Thursday, October 15, 2009
Some people realize it some people don't
Once you are in my inner circle you are in if you are not you are not. If you are in my family list You are on board . And the people on board with me in the circle that I have know cross me an pay the price. Most people understand that I don't blame starveing artist at all. I am down with being broke and will give advice eather way weather you want it or not. Once my Hippy and myself we have been broke are selves and I am willing to help or lend a shoulder eather way. In a way I am like my Mom. Take my advice take the good points and take my opinion and run with it. Just like my Sister In Laws "daughter" no relation to nobody in the family this child has always said that I hated her for the past 11 years. The child got her wish in Febuary. I'm not gonna put up with a heathin child at all. I still Love Liberty-Ann dearly even thou I am not gonna put up with the B.S. From her at all. After all I am the older out of the both of us. There is the point of time where I will not sit here and say partying and haveing sex is ok when you are under the age of 18 at all. Maybe I learned early in life thanks to my Dear Sister of why babies are bad news at under the age of 18. Smelly diapars at 15 to 16 helped out. Thanks Sis. My supposad niece hasen't got the hint yet since she is still in H.S. And a jounior in school. I know that who she is liveing with hasen't taught Liberty-Ann squat about the Real World yet. That is what scares me about the Children of todays world. The Prents and ofther People Who care For these Children Have lost all controle of these Children becuase of the government and CPS or other agentsey of the sort of saying no child you have controle over the school and your parents today. When the parents pay the Bills and have to let the kids go not in my house. My thing is there is the door ya think the grass is greener on the other side go for it this is what is gonna happen. And the child takes nothing walking out the door. Take back you're Rights as a Parent and go. Be as cheap as you can be and let your Children know what the situation is if you are broke. Make the children sit down with you while you are paying the bills and what is coming in and going out. That is teaching the children responsibility of what is going on in or out of the household. So Please I am begging you please teach your children of what goes on in the household. So Please teach your children wisely. Play safe and hard.