Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Leftover madness
I had leftovers on Monday. They are and were better than when I had cooked them on Saturday and Sunday. Since there is only me myself and I here at least 5 days a week I do not cook as big as I would with the Hippy here. I just do not like cooking for one anyway it is way hard to plan that unless it's finger food or soups and or leftovers from the weekend. The Electrition that I know up here refuses to eat leftovers period. Gee my Ex-Husband dident mind them at all when I would make enough for a couple of days. Then again the Ex diden't try to act rich niether at all. So yes in some ways I will stick up for him in others I just can not. Some leftovers are just plain out better anyway the next day. I know homemade chilli,sauces, and soups are always better. Along with Crock Pot roasts. It is one of them things that you just cant beat up on leftovers. Pluss you can doctor up leftovers also. So be creative and get a couple of meals out of one cooking or pull it back to the freezer for another meal down the road. I have been known to pull back 2 days worth of meals off of one meal and when I would get one of them weeks of just pure crazyness I knew I had a couple of meals that I could pop out of a container and put it in a pan and into the oven and 20 min later there was a meal for 2. Now what my Nieces Mom In Law does is what ever is left over she wraps up the food in singal servings and there's a ready meal for her or a guest in her house. SO eather way you do the leftovers jazz them up or eat them like they are. I have been known to make chicken salad from a whole bird that was cooked on Saturday or Sunday and eat it on tortella shells or homemade bread. Then there is always other ways to do chicken also that is left over. Ok folks have fun and play even harder.