold on the sofa and I had to turn on the modem once again early. To bad some people are missing this one in life. Well I am still waiting on the dish water to cool down so I can get the rest of the dishes done around here today. Yes I am still mad about some things that happened last week and I am supporting another child on welfare becuase his Mom (my step daughter) refuses to get full time employment and is doing what her mother did to her. That is what makes me madder than ever is the folks who work Part Time and collects full welfare Benafates eather way pluss child support. I wander if she even bothered to ask her ex to sign over custoty to the new man like her mother asked my Husband to do. Like that is gonna help matters out any if at all. As I have said the welfare system is so broken here in NY State that it is not even funny at all. And the Budget is late as normal with the Albany Crew running this God forsaken state. While all the bills keep going up includeing the grocery bill I am stuck paying for Idots like my Step Daughter to eat for free includeing my Grandson. What some do not know will not hurt them niether around here. I would rather have full custoty of my grandbaby and know he is well taken care of and not hurting for squat. Where he has no worries of laying his head at night and eating his next meal unlike myself growing up. Or if his Mommy is gonna wig out becuase he grew another 2" that month. Myself and my Husban can save alot of headaches in the long run and No My GrandSon isen't mentally insane at all. What runs in his mom side of the family is a long line of Mental contole and a few other things which I hope that my Step daughter never experianced also growing up like I did. It does run in familys eather way and my grandson has the gift also. Ok folks this one is food for thought and to think on it all.
Well finally
Ok I have leftovers for the next week or month if I really wanted to after yesterday. That is fine by me. Today is one of them days that I will get out of the can for about 35 min for the bank unless the pet store is open today. I seen a battered Quaker Parrot there on Saturday and will take the bird in. I will have to have 2 cages for awhile to keep the kids apart untill they get use to eachother and a few other tricks up my sleeve to make both happy in the same cage when the time comes. Anyway today is an off beat day somewhat and will keep the T.V. on untill about 10 am today since I have some running to do this morning. Normally when I am home most things are off at 7 am except the monster on my desk. Then even that goes off by 830-9 am also. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Never ending battle today
The first leg of the cookies are done around here. The ginger cookies I want really cold so I can roll them out better. What I will not do for a good friend. I haven't started on all of the cookies nor the pies as of yet. I have been haveing a hard time getting motivated around here. Knowing what I have to do as of yet I do not wander why at all. I am also not looking forward to heating up the can with the oven niether. Oh well at least things will be getting done today and it will be a busy day also weather I want it to be or not. At this point it is cheaper to bake and do other things than what I really want to do around here. I was already doing things before some got out of bed this morning also. And that is ok by me I got a jump on some of the house work. With me alot of the times I work better alone and now is no exception to the fact to the week. AnywayI had put the ham in the deep freezer and now for it to dethaw once again. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Well some stress already
There is some stress around here and nothing that I can not handle at all. Most of it is alot of bakeing and pulling stuff out for tomarrow. Pluss I need to get over to Walmart for Real Milk for tomarrow anyway. Pluss my Husband came in early yesterday and coulden't believe that both sinks wer full of dirty dishes. That is what I get for cooking for most of the day. And a quick phone call to my one grandmother to talk with her while I was getting the sauce ready. That was all that I needed for it to turn out right. If I knew that 15 years ago then I would have called her more while I was makeing the sauce. Pluss the dog was totally funny yesterday when I got the sauce done. She wanted a taste of it and wanted more after that. At this point I am trying to plot out most of the day and trying to get my toush into gear to get alot of this done no matter how warm it gets in the can today. I will be hollering for more fans to get them in the windows around here. Once I get started I should be ok around here on the bakeing and dethawing. I am not sure on the ham or the chicken for tomarrow. I haven't made ham for awhile anyway and that was over 2 years ago for the buff babies. Well now lets see what I can do with this one. Some folks that won't be here at my place and refuse to come over will not know what they are missing for dinner eather way. Not my loss on it again becuase my door is always open to most folks for the holliday dinners. As I say ya snooze ya loose and hatered just grows untill you get to the point of madness. That is why I stoped hateing years ago. Instead the next day with myself I come up swinging and work it off untill I figure it all out. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Well one of them days again
After being just totally Pissed Off for the past couple of days my can is almost clean. Also I haven't started prepping for Sunday. Well another Easter will be here and it doesen't bother me like it all should not seeing my grandson once again this year. This is why I will be cheaper than snot so I can get out of the can. Also I do not have to leave a forwarding address while I am at it to some folks. So here I sit and think of what else I can do to slash and cut the bills down. The past couple of days I have had the windows open and the furnace has not kicked in hardly at all and I have been on the computer more as of late. I have been excapeing into the radio pluss cleaning on the cheap while I am at it all. I did do alot yesterday since I came up swinging and will do more today at least just to keep my sanity around here. And never again will I reach out my hand to anyone that is ungreatfull while I am at it on the one side of the family. So I will think of more ways to start going cheaper once again and revamp the can and or house once again. And since the lot rent has went up another 10 dollars this month for what is my question I will be looking pretty heavy here for a house. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Well I am in one of them days
After yesterday I am in the mood of almost throwing my hands up. Well after getting several opinions on what to do I am still right on some things and things should be and better off said face to face not thru an E-mail. Now I can say that I will be majorly looking for a place after danceing around for about 16 years becuase of another ungreatfull child. At this point after much thought yesterday and out wheighing everything I will be going to the dirt cheap side of life. Then there is no aurguments on squat in what I do. At this point I can hang out laundery from now on. And have everything off on top of it all. Yesterday was a bit wierd anyway and I had someone from the stat asking if the person on the bills lived here and the person was asking if we all had the cheaper companies to help out with the power and gas bills. I looked at him and said you are lucky that the only thing on was the computer at that time and normally that was off during the day also with everything else. The guy gave me a shocked look about what I do to the power all day long. Thru the summer months you would be suprized in how the electronics throw off alot of heat. I can lower the temp by 10 in the can by haveing everything off during the day. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
The new goal in life
Now I have realized why I went to the cheaper side of life. I am done of being mad and totally Pissed off at the government and a few other people here in NY State. And came to turms that life just bites some of us in the toush eather way we go. Now that I am at total ease about some things around here I can go cheaper around here. I just talked with my one Niece and will call her back tonight. Now normally I do not get to the brink of being so mad that I am into tears that often around here and today set me off on the madder than Hell and into tears. Now I do not say this often and mark it down that I did say this is that my real parents have been devoiced for 34 years and I missed out on alot of things in my life PERIOD. The only thing I do regret out of my life is not haveing enough money to travel to see my Baby brothers after the whole thing going down. I do know that every family has the deep dark secrets out of life my family has them also. Some are not willing to stab ya in the back as much as some families are that are out there. I also told my step daughter that you better hope to God that your life is not as rotten as mine has been over the years and that I have extended my hand to ya bcuase I know what was said without saying it all. I was hopeing to have the relationship with my father under a differant name at one point in time. Now I have my chance and realized that what the Hell is in a dang last name anyway. I keped my madin name pluss my married name with this Husband without a problem. I can say that I can tell ya what happened to me will make some toes curl and then some without the first Husband at 16. So now I have a new lease on my life to go even cheaper without a problem to get the heck out of the Trailer Park that I have been stuck in for about 17 years. Trust me I can make it all work around here without help. But with todays word on what has gone on I have the Will and deturmanation to move on without the help at all. All I needed to do was talk with another person who understood my point and say it is ok get the world by the balls again kid that is how everyone raised you also. Now with some folks they will notice a huge differance in me after all of the years that they have known me. And some will day Dang it's about time also. I have already surpassed some on the being cheap anyway and I did need that. Now it is full blown I just don't give a damn on who I really hurt and I will be blunt and cheap all in the same ball once again. Today was the test and Damn it I am ready to take on the full world once again. So alot of folks will notice a differance in the blog from now on. And that I will be even cheaper than snot when it comes down to it from now on. I am out for me and screw the world from now on. At this point the only thing that I have on is the monster of my computer and that is it. I have cable for my other half and on Saturday nights for Chip Coffery for the Children that he helps out on his show. Well after this morning I can believe that my girls Mother has fed her a bunch of B.S. and she was kept in the dark on things in life. Now after 11 years of marrage I don't think I am getting a divorce from this one unless there is a totally rich Bastared out there who wants my damage goods in life. This is part of why I do not care of what others think of me and how I do things in my household also. I never realized thru my Life that I had back up also untill now with some of my family members on both sides. So alot of good things came out of today and I am appreciative of that. Now if I can get recipies and some other tips also on how others have servived in life I will try them out and not only that I will be the greatfull one eather way. As I told a person today I only have the computer on for the flipping radio and he was lucky at that. Otherwise I do not need the rest of what he was trying to sell me at all and I have been burnt out of other programs also. To get out on the net and to use the phone around here I have to keep the modem on. Otherwise the T.V. has been off since 730 this morning and I will keep it like that weather folks like it or not around here. I have perfect controle of my bills around here for the most part and I will be hanging laundery up also for the extra saveings. That is what some folks do not like about me at all is that I do not care of what is said all I know is what I do to keep up and like it. Now with some I do not care if they know if I am with child or not. Since some do not want to bother with me and thier father it is none of thier brains of how many children I have or not. It is thier loss and not mine on what is going on since they chose not to stay in contact with me.
I knew it would
Well I knew that things would blow up in my face and they kind of did. I have came to the fact of some of the folks around where I am at in NY State can lie cheat and steel around here. And I think I have seen enough of that side of life around here. And some of the folks have felt my Bluntness and being truthfull about things as of this week now. Pluss I need to apologize to my Father once I think about it and to my step mother also. Once I got older and started realizeing things and the why behind it all I started forgiveing alot of things that went on. Part of why I feel like the way I do is becuase I was always caught in the middle growing up that now it doesen't even bother me when I am still stuck in the middle of things when I am an adult. I just do the best that I can and take it out on things that are good for my household and myself. This is one of the main reason that I went to the Cheap side of life. And since there is no wrong way of doing it I have no complaints at all about it. Pluss money has always been tight around me so that is another reason I went to the cheap side also. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Got my list made
Well I got my list made yesterday morning while other paperwork was being done at the kitchen table. I knew I woulden't have much room with everything scattard about. My Hubby of course was shocked that my list was growing like a bad weed for the week. All I can do is tackle the list one thing at a time and go from there. I was suprized that I got as far as I did yesterday and I diden't have to lift a finger to take the garbage buckets out at all. So that was a good thing since someone else did it for me. Well alot of things are getting unplugged and turned off today around here once again since I was running behind all day yesterday and what suprized my Hubby was that almost everything was still turned off by the time he got back from loading. He should be in Indiana at the moment. Anyway I am off to start cleaning once again for today and see how much more I can knock off the list that is fairly cheap around here. Ok folks have fun and play even harder.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Well I am waiting
As I sit here and wait on my Hubby to get back here I have been doing house work and got a request for more cookies. With some of my kids I will do anything for eather way they all know this. Pluss I will make sauce for this weekend while I am at it all. I need to make the sauce anyway and let some of it sit for a while before I use it. What I will not do for my Kids here that I love dearly. Also the person on my mind I will carry into my place without a problem just because he is one of my favorites. Anyway now to see what I can do for at least 4 dozen cookies and go from there for Friday and the sauce. I will have this end of the Trailer park drooling and hawking around my place eather way before Easter. The answer is no to some children around here looking for a hot meal eather way and I don't care if they want a hot meal or not. Some children have parents to cook for them and if the parents don't have a clue as to how to cook that is not my problem at all. Well I will be cooking on the cheap and going from there also from now on. I don't care what others think about it. It is better than the Peanutbutter and Jelly sandwiches that some parents make for thier children all of the time and think it is normal and CPS here in NY State says it's ok for the parents to do so also. I have never seen a child get expelled from school and get rewarded with a Go Kart unlike the ones across the street from me. The boy is lucky if he seen maybe 4 weeks out of the school year to go to school. I have also heard that 3 quarters of the Niagara Whietfield school children are after this little boys toush also for what he has done. From what I have seen out of the Little Boy(15 years old) across the street from me I do not wander why that many children are after him to beat the heack out of him also. The boy has lost all of his friends and then some this year after the head lice that he has had and he refusese to take a shower or a bath during the week also. Now to give you an Idea on how the children are across the street from me are they wear the same thing for all week and are very dirty children. The girl has poped off with the woman across the stree hates me also when I diden't even know the child at all. I diden't like her and diden't know why untill she poped off at the mouth with that comment to me. With the father leting the children go and blareing the music the way he does gee I wander why I do not like all of them in the household at all. As one of the Park workers told me I was so loud that he diden't know if I was home or not most of the time. He lives across the street on top of the trash that out rules everyone and does not have to fallow the rules of the Park at all. With myself even with the Internet Radio going folks do not hear me at all during the summer bashes that I hold here at my place. The golden retriver comes over and says Hi to all of us also. That dog I do not mind coming over at all. Only becuase the dog and I talk while I am hanging laundery out from early spring to late fall around here. Also I know that the dog is a good baby also eather way I go. The one across the street is left out constantly and the park nor the SPCA here in the Niagara county of NY cares about it. But they would care if a .45 bullet goes into the dogs head. If some of us did that to our dogs then the whole household would be raided for the other animals also besides the dog. Now you know why I have to get out of here from the Cavalier and Accociates of Sabre Park. I can wright a book as of As Sabre Park Turns the later years. My Husband and another can wright a book of As Sabre Park turns the early years also. The innocent folks will have thier names changed while the rotten trouble makers of Trash will keep thier names around here. Yes I own a tin can persay around here and keep to myself. I have managed for almost 17 years like this and will keep it all up also. I have been looking into "Real Houses" also while I am at it to get out of here. If anyone wants to get into a LandContract with me I am willing to put a sum of money down and pay 450 a month and the taxes are on me as well. As long as if I ahve enough space to clear out the storage unit and keep it on the property I am fair game to almost anything. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Lots of laughs last night
Well as I sit here and think of what went on last night I have to still laugh at some of it all. Some things can not be explained to your HMO at all. Now that today has begun it is Monday and I need to get my list up and going so I can somewhat plot out the day of course. I will be eating leftovers from last night for the week. To some folks in what I am about to do is just wrong to them. Like I care at this point in time. The folks who hollar about most of the stuff does not live here at my place. Anyway I just checked out my balance on my card for Kmart and I am impressed on it at this point. I am well on my way to some stuff to get for the can or the house eather way I look at it. I will start shopping more over at Kmart here and they take coupons also on alot of things there. The trick is to get things on sale and with a coupon to save more at expensive stores. I have cards for many stores around here. If you can let the points or money build up and you can get money off of something in the long run. Like the one grocery store if you get 100 dollars in groceries you get 10 cents off of gas when you fill up your vehicals. Well you get the point on that. I have known some to get dang near free gas also from the perk. Just like with Kmart the money builds up on the card and then you can do some major damage in the store on alot of stuff. I was not going to waste the 15 cents that was on my one card to get it took off my bill. I will let it build up for awhile. Pluss I can do some major damage once a month anyway once a month shopping. It never hurts to save when you can. My Husband and I were laughing over the weekend about going shopping also. Some figure that all I do around here is sit on my toush when I don't at all. Things have to be done around here and I do most of the work anyway while I have the place to myself. That is why most of the things get turned off so I can work in the place and save money while I am at it all. Also the Hubby was saying that at least he will not starve in the truck nor in the kitchen around our place at all. I have been known to knock off between 5-100 dollars off the bills by useing the coupons and other things to get groceries also. Once you get use to doing something it is not hard to keep the habbit of doing to save the money at all. Just like when I started cutting back on the laudery items it was hard at first. I noticed a huge differance in how the items came out and much cleaner also by cutting things in half and useing an eighth of the laundery deturgant of what the bottle calls for. Some things need to washed twice with the dirt and the grime. When the water is just down right nasty you almost have to wash the load of laundery again. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Well one ppv a year
I get one pay per view a year and the buff babies won this year. It has been good so far. At least by one per year I am not gonna hollar to much. It comes to be about 2 dollars a month for the year. Anyway today was a fairly good day I have stayed out of the stores for the most part. I did get the paper and that was it for today. So now to clip coupons for this week and go for next month to the grocery store totally. Well I feel sorry for the poor cashier who takes me this next go around. Well over 33 dollars in todays paper that I have clipped. Well that is not bad off of a 2 dollar paper. I haven't even looked at the sales papers yet. I am just wandering around here on how much I can save on the coupons this up coming month. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Another 2 weeks
I have about another 2 weeks before some family will be up. So I will be hitting the grocery store somewhat here next weekend. Well yesterday was a mess when I took my Husband out to do shopping for the truck. I did manage to get my 20% coupon I hope for the one store. Pluss I was over at Kmart yesterday also. I will be watching thier sales fairly well from now on pluss a few other things. Now normally I would have took the 15 cents off the bill and got to thinking of that one. Save up as much as I can on the card and have a big shopping trip for what I need from there and a few extras when I get enough money on the card. Tag the card up with the coupons also I will end up rakeing over Kmart. My card is good all over the place also. What gets to me about the stores around here is that one store has the Green Works laundery deturgant pluss bathroom cleaner, another store has the rest of the Green Works products. Not that I mind shopping around at all. I can say that once I do try out the Green Works deturgent I will let all folks know about it. Pluss I will be for the most part on the same page for the Product line in the place if I like it. Well in my place there are several folks that come over that have medical issues and it seems that the Green Works products do not bother them as bad as the others out in the stores. I sprayed one of the cleaners infront of a friend and it diden't bother his lungs at all. It is abit more money for the products I will admit to it. Also alittle goes along way so it is well worth the extra money for the products. As I sit here and think of all the things that I have done to save money and what I diden't get to yesterday also. And also knowing as of Thursday the windows will be open and I will be cleaning the carpets around here. Pluss hanging out the laundery while I am at it all. Most of the house work will be done this week I have the feeling. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
When it rains it poors for some
I got out to the reservation yesterday. While I was walking out the door from there to hit Walmart to look around my phone is going off. I didn't know if my Husband was gonna laugh or just blow gaskets. One of the hydrolic lines blew up on the trailer. I started laughing remembering what happened to the poor guy with the bailer that the one company I was working for. After I could keep a straight face again I asked how covered he was by the oil. The truck got it worse than anything. Well I was thinking of alot of grease relief for the one load of laundery. Anyway today I a ton of things to do around here that I am being really lazy for the moment to figure out where to start at. Pluss for dinner tonight I am pulling out sauce from the jar. I will be makeing my sauce here within the week at least. With family coming up it is easier to have the sauce made already. It is fairly cheap to make when you catch the makeings on sale at the stores. And there are some needs that I ahve to meet food wise. I do not want to agravate any health problems on my watch at all. It is how I am becuase I remember the peppers and the alergies that I have. So now for the next couple of weeks I will go thru the place and really clean around here also while I am at it all. At least for the middle to end of the week the windows will be open to air out the place also. It will be nice around here to see a clean place eather way I go. Yes I have started on that last week and have been doing it alittle at a time. I have no choice in the matter at all. Most of what I have to do is pick up and rearange the place. That is the hardest part of the whole thing. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Well it wasen't hard
Well after last night I got to thinking of the question that was asked of me. Well I did ask for a favor from someone also and got blown off so I started looking myself. I have been like this since I was a child. So I started to praying and slept on it and sprang into action still tired and found almost what I was looking for. I will be sending an email out here before I get totally off of the monster on my desk. This is why I say if you can not find something in the phone book try the net and do a search on something or a person. Like I care if a person denies me for a request on some web sites. I will extend a hand when I can for a friendship. I found out thru a friend that I was a Grandmother also. I am just hopeing that my Husband hasn't just totally gave up on his Daughter at all. This is part of the reason I just don't want to move without saying something at all to anyone. And that is if I get a "Real House". So anyway today I have to get out to the reservation I am hopeing this morning so I can get back here for this afternoon. OK folks have fun and play hard.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Thinking of how cheap I can get
With the prices going up and I am wandering in how cheap I can really get around the can. I lead a very simple life and get to be as cheap as I want without problems out of anyone. It took me 5 years to really notice this now. It may be mean to say I do not have a rotten girl here in my place and with good reasons on my part and the Child did help in some ways by not wanting to come here to live. SO with alot of things I did replace the child with appliances that I could afford by cutting costs around here without her even steping foot into my place after she did call me Trailer Trash a few years back. I have went cheap/frugal for a reason and never bothered to move becuase things were going fairly well at the time also. Now I realize that there is a need to get into a better neighborhood once in for all for my own sake so I do not beat anyone to the point of murder charges. I have stuck to myself for that reason. Now at this point in time I have the push to make better and won something that I pay real taxes on at least instead of lot rent and owning a can that I will never own the land on. I have figured out ways of being really really dirt cheap and frugal at the same time without help. Some things will not change only get better in my book by useing coupons for all of the stores around me. Pluss streaching everything out to the limits also in what I do have around the can. Most do the double duty anyway and now there will be triple duty going down weather folks like it or not out of me. The barrowing of money has sease to stop as of this moment also around here. I know folks are struggleing around here and so are the rest of us that are fighting to cut everything down also. I have folks that do barrow money off of me and they do not really care if it is food out of all of my households mouths or not. When I say that I streach out the money around here it also means that I have streached out the grocery money also. I have 2 kitchens to run when some have one and have extra money coming in becuase of the food stamps that they get once a month. They are getting more than what I did about 9 years ago almost 10 now in food. 250 dollars compaired to 130 dollars that I brought in to feed a family of 2. I still haven't got any breaks since then niether also. So inbetween time I will start useing more coupons and going as cheap as possible for the food and other items for the 2 kitchens that I have to run. This is what just bugs me to no extent around here. Also what bugs me is that NY State government could give a flying rats behind on alot of us working poor. I have never heard of a sugar tax untill now. Like it matters for the folks on food stamps anyway around the state. You do not pay taxes on things with food stamps period. Now do not get me wrong here I do enjoy a soda or two during the week if that. Becuase coffee and tea get old during the day and sometimes you just need the bubbles to quinch your thirst. Ok folks more to come later and have fun and play hard.
Plotting for the day
I sit around in the mornings and plot out the day ahead. Pluss to start the day the news is going also. Some days I do not get to everything that I need to so it gets dumped into the next day. That is normal in alot of places. With myself I try to get as much done in the mornings as I can and that me. Some folks work better in the afternoon. It depends on the person and the household. Anyway at this point I will have most of everything off in the can once again today and off at the power strips also. When you get use to no back ground noise except the dog across the street barking it is not so bad. Ok folks I have to get a move on around here. Have fun and play harder.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Well folks want to call me trash cool
All I have to say for the folks who call me trash is look across the street at 34 here in Sabre park then you get the real trash out of the world. Now I have writen letters to the managemen and called them to say what is going on and I have been ignored right along with the town clowns like they do much anyway pluss with all the neighbors that have complained also about the trailer and the useless kids and parents. Now I do hope that I get the one house that I looked at on Saturday so I can get the Hell out of this Hellhold of what the Caviliear Associates call a trailer park. The Section 233 has done squat also along with NY Government for to help anyone that fallows the rules here in the So Called Trailer Park also. Now after the past 16 almost 17 years of being here in NY nobody has don SHIT about SHIT around here to help out the folks that are left that sill try to plant flowers and other things in thier yards to make the place more friendly to other folks. Now I just turned on my computer about 12:45 pm and otherwise everything else is totally off at the power bars here in the can. I haven't even ran the washer today at all and I need to also for a few things to get caught up on. Since it is a nice day outside I could hang another comfy out on the line and wont do it becuase I need the break and so does the washer around here. This is what happends when you have fallen behind and folks who don't care how much the bills go up with them being here altogeather. I will never see a Damn dime out of the person who ran up the bills for me nor out of the park when the Lazy Bastard is working for them again. That is what I get for paying into the system and The Lazy Bastard can work off the books for Cavilier Associates and collect full blown welfare on top of it all. And NY State wanders why they are so broke as to the tune of 9 billion dollars in a deffacet. Gee if they thought of throwing half the folks that collect welfare in this God forsaken state that can work and make good money gee its time to revamp the system and a few other things while they are at it all. Now I will admit that I got smart this time and had extra money pulled back and could still eat off of what my Husband brought in off of 1200 dollars a month and not ask for any type of asistance from the government at all I see the problem here. It also helps to know what you are doing to keep the place stocked in food and other items also while you are at it. See being a truckers wife it does help somewhat to know what you use for the most part around the place in food and other items. When I can sit here and say that I eat alot of rice and pasta I mean it also right along with alot of chicken also. Now for this past Saturday I have got another 2 whole chickens for 79 cents a pound to feed the household. Gee there is a pop themomitor to tell ya when the dang thing is done and for about 4 dollars later for 4 -10 folks for dinner I wander why I got the birds in the first place. And about another 4 dollars for the trimmings and side dishes for the dinner nobody goes hungery out of my place at all. Now for trailer 34 here in Sabre park all they feed the children are Peanut butter and Jelly sandwiches and that is it. The only hot meal they get is at school and that is if they make it to school at all. Otherwise the children are begging the neighbors for a hot meal eather way and the CPS workers have dropped the balla round here. Trailer 34 is another one that needs to be thrown off of welfare also since thier father makes enough for 4 people to eat and pay the bills in the household also. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Saved some money yesterday
Yesterday I saved about 19 dollars in coupons at Walmart. The poor woman behind me seen the mini stack that I had and said well you won't save enough off the bill to make a differance anyway. Well the gal thatwas behind me was shocked to say the least when she heard the beginning total and the ending total. I told here that the beer that I picked up was for free after the coupons. I had the whole line in laughter with that one. I still have to put away most of the stuff from yesterday since I had walked thru the door and get a phone call saying I will be there within 45 min. The truth of it is I am so use to being alone during the week that it shocks me when my Husband comes home in the middle of the day and week. So here I am it is Wensday and I need to get some things done around here today and it is all of the easy stuff to get done. Around my place the hard part is the bathroom and changeing the bed sheets. Other than that it is smooth sailing around here by the middle to end of the week around here. My husband looked in the sink and said to me is that all of the dishes that you used??? I coulden't help but to laugh about it all. I do not go thru that many dishes to do them every day while he is gone so I wait for acouple to 3 days to start in on them. This is why I do not mind being alone for the week at all around here. Well I may as well get the morning rutine going and get as much done as I can around here before the afternoon comes in with a bang. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Well a depressed household
The dog and bird are mad that my Husband came and left already today. What else could I do except give him a Hot cup of Coffee and chocolate for the rest of the week. I am not so depressed about it as the dog and the bird are but, that is me. Alot of the work has been done and my Hippy asked what did I do since he left on Sunday. Now if that is not a death wish then what is around my place. Also what I did looks clam compaired to what a good friend did and I had no part in it at all now. I was worried about a parent and so on, on me and what if it were my own family. I will be the first one to admit I have heart and nothing else with it. After I got here to NY State my heart got bigger and other things shrunk. Well All have to understand my Mother is older and what if it was my parent who fell out of bed and broke bones. If you see something wrong do not hessitate to pick up the phone then if the place they are at does not do what you want or hear the answers you want call the County Health board then the State health board. Take a stand for the elderly when You Can I know I will be there soon enough and so will other folks of my age. I am 35 and noticeing things just now. I hope my step Children otherwise known as my own Children pop off with what is right and wrong to make thier lives better the next time they are in the Hospital eather way. I really LOVE all the kids that I have had in my care and other wise in life. I hope I have instilled in the children that I cared for have a HEART and fallow it it will ease ya later on in life. As 3 have found out in life on thier own and said what is on thier mind. My one Daughter I don't know about since I have not heard from her and I know I am a Grandmamma eather way at age 35. I wish My Ayla would get a hold of me eather way since I have not moved at all in 16 years of my life. I can thank her Daddy for that one. Her supposad Mother may have not gave MY GIRL stubillity, but her father is stable and has been in the past almost 18 years with me. Just becuase, some folks can't stand up to Out Laws doesen't mean I can't at all. Trust me the Out Laws that are in my family they know I am blunt and true to the point and that is it. I have no reason to lie or beat around the bush at all. That is why I say my friends and who I consider family are close to me and My Own Daughter with the new marrige is NO DIFFERANT at all. I gave her a look and she moved and the poor child hardly knew me at all. At the time she was way to young to be in my own kitchen and so on Alya would know this while I was cooking. Now if she asked Ma would ya teach me your secreats on things she would get it. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Well today can only get better
It can only get better today. I have to do some shopping today with the coupons. Now I am really thinking of going home(Illinois). I was asked from a dear friend when I am coming home again. Well put it this way alot of heat and I may as well pack shorts and regular T-shirts. That is the fun part about the heat around there. Anyway another reason to start saveing money for the next couple of months also. Well between of the not knowing and the needing to get home, home is out ruleing everything again. My Mom had to laugh the last time I was in becuase I had a hard time rinseing my hair. At this point I am thinking even more coupons and a few other things around here to go even cheaper. I can get some stuff down in Illinois cheaper than up here of course. Never fails pluss most of my coupons are good down there also. Well today is one of them days of lets see how far I can get also around here. I am still cleaning today and will hit the store this morning while I am at it all. That is the fun part about the whole thing. Also with all the coupons the cashiers will freek out at any store that I go to anyway today. Well at least they don't have to lift anything for about 5 min. with me going thru the line. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Shakeing my head
Most of the list is done there are things that just need to be done as of yet. Well I will be working on the rest of the list for this week also and a few other things. Niether phone has gone off niether since lastnight. It is nice that I can sit here and plot still without being bothered. Since it has been raining out even the dog doesen't want to go out. She has been sleeping for most of the day. As I sit here I have just flipped the T.V. on and what they have on HSN I got the gal beat all to heck for cheap meals in the Magazine. I am shakeing my head on it all around here. For alot of stuff you can cook on the cheap without the pressure cooker even. Now I will admit that the rice cooker was a good investment even since I do eat alot of rice. In my place I go for the quick and easy meals that do not cost an arm and a leg pluss the first born. As I tell folks it is not hard at all once you get use to it all. I have been asked just recantly on about being a housewife alsoand you must be really broke around where you live at. Well Since we are not as broke as folks think we are I do work in the home cleaning and running my own thing also. I know folks who both work out of the home and they are broker than I am. Miss management of the money on thier end. Then agian I do not go after the most expensive things out at the grocery store now. There is alot of rice, ground meats, chicken, flour, onions, garlic, and soups in my place. Pluss alot of pasta. I do have canned veggies in the place for the winter time. That is me and runts for neighbors also. This is why I am hopeing for a better place in a better neighborhood so I can start planting again. Then this way I can do more also and figure out all the bills also from here to there. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Well another one
I am not happy about my cable bill going up another 50 dollars at all. We will see what happends next month on it when I see the statement if someone ordered pay per view stuff on me. Then I will have to hut the lazy son of a pup down and beat him totally after I find out. I may order one ppv(pay per view) once a year around here and it is about 50 dollars for what I do order here. Well worth the money and to see a blood bath once a year. I do not care if you say that the WWE is fake. I have seen folks get really hurt off the pay per views to the point where they had to have thier noses reconstructed along with sinuses and knees redone. IF you think that is fake then start asking in what happends. That is why there is do not try this at home statement also at the beginning of the programs that they have. Anyway at least I can say that I figured out the user name and the passwords to the bill once again. One of the bills that I do pay on line besides my insurance. The cell phones come directly out of my account once a month. It saves me at least 30 dollars a month doing it this way. With the stamps gas and a few other charges on top of it all. So you may want to check into the pay on line or directly taken out of the account to pay bills. The only 4 that I havent bothered with is the water, gas, power, and lot rent. And Cavalier Associates will never see that out of me PERIOD. The scum suckers get enough money out of me once a month they don't need any more out of me at all. And that is why there are huge pot holes in the park when you come in enough to swallow the mini van to say the least around here. As one owner said the streets have been done, well how come the pot holes are worse than the City Of Niagara Falls around here in Sabre Park is the question of the day. The place that I looked at ok the street is beat to snot but at least there's not crators big enough to swallow the mini van and a Tractor for an 18 wheeler. Ok I will admit my Lot Rent is going to 355 in April of this year. Nothing has been done except the Fema trailers that they all bought for the park. The pot holes haven't been filled and I have to fix my own drive way according to the Cavilier Associates. It says to maintain not fix the Drive way. The end of the drive has collapsed with major crators comeing up in the drive way. I refuse to pay the rent and fix the drive. Also some renters are able to leave thier dogs out 24/7 around here and nothing is said to them at all about thier dog barking all hours of the day and nothing is done to them at all. Pluss some let thier Children just run and don't care what they all do also. Now you know why I want to get out of Sabre Park eather way. I have been here for 16 years and it has got alot worse in the past 10 years. Now it is just to the point of I have drug out my .45 and I also need zap collars for some folks around here. I was going to sit on a desk today and I just don't feel up to it at all at this point in time. The maintanace workers seen what I have to put up with during the day and it is not my dog not the dog behind me that barks at every little thing that moves. Today has been fairly quiet around here except the dog across the street barking its head off at the guys. One of the Fema trailers are going up across the street from us. Oh well guess that some have to park on thier own lots when they sell the trailer. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Well found out a bit more
Well I thought that the past 2 weeks were brutal. Well it got worse and Thank God that some folks came home off of the working trip got home this past week. Now I really refuse to go to Mt. St. Mary's for anything. I know there are ways to keep someone in the hospital and some have thier ways of doing it also. I know a couple of ways and I will not say in how at this point becuase the one was in the right to keep someone in just in case. Well the person that was at the garbage pit hospital, got relesed and went home when she needed to be still in with the few things that were going on still. Anyway one of my kids are feeling like I am also you do right and be honest about things and we get tourched. Well I should have listened to the poor girl in the first place and I shoved the feeling down like I normally do. Something was said and I told her no go do what you had planed for get your mind off of what's going on at this point. So I missed a Funeral once again. Since I do not get the paper at all and do not always look at the Obituaries on line while I am at it all. It would have helped if someone called that I thought was a friend. Just becuase the guys wife and I are not talking doesen't mean that I am not talking to him also after all that has happend and said after January. Last straw was pulled put it that way. Anyway at this point today is going to busy to say the least and I am not going anywhere and I don't care for who it is and what is going on. I am takeing a me week per say. Just to make sure I am ok around here and to still play catch up to what I ignored during the past weeks around here. I just do not like being on the go that much at all. At this point I have a bit of laundery left and that will get done today and alot of other things around here also. Now that I have the time to do alot more around here it will get done. Well with like lets say the laundery here my Husband doesen't mind me getting that done once a week at all. Then this way I have enough for at least 4 full sized loads. That is how I operate for the most part becuase, I am still use to the old washer also. Now with the auto fill I do not have to worry about it that much now. It is a nice feature on the washer along with the H.E. I use less water anyway. Also I do not have the 90 dollar water bills at all between the washer and a few other tricks that I pull. The old washer would flood out the bathroom floor all the time one of the sencors was bad for the rince cycle so I had to keep an eye and an ear out for it. Also I do not flush the commode all of the time while I am at it all. Since there is only me here for 5 to 6 days a week sometimes more and less depending on the runs of the truck, I can go 3-4 times without flushing. Pluss to top it off I run 2 sinks of hot water one with dish deturgant the other just plain out water and when I am suddzing up in the shower I turn off the water untill I am done with that also. There are ways to save money all the way around here. Some of the things that I do may not work for everyone that is out there also. There is no right or wrong way of doing things at all. Just like I call the companies sometimes to see if I can get a better deal on thier service if not oh well if so cool beans for me. It seemed like every 3 to 6 months I was calling the regular phone company to see what they could offer me at a better price. Untill the one repair guy told me it was in my head and to stop the madness. Well the company got thrown out of my place and I worked off my cell phone. I had been useing the cell phone anyway for 7 months by then anyway becuase I could depend on the clarity and maybe a lost call once a month. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Normal Sunday
Now I can start laughing becuase it is a normal Sunday around here. Clipping coupons, paperwork being done, and leftover laundery also on top of everything. Now to just get hubby out the door and back to work for the week so I can start on my work once again. My list has just grown by another page of the to do list around here. And some folks that want to over extend me why around here. Well the Hubby finally realized that he was a part of the madness of the past 2 week around here. Now he won't be so quick to say well my wife will do it all after this one. I have done alot over Friday granted and this week will be madness once again for cleaning and a few other things also. I was teasing my Husband and asked if I could go to the grocery store again and use the coupons. He was like take the coupons and I'll get mad and started laughing about it. Well some are like well why do you get the Sunday paper every week anyway. I need the change for the Husband so he can run all week. I hand him money once a week for coffee and a few other things. Anyway with the person that I threw out of here last month the bills went up 100 dollars that I have to pay extra on that I will never see the money from the person who ran them up on me. Now that is not includeing the 300 dollars in groceries that the Lazy Bum went thru in 3 weeks also. What gets to me is that it was more work on me and no offers for to help me out nor to say that he was even sorry about what he did. Then some wander why I am quick to blow gaskets around here. Well after this no more folks are staying at my place at all. I am just wandering in how many lazy people are out there that do not need the system that are on it at this point in time also. Well that is part of the problem around here in NY State anyway. The ones of us that use the coupons and try to be cheap get screwed and can't go get help becuase of the other folks that took over. So here the ones of us have the food bill for the most part under controle and use the coupons around here to save even more on that budget and a few other things in the households. At this point in time most of the week everything is mainly off and will stay off also even more so now. That is what gets to me I feel like I am paying for the whole park for the water bill and the power bill around here. What has helped me out around here is that I shower everyother day and the new washer for the water bill. The washer has helped with the power bill also. Extended spin on the washer has helped also. I opened up the power bill today and about fell over at 130 this month (a month behind is how they all do it). I have not ran anything at all around here. When you try to explain something to a really lazy person on why to start unplugging stuff and why you don't want the phantom power going on and Out of his mouth was "I do this all the time at my house" and "Why are you hollering about it now". Gee you are in NY State now not the territory of the US. Now you know why I have blew up and then some around here. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
I started my list
I have started my list for the week and I have alot more to do than the past 2 weeks that have went by me in a blur. What has helped is that I have leftovers and still do for part of this week also. I am still swinging about the can being this bad still. So I will be cleaning for most of the week. I am hopeing that the next 2 weeks I will be cleaning my own house and not a can. I am not getting my hopes up for squat while I am at it also. Well what can I say in the past 3 years I have seen way to many places and coulden't afford none of them or they were way to far out from anyplace at all. Anyway I have a system in plan for the next year after the past 2 weeks and I will start going cheaper slowly and start adding things to do that are cheap/frugal also. Alot of it has to fall on me while I am home alone around here during the week. Some of it is that I am not going anywhere even if it kills me for this week. I told my Husband I am takeing a me week this week and tough don't care and this is how it all is. The answer I got was but,but,but. I must have shot him a look that he knew I wasen't playing at all. So for this week things will get done weather people want me to or not and I will declutter as much as I can for this week. And I will be takeing an inventory of the place and wait on alot of things once again. I am also plotting on alot around here this week to get things done around here. Some may laugh at my list of things to do around here and I check off the things that I have done during the day and week around here. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
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