What I have on hand in the pantry and the freezer that always makes a dinner or breakfast.
2 5lb or larger bags of flour
1-2 dozen eggs
1-2 bullets of hamberger (1lbs)
1-2 bullets of sausage (1lbs)
1 bag of onions and potatoes
1 3 pack of yeast
1 can of bakeing powder
1 big huge bag of rice
1-2 packages of flat noodles
1 tub of margerine
1 can of crushed tomatoes
1 5lb bag of sugar
1 thing of oragano and baisle
1-2 cans of condinced milk
and 1 box at least of powdered milk
Now for most folks you will have regular milk in the fridge becuase of kids in the household. I don't drink milk as a rule. So it is easier for me to have the powdered milk for bakeing so I can mix up what I need for the day. If I don't need any then it does not get made. Now there are times when I am at Aldi and I will get everything there. Since I won't have a car during the week I will walk over to Walmart for the things I have put down today. And since I am good on those items I really dont have to get out untill I go pay the lot rent for the month. Now normally I shop once a month so I pick up like 8 bags of flour a month and 3 dozen eggs at a time. Pluss I make bread from scratch most times. And I will really start when there is just me in the can. It is cheaper on me to do that and there is nobody to complain about it. And yes I have alot of caned goods in the house hold. Now it depends on what is going on and if the frozen vegies are cheaper for that week. When they are really on sale that is when I buy more. With what I put down is the very basic for the household for the week. Now I have servived on less than what I had put down. Rice is versatal in so many ways so it the flour and eggs. I have been known to make muffins for breakfast for the week. They can be warmed up in the morning if you have leftovers from the day before and there is a hot breakfast. With everything going sky high in the stores now a days that you have to plan out alot more for meals. Now if your family is not big on leftovers they will be if you do not cook the next day for dinner. Also in the winter there are soups to be made and chili also. I have found that if I can get a good beaf or ham bone I can boil it so I can make a soup stock. With chicken soup boil the chicken for at least an hour and make sure you have enough water in the pot to work with. If you think you do not have enough water add more becuase you are usually right on the first guess. Now when I go to makeing soups from scratch I always make more than what I need. Why????????? Becuase I pull the left overs Split it up and off to the big freezer with it. Then I have some for a later date. Now with me I like to plan out meals and write them down for the month. I have a weekly/monthly planer. I pick up the yearly calander for weekly/daily from Office Max. Now in the Winter what I will do when I walk is I go over to the Sonoco for a big coffee and walk home to keep warm with. There is one guy at the Sonoco that knows me real well there. So it works out. Now I will say that I have 3 roll bags otherwise known as granny bags. It has helped out with walking to the stores. Now a gallon of bleach gets heavy after awhile. So does the 10lbs of cat litter. Some of the stores are about a mile away from my place depending on the route I go. It is nothing unusual for me to walk to the stores. Now that I will start walking again it clears my mind on alot of things. Pluss all the fresh air helps me to think more clear on the house. I have to laugh sometimes becuase since High School I have gained 70 pounds. The weight will start coming off again when I start walking. So eather way I will win by saveing gas money and wear and tear on the van then loss of wheight. Ok folks have fun and play even harder.
Some Cozy Winter Inspiration from Dainty Diaries
1 month ago