Saturday, September 5, 2009
Almost that time again
Almost time for school around here and I can not wait till Tuesday. Pluss the Hippy goes back to work. I will have a very relaxing day with dead silents. Pluss to sit around and do nothing almost all day it will be nice. It will take some time to get use to as always with the kids gone for almost 8 hours a day. And some of the kids need school all year round or zap collars one. I know that is bad to say but when dad and mom are lieing to cover the kids you know it is bad around here. Or the parents just don't care what the kids do then lie about it afterwards. So school is one of them things that I just can't wait till it starts. And it seems to be starting late this year. Who knows why. Like I care but then again the school board dosen't consiter snow days. Oh well at least the kids won't be out till at least June 28th of next year. One of the good things about the kids going back to school is all the sales at the stores. And yes I did pick up note books and pens last week. Then this way I dont feel guilt on not writeing notes of what to do for the day. If I dont get to everything then it gets taged onto the next day. Then I prioratize in what is more improtant. That is how I have ran the can for so long that that habit can not be broken out of me at all. As long as the housework gets done who cares in what order it get done in. That's my moto for it all. And it annoies alot of people and I just do not care. Ok folks have a good night and play hard.