Monday, March 22, 2010
Well found out a bit more
Well I thought that the past 2 weeks were brutal. Well it got worse and Thank God that some folks came home off of the working trip got home this past week. Now I really refuse to go to Mt. St. Mary's for anything. I know there are ways to keep someone in the hospital and some have thier ways of doing it also. I know a couple of ways and I will not say in how at this point becuase the one was in the right to keep someone in just in case. Well the person that was at the garbage pit hospital, got relesed and went home when she needed to be still in with the few things that were going on still. Anyway one of my kids are feeling like I am also you do right and be honest about things and we get tourched. Well I should have listened to the poor girl in the first place and I shoved the feeling down like I normally do. Something was said and I told her no go do what you had planed for get your mind off of what's going on at this point. So I missed a Funeral once again. Since I do not get the paper at all and do not always look at the Obituaries on line while I am at it all. It would have helped if someone called that I thought was a friend. Just becuase the guys wife and I are not talking doesen't mean that I am not talking to him also after all that has happend and said after January. Last straw was pulled put it that way. Anyway at this point today is going to busy to say the least and I am not going anywhere and I don't care for who it is and what is going on. I am takeing a me week per say. Just to make sure I am ok around here and to still play catch up to what I ignored during the past weeks around here. I just do not like being on the go that much at all. At this point I have a bit of laundery left and that will get done today and alot of other things around here also. Now that I have the time to do alot more around here it will get done. Well with like lets say the laundery here my Husband doesen't mind me getting that done once a week at all. Then this way I have enough for at least 4 full sized loads. That is how I operate for the most part becuase, I am still use to the old washer also. Now with the auto fill I do not have to worry about it that much now. It is a nice feature on the washer along with the H.E. I use less water anyway. Also I do not have the 90 dollar water bills at all between the washer and a few other tricks that I pull. The old washer would flood out the bathroom floor all the time one of the sencors was bad for the rince cycle so I had to keep an eye and an ear out for it. Also I do not flush the commode all of the time while I am at it all. Since there is only me here for 5 to 6 days a week sometimes more and less depending on the runs of the truck, I can go 3-4 times without flushing. Pluss to top it off I run 2 sinks of hot water one with dish deturgant the other just plain out water and when I am suddzing up in the shower I turn off the water untill I am done with that also. There are ways to save money all the way around here. Some of the things that I do may not work for everyone that is out there also. There is no right or wrong way of doing things at all. Just like I call the companies sometimes to see if I can get a better deal on thier service if not oh well if so cool beans for me. It seemed like every 3 to 6 months I was calling the regular phone company to see what they could offer me at a better price. Untill the one repair guy told me it was in my head and to stop the madness. Well the company got thrown out of my place and I worked off my cell phone. I had been useing the cell phone anyway for 7 months by then anyway becuase I could depend on the clarity and maybe a lost call once a month. Ok folks have fun and play hard.