Saturday, September 12, 2009
Got this months bills
Ok lets kick off this months bills again. It is a visous cycle around here always. Well I can not complain about this months bill being higher than normal becuase we had the air going more with 90+ days out side. So I am waiting on the Hippy to get paied and go from there for the bills. This month wont be as bad I can tell you that with me cuting back on the power during the week while the Hippy is gone. And alot of other things also. Now just to start streaching even more while he is gone during the week and go from there. Pluss when I was at the mail box I ended up with alot more freebies also. So its not a bad deal out of the fact to also pick up dirty mail (bills). Well I can say that the quiet during the day does not bother me as much as some people so I will turn off more during the day this week and keep it off for as long as I can. Now I have to do more laundery tomarrow so we all do not flash the neighbors or other people. That could be fun in some cases but would not want the tickets. Also I will be hanging laundery out tomarrow early to cut more on the power bill. There is still alot that I can do without power around here during the day and like it all. Pluss I still need to takle the bedroom and start cleaning and pulling the winter stuff out from there also. Like Jackets and a few other things also. Then there is the great freebie hunt for tomarrow also while I will be on the computer for most of the day. Then this way I look forward to going to get the mail for something else besides the dirty mail. And what I ended up with today will not go to waste let me tell you. Like the toothpaste that came in. It is the extra thing that I dident have to buy at the store and will last me for a good month. And that is how I look at it all at this point. Get as much as I can for free and use the coupon for later on. It is like the coupons If the companies dident want it out there they woulden't have put them out there for some of us to use also. So if you find them go and use them. If you find it for free even better deal for you. So keep checking the bargin racks and sales pluss the coupons to drive at least one bill down in the house hold. Now with the cable for T.V. I got cruddy reseption before the box went into affect for the hd T.V. So I ended up with cable and the bill is not as bad as I thought it would be. With everything included it is about 130 a month for that. I will not hollar about it at all untill the power goes out around here again. No power no house phone. So go figure on it all. I am thinking about dropping the cable phone anyway once the Hippy gives me money for his cell phone for the road also. There is at least free Text on the phones whether we run out of the plan minuts or not. So all the way around it is a good deal on it. So check with the plan that makes more since to you. I have Cricket service for the cell. Which is unlimited in the area that I am in and I get an extra 30 min for the roaming min. So if I am at the store I can pick it up. So search out what plan is best for you at all times. Anyway I am on the run and got to start makeing dinner for tonight. So have fun and play even harder.