Sunday, June 10, 2012
Cheaper than what I thought
Well I went cheaper than what I thought yesterday afternoon here for the household. With the garden almost in at this point in time here and one last tier that needs to be finished it is almost time for another load of what I call dirt for it. Also since we have most of the plants and or seeds into the garden already I should be good at this point in time for that part this winter even without some things that were not planted at all. With that being said here the one neighbor about flipped out once he figured out in what was going on all I could do was laugh about it all. Since alot of the things that have been going down here since myself and my Dear Husband have moved into the house here it is nice that I can still try to be cheaper than snot for the household at this time. And yes I still try to get out on my walks still to this day. I will say that it helps to clear my mind to start in on what I need to do for the place. Also after the accident that I had 2 years ago in Augest here and the surgery a year ago it does help curb the pain. That leads into the walk that I got in last night and where I went it was almost putting me to sleep at 6 pm totally. It was pretty bad and I stayed for about 25 minutes and that was it. At least there was no gas wasted on that part of things for the night here at all. After all said and done for things here at least it is all coming togeather yet again. I am still cooking on the cheap also for the house here and why should I change that from the trailer. Since some do not mind here in what I have been doing it is all good on my part.