Friday, June 15, 2012
Running early
Well I am running early on the dinners for this weekend here as of last night. Since my Husband came in and I cooked dinner here totally the kitchen is torn up yet again. So with this morning here I get a ton of dishes to get done along with other things for the day. With things getting cheaper for the house here by the day it seems like the weather will not let up for the power bill here at all. Even though I can not complain about the 2 window units that will be going here for the household totally and the power bill that went on last year even with the dryer going. This summer the dryer went out the window totally like it did at the trailer with the cool air going on here in the house. What the one gal did not know was that I will always have a tight grip on what goes on with the things that suck on the power bill for the place. Like the gal really cared in what I was trying to do anyway here since her power bill is about 200 dollars a month compaired to the about 50 dollars that mine is normally and alittle higher during the summer months. Yes that is one of the things that I have noticed about the can and what others do in their place at this time. With that being said here there are ways to get laundry dry without using the dryer at all for the place along with keeping cool in the household. When I was using the window units last year I ended up closeing up the rooms that were not being used at all here and closed up the bathroom doors here in the household to make sure that none of the cool air was wasted and where the sun was beating into the house also. This is what some did not get at all when it was 78 in the house here and went up to 85 with the bathroom door wide open with the sun going into the bathroom window at the time. This year that will stop and I already put my foot down on that part of things for the place. So now lets see what I can get into for the day and go from there.