Sunday, September 20, 2009
Today is Sunday
Now to start thinking of the week again today and start makeing lists all over the place. Pluss Fotball will be on all day. So it will be a switch for haveing the can to myself for todays football. That is a scarry thought in its self now. I will start cooking for the Hippy way before noon today so he will have at least on hot meal befor he leaves out at between noon and 2 pm today. He is under a hot load for Canada now. That means I probably won't see him untill at least friday again. Now I can be as cheap as I want during the week here with just me in the can so I will be cutting alot of things out again with pleasure so I can get alot of the bills down of course. There's alot that I will be doing only becuase of money is really tight at the moment. For this month I have to untill we all get rolling again. And since Mondays are a big cleaning day for me around here I will be more than likely cleaning for most of the day. It takes very little cleaning supplies around here for me to do the job that everyone laughs that I am way to frugal and cheap. It is the borderline for myself to be like this. And there is some people who come over and it is like they eat the TP and paper towles and do not care about it. So I will be streaching my heart out this week becuase I just do not like going broke for anyone else just becuase they all want me to. I really do not keep up with the Jonses at all with good reasons. When I am being down right dirt cheap it means that I am saveing up for something and will get it at some point in time. I realized this on Thursday of last week that at this point I am so sick of the kids in the Park that it is not even funny anymore. Now I will be doing some unconventual things aslo to cut everything down again and start rereading alot of info while I am on the computer during the night hours. Then go from there again. I know there is still alot that I can cut corners on and I will say I am not perfect at all still at the being frugal to down right cheap at all. I have done alot of work on it of course and I will continue to work at it all still. What I do is try to cut the money robbers first then takle the rest in due time. And theres alot that I do while I am at the big money bills that cut the pay in half. In what I do may not work for everyone at all. That is why I say do what you feel is right for you. If it doesen't feel right then do not do it. Some things you have to get use to like cutting the paper plates out of the house. I think they are a waste of money myself since you have to do the dishes anyway eather way you look at it. Yes I have cut that out of the grocery budget all togeather. Now I know some children are very clutsy my nefew was that way no matter what we all did. So we broke out the plastic wear for his plate to stop the shards of glass from the dinner table. Once he got old enough to have glass wear again it was all good after that. I can still laugh about it today and he is 20 this year. I will say this even that it was hard to break from some bad habbits on wasteing money and not so hard in other areas also. Now it is still hard sometimes becuase I do get lazy every so offten that I just don't want to cut the dryer sheets in half and they get ignored untill I have to do it. Ok folks have a good day and play even harder.