Sunday, June 10, 2012
Well I ended up with a new grill and lawn mower around the household here. After 18 years it is about time with all the waiting. With it being way to warm out most times I go out to the gril to cook so I do not overload the window units. Since I can make the burgers cheaper than what I can get them out in the stores it is even better on the budget here. Ok so somethings never change over the years here at all. With the house finally stocked up on alot of things and the garden in I may as well try to keep it all very low with the budget that is set up here. With going down to Illinois when I did along with going to PA here just last month it worked out better than what I thought. I spent a quarter of what I would have here in NY State for what has been bought. Also I have to keep some things seperate for the 2nd kitchen here totally. Ok my Dear Husband went back to the 18 wheelers and has not looked back. Now at this point in time I have watched every penny, nickel, and dime that have been here and went as cheap as I could even working more myself on some things to get the house going and fed here. I guess this is why I did not mind going on walks here and picking up the nickles at all along the way. Now I can look back and laugh here since I have done some things to get dirt cheap and other areas I was trying to get that much cheaper for the trailer and I have kept it for the house here totally. Ok so I picked up alot of nickles here without thinking of it along with cutting the costs of alot of things over the past 2 years here. This is how I ended up with some things brand spanking new also for the place. That and with the place stocked to the gills in alot of things that are needed for the house. Since alot of things did not work out to what some expected that they would that is fine by me. They did not know in how cheap I could go for the trailer to reach out and get a house also. Since the food and cleanner budget got slashed hard along with the power bill at the time it made it easy for the house here in what I could do. The power bills never hit below 90 dollars at the trailer when we got out of there I about flipped when the power bills were 50 dollars at most here for the house. The 50 dollars is the base for the house here and since some tossed me to the curb that has went down also here. Now with the food bill that has went down here also I can laugh since I can get the burger rolls again along with other things here to feed the household. There is alot of pasta and rice still here in the house just like the trailer had. Maybe that is what made some folks that knew me just blow gaskets totally in what I cooked at both places. There are blocks of cheese still in the fridge and I grate those still myself along with butter also. The veggies will come soon here for the household and some things I will plant here without even thinking of it and they will go down in the basement where it is cooler so they will keep longer. At the trailer I could not plant as much there with the kids along with everyone else also that was there. Now the fresh veggies will taste different with the stuff that I have in the planters totally. It is well worth to get out of the trailer park when we did over 18 months ago. With the trials of that place I can make it almost anywhere at this time.