Saturday, October 17, 2009
Nice ride on Friday
Now normally I do not get out untill Saturday to do something unless I am walking somewhere fairly close. The Dear Hubby draged me out of the house. The one main corner down the street from the can is just plain bad anyway and worse with an 18 Wheeler. So I got out for about 2 hours and felt better after getting back into the van then drove for an hour to get home. On the way home I had dinner dethawing and diden't cook becuase it was about 8pm when I got home. So it wasent all bad lastnight we had some slick spots on the road and it is normal for this time of year of course. Now to start travleing back and forth to Collins and I will be putting the seats back into the van for more weight in the back end and stock up on cat litter also. Keeps me happy and the poor cat as well. Tricks of the traid for sloppy snow/ice covered roads. I learned my lesson while I was going back and forth to Punxey PA almost 4 years ago. To sum it up I got shook up and major car repairs on top of it and left the garage still staning. I can laugh about it now and still shakeing my head over it all. Now for the people to come out this morning to test the water for the can and I know it is not gonna be pretty at all. The water out here where I am at in NY is so hard that it hurts when I do any travleing. Pluss to top it off during the year the water smells rancid coming out of the faucet also. And I know it is the park. The sewer system has colapsed around here and the main water pipes are going also. After 40 years I wander why. So lets see what happends and what gets told to me. Ok folks have fun and play even harder.