Friday, October 9, 2009
Laughing at the power company
Ok now I have been doing several things during the day to cut the power bill down for the past several weeks here. I have unplugged and havent ran hardly anything during the day. The main problem is the power plant is right down the street here and my power bill is still huge. My rates were cheaper in Illinois and the taxes are more than the actual bill its self up here in NY State. Eather way I will be cutting and slashing 5 days a week now around here and will do even more cutting and slashing in the time to come. It takes some new habbits of course and banging my head a whole lot. I have been dealing without T.V. for most of the day. If I go past 7am in the morning it feels wierd to have the computer and T.V. on past that Monday thru Friday now. And talk about power strips all over the can around here and there's at least 5 of them to turn off here. Ok it drives everyone just plain nuts around here when they see the appliances unplugged. The one electritions can not understand of why I do things like that. I ask him to pay the power bill and he says he doesent live here so he wont(also the man likes to bounce checks and not pay his own bills). Spend thrift on his part and hanging out with his parents for to long. His Parents God love them for working thier tails off and giveing thier kids everything and then some. So I will try to be as cheap as I can and go from there and just try to drive everyone else batty over it so I can live within our means if not less at all possible. If that means by not running hardly anything so be it now. And the water bill did fall by 20 dollars this time. After I raised cain at the water company. I am useing even less water now than I was for 3 months ago. Ok folks have fun and play even harder.