Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Alot done
Well I got alot done here yesterday on the cheap side of things. Alot of it was picking up the kitchen and mopping the floor also. Now for the rest of the bathroom along with the main room here for today to clean of course so I will be busy yet again for the day. It makes me wander in why I get stuck doing things on my own here. Oh well I guess it could be worse totally at this time. As I sit here and think of making another list for the day here in what I will be doing to be caught up of course with the household it does not seem so bad now in what needs to be done. I am lucky to say that I have the scouring junk for the bathroom at this time so I can get the shower stall done and that room mopped up also today and it is the only thing that I have left out of that part of the bathroom at this time. With only about 15 cents to clean the bathroom that is left I feel lucky for that here totally. Also I will be getting upstairs today with the other bathroom that needs to be scrubbed down while I am at it all here it is not that bad once I think of it since the half bath does not get used all of the time. Yesterday here I ended up at Walmart for a handfull of items that I totally ran out of here in the household and the poor cashier started laughing about in what I had in the cart. Ok so I miss judged the dog food and the soda for the month here to say the least. Pluss there were 3 other things in the cart that did not pretain to squat here at all. At least I will not have to go back out at all untill tomarrow and that is how I like it here. One of the things that I miss about the trailer is that I could walk to Walmart and Target and it took me less time to get there on foot than driving also. Other than that I am happy to be away from some neighbors and other neighbors I do miss also. It is also nice that I do not hear a raido for 8-10 hours anymore here for the house. We get the 3 seconds of a car radio maybe 3 times a day and that is it on the street. Other than that it is pretty quiet and I get more done that way for cleaning. Another thing is that since I got away from the park things did get alot cheaper for the house. Maybe because I can think around here on what I can do to cut the costs that much more without being bothered on that part of things. When I started switching to the cheaper cleaners and other shopping that needed to get done I noticed a huge differance in what was going on here in the household. It is like I am not as hyper on alot of things and I can stay out for 2 hours now looking around the store while I am out without some watching what I am doing here and how long I am out for. I also got better at checking out the prices at the stores here since I do not have a time limit anymore from some people. It was not the people in the can that I was at nor this house at all it was from some of the neighbors that were around the can. So now at this point in time since I have been trying to get that much cheaper here for the house and others have hollared about that part of things also while I have been at it all I noticed that some folks did not like it at all in what I was doing. Like when I was and still am hanging the laundry outside to dry. With the drying racks here it has helped out alot at this time since I do not have the poles nor lines outside at this point also. So I have managed in that part totally and do not mind it what so ever in that part of things here. It seems wierd that I can do more things that can cut the bills down for the house and not be bothered by it at all nor from anyone else also.