Sunday, March 21, 2010
I started my list
I have started my list for the week and I have alot more to do than the past 2 weeks that have went by me in a blur. What has helped is that I have leftovers and still do for part of this week also. I am still swinging about the can being this bad still. So I will be cleaning for most of the week. I am hopeing that the next 2 weeks I will be cleaning my own house and not a can. I am not getting my hopes up for squat while I am at it also. Well what can I say in the past 3 years I have seen way to many places and coulden't afford none of them or they were way to far out from anyplace at all. Anyway I have a system in plan for the next year after the past 2 weeks and I will start going cheaper slowly and start adding things to do that are cheap/frugal also. Alot of it has to fall on me while I am home alone around here during the week. Some of it is that I am not going anywhere even if it kills me for this week. I told my Husband I am takeing a me week this week and tough don't care and this is how it all is. The answer I got was but,but,but. I must have shot him a look that he knew I wasen't playing at all. So for this week things will get done weather people want me to or not and I will declutter as much as I can for this week. And I will be takeing an inventory of the place and wait on alot of things once again. I am also plotting on alot around here this week to get things done around here. Some may laugh at my list of things to do around here and I check off the things that I have done during the day and week around here. Ok folks have fun and play hard.