Wednesday, September 16, 2009
I still haven't started
Well after I sat back down I really haven't moved that much since. At least there is the pie that I made yesterday afternoon. So now I have some sweets in the can but not much. I really need to make cookies for some people. IF not today sometime this weekend I will make them and send them along. I am really exsausted from doing to much in the household. I forgot in how much work I really did during the day without anyone else here with me. And I still find ways to cut corners and streach out everything to the max around here. Well that is what I get for not haveing for so long and being so broke at times that I diden't eat for days. Now at the other end yes I am makeing it just like everyone else with a tight budget and struggleing so eather way you seem to take it out on the bills, start cutting back on stuff in the house and after all that you want to do more with it. Or like myself I had to jump in with both feet. And I streached everything out so bad that it drove an electrition just absolutly banana's. And it still does today. That I have got worse over the years also with streaching everything out and refusse to buy anything that is a want. Can't eat another shotgun as I say. Ok now with me saying that it is a very long story and it still make me laugh today about it. Ok folks I will be back so have fun and play harder.