Monday, September 14, 2009
Thank goodness for school
Since school has started last week it has been really quiet here in the neighborhood. It is music to many of our ears in the park. And to concentrate on being frugal/cheap. It is a good thing around here. Now 3 loads of laundery out on the line and the house is fairly clean except of a couple of loads that need to be folded here in the can. Now I don't trust the kids what so ever around here in the park at all. Now to walk up to one of the stores later on and get batteries for one of the mp3 players that I have. Walking is a great stress reliever for me to say the least. It doesent cost anything except time and energy and it is exersize. No gas from the car wasted that way I can tell you that. Now I have been off of everything since about 5:45 this morning and I wanted the radio since I do not have a regular radio here in the house. The net radio is free and great to listen to also. I listen to alot of St. Louis radio stations off the computer. Like is one another is also. Depending on what you like do a search on the stations in the area if you do not want to turn off the computer. See what comes up you may be surprized in who is all on line and streaming. You can listen on line for what your computer does for the power anyway. Utilize alot of the web is all I can say from free stuff to coupons to streaming to whatever you like. Ok folks have fun and play harder.