Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Ok now that I have Begly somewhat beat
I feel sorry for Rocheshelle on some things that her hubby does around the house. I think I have Ed just totally beat now around my place. My own Hippy and myself do not fight on everything here in the house on anything. NO OARNGE BERRELS IN MY YARD. Tea cup roses and ladith takes care of that one if anyone did. Pluss the new season of Liveing with Ed starts tomarrow on the green planet. I have to laugh at Ed and Rochelle becuase I am Being frugal down right cheap at times also. Ok Ed please top my cabbage soup from today in the solar oven that you have. Well why put solar pannels on the can now. I want to get out of here not stay here. So when I do get a house instead of the can I will get solar pannels and a few other things. I am still saveing nickles for the kitchen wood burnner for the new place. When the Hippy and I get it of course. I haven't stopped dreaming of the wood burner/coal heater for the new place. Also it is extra heat and extra cooking space for the new place when we get it. And I plan on going extra ultra cheap for the house and wood/coal heater for the place. 200 dollars is way to much for groceries for the household in my book. In the same since most was meat for the next 3 months also. So eather way I can not complain about it. At least I have food in the household and no complaints on what I cook now. The poor Hippy cringed when I said over the phone that we all have cabbage soup today and the next week. Oh well have fun and play even harder.