Thursday, October 22, 2009

Why he bothers to tell me

The Hippy called me to let me know that 2 tires went bad on the truck/trailer.  My first question was are you getting them fixed????????  You never know when the tires are gonna go bad.  All I could do was laugh and ask why bother to tell me now on a Thursday.  I guess the Hippy wanted a home cooked meal that was hot again.  I never knew that my cooking was really that good in the first place.  Cooking on the cheap and from scratch is sometimes hard.  I never know what to make when the Hippy gets here and he doesen't tell me what sounds good for that night.  So I am thinking of meatloaf for one night then going from there.  Sunday's are a pizza day with football going on.  Or I still have chilli in the big freezer for Sunday.  Like it really matters in what we have anyway around here.  Ok folks have fun and play even harder.