Well at this point I am willing to say since I have been going cheaper here other things have happened beyond my contorle over the years at the trailer. Ok my electrition helped me out and no it was not my ex husband at all. When he got married he asked me to do something that I refused to do for him since he was married totally and that was his wifes job. I went to doctors appointments and got other things dumped in my lap 2 1/2 years ago as of today also and tried to ignore alot of things that went on in 6 years. The mans wife could give a rats toush about the medical that was going on after the balances dropped on the mans head PERIOD 6 Years ago if not longer and that was about the time she came up here to see her future Husband. It took me about 6 months to a year to tell myself it is not on me it is on the gal that came up for the electrition to do what I had done. Between doctors appointments and tests that were going down she did not give a rats behind on what was going down at all. I did what I had to since I was there and went from there and had to take a huge step back. I stopped asking to barrow his car at the time and got the Honda up and going also at the trailer before I got the mini van. Niether one of them shown up to the funeral of my sister in law and one of them knew the woman well. That was 5 years ago on May 12th here. When some things do not go to someones pace or their attatude at all the less they know the better off they are here in my eyes. I got asked to do something and flat out said no. That was after the electrition did some things at the trailer to help me out and I scratched his back by cooking for him when his girlfriend/wife could not do squat right for the man at that point. With the gas getting shut off/ canned so they could catch up on the bill at that point I knew. I feel somewhat guilty for not being there for the electrition at all and know that it was his wifes job to know what the Hell was going on and go to the doctors appointments with the man here at the time with other things. Yes I am pushing things on the gal since I was no longer needed at the time since I had to step out totally since she was there and later I will say what was told to me here when the gal lied about me here since I did not name call what so ever except on myself. That was the only name calling that went on and her oldest daughter is the same way as her Mommy. I have never felt better in 4 months here except when the gal contacted me to be friends again a week ago today and I felt like I had been hit with a metal ball bat after she left after the surgery a year ago. I will say that I had to lift not even a week after my neck surgery here for things since the gal could give a rats behind on things totally. Bitter does not say the words for squat that happend.