Sunday, January 31, 2010
How do I react
I dont know how to react at this point I have the place to myself. I am still doing laundery of course and maybe the dishes will wait untill tomarrow morning. I still have at least 3 more loads of laundery to do as of this moment. I am still looking around and just in awe of haveing the place to myself. Oh well at least I can try to catch up on things that need to be done around here anyway while I am at it all. Pluss get more of a grocery list up also. Or should I say a dream list at this point in time. With being so stocked for a good while that you tend to notice when things start getting low around a household. Even the sales have slacked off even. So I may just let the coupons pile up and see what I can do with them all after this. Even my guys over at the fix it shop tend to laugh becuase I always have coupons on me at all times for the place. Every little bit helps in my book. And that is why the Hippy never really pays much mind if I have the buy one get one free and so on in the coupons. Even the Hippy will even say that I am almost the tightest woman he knows besides his own mother. I do try to streach everything out as much as I can around here. Almost have to in todays world. Pluss it is one of the bills that you can controle besides the power bill and a few others in life. It is eather get a good grasp on them or go broke as I see it at this point in time. That is what I am trying to tell the new guy on the block here in the can. Pluss I can say that he is in just total shock that I am trying to do all of this and be cheap about it all at this point. Some he just diden't realize in what was going on since the break off from the crazy lady of the park. Pretty bad when a child asks someone are you with the crazy lady as of yet. One that should have help with finances and just doesen't have a clue of you can't spend everything that you have and then depend on the children that you have to help out at all. The crazy lady as the person is known as complains that there is no money and turns around and starts in on the welfare to get food and everything else for her place. When someone helps her out and she gets mad at them the stuff that got bought for her from that person eather gets tossed or gave away so she can say ooooooooo poor pity me I don't have this or that. Well I have heard from the grapvine that she does this and seen it also with my own eyes. With me I find a way to get something like groceries even if I go hungery for a couple of days untill I can hit a dumpster or collect enough cans to get some food for the place. Or hit up a food pantery one. Pluss I learned real quick that you can make pan cakes out of a cake mix also. It works for food and you can freeze the leftovers of what you don't eat. One of the workers told me about that trick. This is why I say have enough flour, eggs, and powdered milk in the household. Then this way you can make bread sticks and pancakes at least untill you scrape up the money to get other things. I can sit here and tell you alot of the trick of the trade for makeing something out of nothing for food. A few things that I always have is flour, eggs, powdered milk, yeast, onions, garlic, butter/margerine, and sugar. Some folks do not get in why and I can tell you that I can make a meal out of what I always have. That goes with when folks barrow things and you ask if they have an extra piece of chicken and you have an even traid between neighbors. I have made chicken soup out of one piece of chicken and it fed my household for a week after that. When you are that broke you can not complain one bit at all. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
I am still at the work
I am still doing laundery. Had a back up with the dryer earlier today and still need to get blankets and coferters done. That is the bad part of balky stuff here in the can. I have clipped coupons also and made dinner for all of us. Now to wait on the Hippy to take him out to Collins and come back to get even more done around here. I will be busy for most of the day around here to say the least. Since I have done part of the list for today already and there is always more to do here it seems like it never ends at times. Pluss I am doing all this on the cheap side also while I am at it. I have no choice at this point in time. I will see what I can do when I am coming home for another job also. Just so I have something else to do also. Maybe things will calm down a bit after I do get the extra coming in. Ok folks I'm off so have fun and play hard.
Got shoved out the door
Lastnight I got shoved out the door to go to bingo. I won and had to split it 3 ways oh well on that. I got to sit for 2 hrs and do nothing at all. Well I got what I spent back at least. So it wasen't a total loss lastnight. As I am sitting here now I have laundery going as normal and thinking of doing other things while I am at it. SO yes I am plotting for my day. And knowing that tomarrow is shot for most of the day I have to do more today around here. Pluss I have to make dinner early also. I will start that here shortly also. Never fails that I have to keep busy around here for the next couple of days of course. All I can really do is take one thing at a time around here of course. So now off to make the fried chicken batter. For an early dinner of course for here so I can get the Hippy out the door by 1pm for the drive to collins. Have fun and play hard.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Never realized in how true
The movie Groundhog's day is on the T.V. Land channel today. I never realized in how true it really was untill I was there. Punxey PA is about 4 hrs away from where I live at now. It is the same day almost day after day in that town. Except when the Major Grocery store chain has the crazy 8 sales at times thru the year. You watch the news for what water main broke for the rush hour traffic. As I say 2 for 1 at the slaughter house hitting bings and double coupon days nothing really changes down in Punxey. Not knocking anyone down there since I know half the town. The Amish children are seen and not heard at all. I admire thier rules for thier Children so much in life. The Amish folks are very sweet in nature and so true that I do envey them. Even thier little bitty ones are so happy when they are out that I love it and very respectfull that it makes 95% children in todays world abnoxious in thier own way out of the Amish Sect's. I have thanked many of parent in PA that are Amish that you would not believe it. The Amish in Pa and all over the US are like a breath of good clean air in how they react in things from the outside. At 7 am Monday thru Saturdays I enjoyed going shopping becuase of the Amish children being so quiet in the stores along with the afternoons also. The children dident ask for nothing at all in the stores they have the rule of be seen and not heard ways of how I grew up. The woman who raised me is one of the Old School folks. As folks said little ears and little pitchers for children growing up back then. I soaked up everything and learned from it all is all I can say. I am sure that all the Amish children are the same way also. Alot of times I had all smiles and felt better after I was out of my sister in laws house for an hour while I was down in Punxey just standing there in the grocery store watching the little ones and I had new light when I got back to the house hold there. Alot of what the Amish does is what I believe in anyway. Granted some are worse some are better that is with everyone though. You can get that all over the place. And A Huge Thank You to my Miss Sara for teaching me on how to cook on a Wood burning Stove top when I was a teen. I would watch and the poor woman coulden't understand why. I was learning from her at the time and I appreciated it so much that I can't even thank her now. I amy have to call one of my sisters to get Miss Sara's address so I can write to her. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Just wanering why
Well this morning I had a grill stolen out of my yard. And the Kids knew I was up aslo. I call them kids becuase some folks never grow up and start steeling from others. Granted I know the job market is bad around here. If you want something that bad don't steel off of me just ask me if you can have it. And at this point I can't say to much more about it all. I have left money out and the other person who is here hasen't even touched squat at all. And yes my jar for my stove is still out and the money is still in it. What does this tell ya all. Anyway now the fun will begin around here. I need to start in on the normal housework as always. I am stalling just becuase I can. Oh well the exciteing morning already and now to start other things of course. So have fun and play hard.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Why I am so broke in January
Trucking drops off in about the middle of December to the middle of January every year. It happends all of the time and being married to a truck driver you tend to Keep stocked up for the month of course. Then over stock in the same since of things. I have forgot about it all untill this year again. It has been over 9 years since the Hippy drove that I got use to the "normal" pay checks. Anyway today was one of them days of why did I even bother to get up days. Besides to drive for about 3 + hours today. Gotta love it and it was even colder out in Collins also. My heavy jacket was no match to the wind going thru the parking lot today at all. I can say this an extra jacket under the other is in order. The poor van diden't warm up untill I got out to Collins today and I was driveing for most of the day today. It was still cold coming home also. Well it was 3 outside when I woke up this morning and it will be colder tomarrow morning to say the least. They are calling for 5 below 0 for the morning. And I tend to believe it also. One of the bad things of being in a mini van but in the same once she's warm she cooks ya out. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Doing a search on the web
I have been search on the web this morning. I have alot of things to try as of now to get even cheaper around here. Last night I was told that in the territory for here the power bill was 40 dollars with everything left plugged in. Well the bill here is normally about 90 with everything unplugged. I had to explain this lastnight and why I unplug everything around here during the day of course. Pluss it drives me nuts when people leave thier phone chargers plugged in without useing them. There are alot of things that I do out of habit of course becuase I do live in a trailer (can). When I started going frugal/cheap again it was becuase, I have had to. As my one sister in law use to tell me I was the rich bitch out of the bunch. She said that becuase she know I was carefull of money and thought about the purchase before I would spend the money. I make sure that the bills are paid and food in the house before anything else went on. When I had started reading on going frugal, cheap, and simplicity most people diden't know why I was trying things out that I had seen on the net. Untill it started working for me and my household. So now with new articals coming out and reread alot over the years to see what I had missed to try or retry alot of things. It has also helped to have an almost fully stocked place. Alot of the folks that I hang out with understand why now of the why I do somethings around here. Like on Sunday night we all got to laughing becuase I do try to save money when I can. Pluss a dear friend of mine looked at me and said please teach me more of your knowledge I really need your help now. Her husband was a spender plain and simple not to knock him at all becuase, he was truely a good guy. I told her I would help her out in anyway that I could and go from there. What alot of it is, is extra expences that she doesen't need at this point in time. As I told her she needed to cut alot of the fat off the budget at her place at this time for a while. And I also explained that it will take at least 6 months to a year to make everything work like it should and then some. The poor woman was shocked when I told her that I was still trying to cut the fat off of my budget. I still work at it everyday around here and with other folks in the household also here it makes it a bit harder to do somethings and explain why I have the place set up the way I do. Now some are realizeing that I am so differant than the last person he stayed with. All I can do is shake my head on some things and others I can't let slip by me at all. I say this only becuase once a year I am very broke and have to play catch up on alot of things in Febuary. Some do not understand about the Truck Drivers out there. And that is another goaround to say the least. I will explain that later on today. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
The last person I take in
Well I am picky on what goes on around here and when someone leaves thier charger pluged in without chargeing the phone I come unglued. So this will be the last person I take in after all hell broke loose around here and me getting blamed for what I diden't do. So no I have to figure out how I am gonna pay the power bill after all of this pluss the other bills. Not saying that the Hippy and I do not make good money at all I am so use to being cheap and unplugging and turning off things when I can during the day around here. Here I was trying to explain that everything is at least double to triple of a provance of the US here. I know I havent lost my mind at all just truing to be leavel headed about things around here. There are so many things to do around here that I am over whelmed at alot of things that have been going on here. Pluss the lack of sleep doesen't help matters out at all niether. Well worrying about how to pay bills and get groceries at the same time it seems to bother me in January and Febuary since the Hippy went back to work driveing the 18 wheeler also. So the person that is here now that I have took in is the last person I will ever take in. I can't do this anymore at all. Maybe I have been thru to much in the past week, week and a half also. So in the mean time I have to try to get the power bill down big time around here and no excusses at all. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Today is a bust
Today it is so cold out that I really dont wanna go outside at all. So I have stayed off the computer untill now and read a book at least while I was cleaning the kitchen. Pluss there is snow and wind outside. Even the poor dog doesent wanna go outside today with it being 19 degrees out without the wind chill. I do not blame her for not wanting to go outside. I am also happy that I hung the sheet up on the line here in the can infront of the door. When I grabed the bag for the cans this morning it was just really so cold behind it that it hurt. I am also happy that I don't have to work in a cold wearhouse also again this year. Other than that I ended up with 3 loads of dishes this morning. Pluss the kitchen is clean also. Now for tonight to block up the window that is left in the kitchen for the night tonight and try to keep the heat in when it dips below 10 outside. That is the bad part of everything around here pluss nosey people looking in also. I would still like to see the supposad pictures of me and a friend when we are both married people. This is why I hate where I am at at this point. With ignorant people who needs to be in everyone elses toush who needs to straighten out her own life before she starts spreding rummors about others, who really need's the crud in life not me. I manage on my own and don't care what others think of me at all. Yes I have went to the cheap side of life and that is me. I try to expand everything as much as possible to have things on hand here in my own can. I don't go out and just buy things at all unless something is so worn out that I can not stand it anymore. Even then I don't go out and buy new things. I walk on the fine line of frugality and cheapness all of the time. I use less of what is called for all of the time thru cleaning supplies and other things while I am at it all. That is how I keep a happy household thru here and it keeps me happy also. Alot of folks get annoied becuase I am repetitive on alot and that is how some of us learn and go with the daily flow of life in general. If you have children in the household you know what I am talking about. IF you do the dishes at 6 am and again at 8 pm that is rutine to you. Just like laundery on days that you are use to doing also. It becomes a habit and I wright out of habbit also. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Cooking once more
Girl scout stew other wise known as shepards pie. Pluss the girls will be here at anytime for dinner. Rock bottom prices for dinner I can do it. As a great friend of mine will say I am the cheap one out of the bunch. She is so right in that one. All I can do is laugh about it all now. Well I will ask my self can you eat that with everything that I purchase anyway. One of the small things that I ask myself. I got alot of the bakeing done and will do more tomarrow of course becuase it will be another day. I have to keep my great girlfriend in shape and her chin up after all of the mess that has went on in the past almost 2 weeks here. There is the light after a dark road after the loss of a spouse eather way. Good friends and alot of other things to go along with it all, one of my girlfriends will make it thru eather way. As I get cheaper by the day and with me showing her in the part that I have tried pluss the poor girl knows that I am by her side eather way nomatter what she desides in what she does in her life. Anyway I did get out for about an hour today while I was at it all. With the wind it was so cold outside without a block in place that it smarted my nose and eyes. I had to fill the tires as normal thanks to one auto shop here where I am at. And while I was out may as well take in the cold air and a few other things that are out in the world. Even though it was for about an hour I feel better after I got out.
Into trouble now.....hehehe
Well I have been looking for recipies on line and most are on the cheap side thank goodness. So I can still bake and cook on the cheap around here. I was wandering about the masa flour I had picked up and went to digging for more things that I can do with it. Now to just start in on the bakeing of course for todays goal, and the other cooking. I need to make at least a hot meal for tonight. Ok before the rest of the day burns out on me I better get a move on so have fun and play even harder.
A morning I dident need
Well the power went out this morning. At least there was a pot of coffee done by then. Since I have a gas range I was lighting burners for tea and to reheat coffee. Pluss I can still cook on the burners of the stove. That is why more than likely that when the power goes out it doesen't really bother me to much. Who knows when the boxes are gonna blow gaskets and say we are not playing anymore. Pluss the candles helped keep it somewhat warm in here also. Pluss you never know when the power would come back on from being out. So I did a couple of tricks that I read over the years on how to keep a place warm. One was to fill the bathtub with hot water, the windows are already blocked except for the 2 kitchen windows, and I even had a sheet up at the front door becuase it would be under 32 outside today to keep down the drafts from there. What I won't do for to keep the place somewhat warm around here. The bathtub trick helped out also. Now that I can start bakeing around here somewhat. That is after I get the dishes done of course. This is the joys of not haveing the wood burner yet. I will not put one in the can at all. The rule is 7 min to get out of a burning trailer no matter in how old it is. I have seen several go up in my time. Anyway at least I have most of today to start in on the breads and cake and a few other things around here. I do have corn flour in the can. So I will split the flour and the corn flour down the middle for the bread today. I will also start in on looking for a few more recipies for a couple of things here in the can. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Got alot of work done
Well I got alot done today. I really like the Green Works products. I have to watch in what I use becuase of the bird. And the products don't affect niether myself nor the bird. I got the chance to clean this afternoon and ran with it all. I am still just plain out tired from last week. Well I can do more tomarrow. I may just bake all day tomarrow I am not sure in what is gonna happen untill tomarrow comes. Today was pretty nice hardly anyone bothered me all day. Pluss I diden't have to cook for tonight also while I was at it all. Cassaroles are a nice thing in my household. Well there are leftovers from it and tomarrow theres another one coming up some people just don't know about it yet here in the can. After last week may as well do the easy way out on things for this week. With the oven going for the next couple of days here it will keep the the heater from running so much. Another reason of why I don't mind bakeing so much around here. Oh well I better get here so have fun and play even harder.
Well another day of cooking
I am trying to figure out what to have for dinner tonight once again. I am not use to haveing people here in the can with me. Normally when I am alone I eat alot of soups and now going back to cook for at least 2-5 people once again. And I have been cooking alot of rice also in the past week. I told one person that I won't scare him to bad around here. He started laughing becuase he knows what all that I do here to be cheap. Well after everything is said and done the guy is learning on my nasty habbits of what I do to be cheap and to keep the bills down. Some of them are gonna rise and that is how it all goes. When I got back from Walmart the other day the Hippy and another person was in shock becuase I picked up alot for what I did spend over there. All I could do was laugh and grab a few bags to bring them into the can. The man I took in was in shock becuase I just started grabbing laundery up also while I was at it all. I still need to tell him about the one laundery deturgant that is going on for next week. I have the last good bottle of the Aldi Tandle deturgant before they switched the formula on everyone. I will be thru with that by next month or so then to switch back to the Purex.
There is so much to do here once again becuase I did slack off for a week. So I will be working for this week to catch up on what I diden't do. It is hard when you get behind on the housework as I found out the hard way. Also what amazes me is that it piles up fairly fast. Let's see what I can get done for today. Between the cooking and the cleaning. Have fun and play hard.
There is so much to do here once again becuase I did slack off for a week. So I will be working for this week to catch up on what I diden't do. It is hard when you get behind on the housework as I found out the hard way. Also what amazes me is that it piles up fairly fast. Let's see what I can get done for today. Between the cooking and the cleaning. Have fun and play hard.
Monday, January 25, 2010
All the free stuff
I knew of alot of the free stuff that was out on the net. SOme folks don't have a clue as to if you are on the net and all the free stuff out there. I do pay for the provider and I dont pay for the other that I am on. One of the perks for haveing a cable modem. Pluss there are samples out there that alot of folks don't know about. And coupons also. Pluss free games also online. You would be amazed in what you can find for free and none of the B.S. in what some want you to do also to sign up for the stuff.
Guessing that I need more help
Well after the past week here I need more help with stuff here. Well it doesen't help what a supposad friend tried to do to me also while I was dealing with a death. All I can do is shake my head on alot of things here. I do alot of things automaticly anyway for the can. I don't need a stupid person to try to tell me what to do in my own place also. And who I shoulden't take in becuase the supposad woman is a mental case on everyone. Well I have at this point pretty much stayed away from the person becuase I know if I don't I will not be so nice in person at all. In the time being I am still working on the budget and will do so untill I get it done. I haven't at all asked for a dime from anyone unlike some folks that I know here in the trailer park. So here I sit and wandering what I can do for the food budget also here and tie everything into play. As I have said before I don't give a rats behind on what people think of me at all becuase that is how I am at all times. Alot of folks have to be repetitive on what they do untill it feels right to the person of being cheap. There is no right or wrong of being cheap nor frugal also in my book. I have cut down on useing so much in my place to streach everything out. May as well get the most for the money that I do spend anyway. I admire the folks who have the solar pannals up at thier places also. That is another goal that I want to do in my life time is to have the solar pannels at my place besides the kitchen wood burning range. Pluss I have been stocking somewhat on coupons also for the place. May as well save when and where I can and I am not hurting anyone while I am doing all of this at all. I have been asked over and over again how I do what I do along with acouple of friends. Some of us do get togeather and compare notes in how we all do things that works for us. Between the free samples and the coupons and watching the prices at the stores and a few other things we all make things work for the households. And it scares the bejeebers out of some people I will admit to it. There are some places I can not live without and others I can really live without at this point in time. When I can get something on sale and I like the product I go for it and if I have a coupon for the sale item it is even better on me. What worries some folks is that I am dirt cheap for my place. And thanking my lucky stars that some have listened to me over the years and have got a wakeup call also in the mean time while we were at it all. Now she can go to the dollar stores and a few other places to shop at and not have to get hollared at. Nor belittled at the same time on alot of things that she has done. The both of us girls were laughing lastnight over it all. Even her Mom got a kick out of the whole thing also. All I said was rememmber the time that you were broke and you will rememmber all the things that the parents did to feed all of us. And a few other things that they all did to streach the dollar out also. When in doubt ask a grandparent on what they all did when they were kids. Now for this week for food leftovers tonight and maybe another casserole for tomarrow night for food and leftovers. What was funny was when I got home from Walmart yesterday afternoon. I had alot for what I had spent also. I have watched the dollars since I have been broke most of my life anyway. Alot of what I do I have learned from my Mom and put myown twist on alot of things here in my place. I have beat my father on alot of things also at my place. Going to the dollar stores and a few others doesen't hurt anyone at all. SOme will not be caught in any dollar stores anyway. Some things yes I do get like cearel and a few other things also becuase they are cheaper than Walmart.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Meatloaf in one house chicken in the other
Now I can start laughing becuase chicken in one meatloaf in the other with the households. Now without all the drama I just don't know what to do at this point in time at all. Eather produce the pic's or leave with the tail between the legs eather way. Now I can say that I am lucky. I have been cleaning all day and hollering and made everyone move to do something. Wierd when ya loose the voice and start throwing things. Not that I am sick I have lost my voice over the past week here. I normally don't talk as much as I have at all. Anyway at least dinner is done and waiting for the guys to start in on food. Now who ever is jelous walk into my shoes since some are crazy in the head on things along with the wishing and a wing on things. Things keep on getting wierder and wierder on alot of things around here. Now with today yes I went on the cheap end and why shoulden't I at this point. Well at least I have food in the can and can do alot of cooking at least. Pluss I don't have to beg my son's to pay my bills niether and send me out to where ever also. I have always lived under the pay checks to say the least and used coupons except today. It was an oddity that I had no coupons at all this time around. I can get the inserts for free but why bother rather pay for them myself at this time.
As I sit here and think again
Today is one of them days where I need to clean and a few other things here in the can. What I don't get done today I can finish up tomarrow also. Since folks are hitting my place today I have to do somethings to tidy up the can. All I can do is laugh part of the time anyway and get on my own toush about this. Pluss I am already thinking of dinner while I am at it all. Chicken once again for tonight. There will be some that will be happy about this becuase, rice is going with it all. Well now for some that are here in the household they haven't seen me cook with very little in the can. Now is thier chance to see what I can do for the rest of the month around here. I am not like some folks who throw out food after someone got enough food in another place. Well as I always say if you have potatoes, onions, garlic, a 5lb bag of flour and sugar, and a dozen eggs you can eat. Some folks get mad when that is all I have left in the place also. I can work with very little and run with it all. One night this week there will be pancakes of course. Pluss a few other things going that are cheaper than snot. Eather way some are not gonna like what I have to do today and some will love in what I do. If you ever noticed in other parts of the world they eat alot of rice also with thier diet. I do this also here in my place of course. At this point the rice has been going down to rock bottom prices again. In the area that I am in there are alot of differant nationalities also that want the rice. And some of us did hit the gold mine on it all and realized that we can really cook rice on the stove or the rice cooker. Yes I have 2 bags of rice left here from when I went to PA last year. It was about 3 dollars cheaper in the stores down there becuase there is not such a demand for it as there is up here. For a 20 lb bag of rice it is about 10 dollars. That is the nice part of getting it. Once you get the nack for cooking rice it is a great dish also. What I did was grabed the food pantry rice becuase I had so much of it when I was on food stamps that it took up a shelf in the kitchen. That is how I started and it came out according to the directions. Now I just slap it all togeather without thinking of course. Pluss there are gonna be a few things change on the cassarole of course that I am makeing tonight and that is part of the joy of cooking to make the dish your own in the proccess of things. There are alot of things you can do to make things on the cheap. I also made a promise to myself to eat more rice anyway and now I can. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
I am on strike somewhat
Well I will still cook and do laundery today. Other than that I am on strike from the rest of the household. I am still felling the after math of yesterday. Pretty good when one of my girls almost lost her legs and her Momma diden't give a flying rats behind. Just one of them days to where I have to reflect on everything that went on. Anyway at this point I am thinking of dinner and it will be about 50 cents per person pluss leftovers of course. One of these days I will get back to the grocery store and really stock up here on food. Untill then I will work with what I have and go from there. It seems strange that I am thinking about this and paying bills at the same time. This is where every store kicks in with me once I think about it all. I know that a Very Dear friend of mine will be leaning on me to jump start her again. Both of us girls tearing up the dollar stores pluss sales and the coupons on top of it all. The stores will need help around here with the both of us togeather. Sorry my Dear if you are reading this you know I am truthfull. And very blunt on top of it all. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
A very long couple of days
Well I must admit that it has been a very long past couple of days around here. Between no sleep and the funeral. Then to top it all of someone tried to drag me into something that she diden't want me to be in. I seen red at first and realized what goes around comes around to some people who have way to much time on thier hands to start lieing about others when they haven't even done a dang thing to the person who lied about another in the first place. So I have told myself to do what I have to do to keep sane and get even cheaper around my place. I haven't done a whole lot around my place as of late only becuase I have been on the run and not home for about 4 days and one day I stayed home and diden't bother to leave also. Now I have to revamp my place and run with it all once again. It will not be so bad since I have been working on the budget anyway. Now I will be doing alot of things today and I really need to get started on the laundery and a few other things here in my can since I was on the run for most of this past week. I hope that what a true friend went thru nobody has to go thru what she has this past week at all. Anyway have fun folks and play hard you never know what tomarrow brings.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Pretty dang good
Here I am granted I took someone into my home. Here I am feeling guilty for running back and fourth for a friend who just lost her husband on Monday. And I get accussed of supposadly doing something with another person when niether of us have even thought about doing. All I can say is I haven't had time to do much around here to begin with let alone anything else hardly. And I am sorry for Who accussed me of what I supposadly did. Some folks wander why that nobody wants anything to do with them and you don't go around talking smack niether. Yes I did cook for the poor girl that lost her husband and was gone all day Wensday for the most part. It was eather that or have the poor girl crack even farther. I was home yesterday granted and I stayed here to clean and knowing that everyone was gonna pile into the place it was safer to stay home. Then this way I could get it out of my system also for today and tomarrow for the awake and the funeral.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Already bakeing
Well this morning was off to a running start. My feet barely hit the ground and I was off waiting for the coffee pot. I haven't got much done yet but, the day is still early and things will get done here. Pluss breakfast is in the oven already it never fails. Well after yesterday I could not hardly stand up when I got home to cook dinner and everything else here. Everything is still a mess and it will stay like that for the next 3 week or so once it all hits me. Now to get into the swing of things around here and still figure out how to get things done. I can laugh later about this. I just have to get use to getting things done with 3 people in the place once again. Anyway now for to start in on alot more around here and go from there I have another busy day ahead of me and I am not likely to sit back down for hours now. Have fun and play hard.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Being on the run all day
Well I was on the run since about 945am this morning. I know and I will admit I have been trying to keep busy all day and I will be like this for the next few weeks here to keep my mind off of things. Well my friend will learn very quickly that I am really cheap around here. He has kept me sane somewhat today. Well after I sat down for dinner that is the real first time I sat down to really eat dinner. Now with everything going on I have to rememmber to stop at all times and cook. So I will be cooking on the cheap from now on and keep everyone happy. Also I will be makeing muffins for the mornings around here. It is a quick Breakfast at least for here. Anyway at least everything is coming togeather once again. I will be doing more tomarrow at least. So thanks to Susanne You are a life saver kiddo. Now to just get a bit more time to really start cooking once again. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Well after all this
I have been in tears all morning to say the least. Even though the electrition and I fought hard at eachother and togeather he passed on this morning. At this point I am wandering about it all. Yes I am still cheap without a problem where he spent everything. Now I am sad that he had a massive hart attack.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Went looking
Well I went looking for another bird and I don't know. The Bird broke my skin 3 times within 15 min of seeing her. It was worse than what poor Olliver was liveing with at one time. So I said I would think about it all. Pluss since I was out and in the area I ran to petco and picked up stuff for the crew here. Annie and Gar are happy with Olliver he got more today for the goodies. I got 2 new toys and a Hammock for him today. So it is all good here. Now to get alot done today after 4 loads of laundery. And one more load has to be done before 4 am tomarrow morning. Anyway I am still worried about the Hippy eather way. I am getting excited for to get appliances for the big truck eather way. I know some have mini fridges and Nukers(microwaves) for the truck. And some say screw it all we will cook on the 600 detroit deasle also. I have seen it happen. That is why they had cans on the radadors on the 1920's cars. I still think it is totally cool that they did that way back when. I can still worry about the Hippy out on the road still to this day. The Hippy started laughing at me for saying lets go to the dollar store to get stuff for the truck once again. We both went to the big Dollar Tree here on this end of town to get stuff. We got about 15 dollars worth of stuff and it will last about 2 weeks in the truck. I dont eat much in chips here in the can anyway. I have cut way back on what goodies I do eat here anyway. It saves me at least 100 dollars a month here. I found out that a candy bar is a treat now just like when I was a child around my place. Once my Mom found out she was laughing at me. So now to sit here and do laundery and get dinner going for tonight and go from there. It will be a long night or day eather way once I get up tomarrow and get things done here today. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Still waiting
Well I am still waiting on the Hippy to get back here. Another 2hrs at least for a wait and I will have Dinner waiting on him. The chicken was pretty good. I will get the recipie out to you that I had did later on today. Now I can laugh here becuase I already had stuff to zip up the chicken. Eather way with 3 meals a day sometimes you have to theink about the odd ball things to make food intrasting. Or new ways to fix dinner and supper at least. Now for some things you can't do it to. Now with some sites they will give you a basic way of makeing something. Well if you sit there and think long enough you can make something great and everyone begging for more also. That is why I wright down in how much and of what to spice up something. Anyway now the Hippy just called me back and we have to run to see a bird near here. I just don't wanna move out of here today.
Still waiting
The Hippy hasen't even made it home yet. So I will start cooking here shortly weather or not if the Hippy gets home. Well the poor chicken needs cooked today. Along with several other things that need to be cooked around here. I have been putting it all off here becuase I just wasent up to bakeing lately. Lets see what today brings of course and I may just get out for another walk today even though the weather is somewhat cruddy out. Ok folks have fon and play hard.
Friday, January 15, 2010
I finally got the walk this morning after a long night. Well I may have said before Olliver (the bird) has siezures. He had one at 2:30 A.M. and once again at at 9:30 A.M. I can see where my day is going to end up today. The spats are getting farther apart now after almost 6 months of haveing him here. The previous owner never said anything to me about it at all. Never get a bird from Leona Cox at all. So now that has been said the siezures are down to once a month now. Ollivers diet has improved also. He eats more and has totally filled out since I have got him. And no other bird is dive bombing the poor thing when he tries to eat and drink now. After I took away the bitters and tonic Olliver has done well around here. Pluss I can pick up the poor baby with my bare hands at this point in time also. Leona gave all the attintion to the other bird that was in the cage with Olliver. So for the past 6 months I have been working with him. Olliver has came along way since the biteing stage he was in when I first got him. Anyway now with the walk that I took this morning it did me good in so many ways around here. I also got to clear my brain for all the crud that I had dim light on. Now I have regained my since of doing things here in the can and I like it now. Pluss now since I have a clear mind I did do some thinking on the walk that I did take also. I am so thankfull for alot of good friends around me at this point and telling me it is O.K. to be totally mad at somethings that have happened. Last night was a huge help with 2 good friends coming over to see me. We all have been so broke for so long that both of them understand why I am cheaper than most. And why I had chicken swimming in crud for dinner tonight. ANd yes I do have alot of chicken and need to get more here shortly. Pluss the rice doesen't hurt niether here in my place. I can get rice over at Walmart cheaper than any other store here in NY State at this point in time. It is about 10 dollars for a 20lb bag. So now that I know that most of the stuff is cheaper at Walmart to go grocery shopping at at this point I may as well. Pluss Walmart is within walking distance from the can here. I was ther within 5 min becuase the ice is built up on the pathway and the roads here in the park. The SlumLoards don't care one bit if they all get a lawsuit against them at all. Awfull funny that my driveway is clear and so is the parkinglot at Walmart and Sabre Park is ice covered in the streets still. Anyway I did get prices this morning while I was at the store and was basicly alone at 8 am. That is how I find alot of the good deals on meats for the can. I yank them back in the deep freezer also. Go early in the morning and you get the best prices also. What happends is they discount the meat that is about ready to give up that is not already froze. Alot of us that are totally broke will pick up the meat and run with it then divide it up to portions for the household then put it in the freezer for later use. I will say that the Hippy and myself do not make 75 grand a year at all. I do also streach out and go without when at all possible here. If the undies and socks pluss towels are holding up I do not buy them at all. And yes I have had to buy slingshots at times becuase I have eather worn them out or they totally break also. Well I dont feel like I am dressed untill I have my undergarments on. Pluss I don't buy cute outfits at all only becuase I can't afford to at all. I am lucky to have 2 pairs of jeans that fit me and a couple of pairs of dress pants that fit also. Otherwise I hardly go out and most of the time people have to grab my ponytail to get me to go out someplace. We all still laugh about it today. For Holloween yes I did go out and had fun only becuase a friend got up and played with the band. My other Hippy as I call him. He got everyone on the dance floor and kicking up thier heals. I thought it was very cool that a special needs woman was there also and I took her under my wing. She danced untill she could dance nomore that night. She was no older than my Baby Brother with Autisum. I told here I needed another sister and she was the one. I still think of the girl every day since October of last year and hope she is doing well with everything. My baby Brother still asks how is Sissy doing. He started calling me that when he was about 10 and I never coreccted him on it at all. I still call my baby brother bubbs to this day. Even though he is 6'5 and over 200lbs. As I say all of my brothers and sister are my favorites. They have no choice in the matter. Even the other hippies wife I adore dearly. I started laughing of when she asked for a recipie from me so her hubby could make it for thier place. Well she can't cook worth a lick and it all turns out. Anyway I better get going so I can start on the house work here. Have fun and play hard.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
I did get some stuff done
Well I got alot more done here and diden't even go for a walk today. Also the Hippy called and swore it was Friday this morning. I started laughing here. Pluss he asked if I went to the movies this week. I told him no becuase I haven't left the house as of yet. So I will get more done tomarrow and I will be over at Walmart tomarrow morning. The walk will do me some good in the morning anyway. I can at least window shop and get some prices togeather once again. Now for most of the week I have only had one pot of coffee in the mornings around here. Tonight was a treat with the second pot becuase, a couple of friends came over to see how I was doing. Otherwise I have been drinking tea for most of the day during the week here. It works for me at this point in time. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
May as well today
After I get some more things done I will have my walk in today. Some fresh air will do me some good around here. Even Olliver is happy that the sun is shineing on him today. I am running somewhat behind and it's ok by me today. I will still get things done here and still cut back on cleaners and everything else. I will not do any shopping today at all while I am at it. I am safer out of the stores at this point in time. I can wait untill next week or so for now to get out to Walmart and a few other places. Well I better get a move on today and get some things done around here then take my walk since it is gonna be really nice around here today. So have fun and play hard.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Been somewhat slacking
Well Finally I get to sit down for a bit. Most of the past couple of days I have had the computer off all togeather. And yes I am still working on the list of things to do for this week of course. I did get more done today and will get alot more done tomarrow. I have no choice at this time to crack down on things here in my place. Anyway now I will have the van back here by Friday at the latest so I can do a bit more instead of walking all over. I may go out for a bit tomarrow just to get out of the can. I have been couped up since Sunday night when the Hippy left out of here. Well while it was warmer I diden't mind so much. It has also saved on the gas in the van also. And this next week I have to have the van anyway. Tuesday is a huge day for me now. Ok folks have fun and play hard I am back to work on the kitchen.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Let Monday begin
It is Monday once again. Now I get to work on my list of things to do around here. My kitchen is smacking me in the face since it needs to be cleaned up. Ok I took the lazy way over the weekend. Pluss the van is out in Collins as of now. So I will get most of the list done by the middle of the week of course. That is the nice part about haveing one car/van. I call it a car most of the time. Now I feel so much better after I got out of the 4 year slump of just not careing about squat I finally woke up and started cutting and slashing once again around here. I have began once again hard and heavy to cut the gas bill and the power bill once again. All I can do is say how I do things around here in the can. The food bill will be slashed even more once I sit down and figure what else to do with it all. Ok folks I better get started on the can so have fun and play hard.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
If I diden't have some help
I would have been screwed for this week if I diden't have some help around here. I have a list that is 3 pages long for the week of things to do for chores. And a HUGE Thank You to my other Hippy And His Wife for this morning. Between the laundery and a few other things that I have done with my Hippies help today I don't know what I would have done. Of course my mind was raceing while I was out of the can as normal of what needed to be done. And as cheap as I could do everything. Almost everyone is pissed off at me at this point anyway becuase I am thinking ahead on things. Even the dog and cat are miffed at me at this point on takeing the blankets and a few other things away from them. Yes I am still doing laundery at this point of day. It was eather do the blankets or choke tonight. So I did an extra load of laundery. Now within 2 weeks it will be worse by the time I am done of course. With 2 kitchens to run still and a few other things that I have to do. I will be saveing up for another matress of course unless the poor man sleaps on blankies and the floor. OF course lay a way is an option around here and still thinking of it today for some places on a futon for the spare room. As I told my Hippy today the couch ain't worn out totally yet. If the springs aint pokeing thru then guess what it ain't done yet. Sheets are a wanderfull thing around here. If I pitched everything that was old and ratted up then I would have nothing left out of the can at all. I have learned the hard way out of life. Keep the things you know are good and will last and go from there. Unlike what the girl that I was gonna take in and the Trash that she is liveing with at this time. OK I live in 700 square feet I won't lie about that. And I live in a Trailer instead of a "Rented" home that has more room at this point and on Welfare like they do. Not all of us that live in Trailers are trash at all. I have a HUGE reminder across the street that I am not trash at all. There is no car on cynder blocks nor a sofa out on the lawn niether. Nor useless children here also. I found out here in NY State that you can open handedly you can smack a child and not leave a mark on them and not have a worry about CPS at the place also. I will admit I have been out on my own since I was 16 years of age. The State of PA will tell you that it was Child Abuse that I was married at tht age and on my own totally amancipated also. I learned from it all. I diden't turn up prego and I ran my own house pluss worked my toush off while I was at it all. The Children of today don't have a clue as to what it is like at all back in the 80's and early 90's at all. If not before then. This is why I became cheap. I will admit that I am the first one to say and try to tell anyone on how I do things around here. I started laughing at noon when Sandera Lee was on for the cheap meals today. I have her and Melissa D'Arabia Beat to a pulp for meals under 10 dollars a pop around here for 2-4 people if not more. The Hillbillyhouswife has helped on that one also. So another Big Thanks to Susanne also for some help here in the can. I have shopped around and found out that Walmart is cheaper on some things as of yesterday. Triple on some things is all I can say still. Now with the state of PA if you don't feed the children and give them what they want then you are a bad parent or gardian eather way. In the state of NY you are good as gold if you send out chores and make the children work for the privlages that they all want. I know some folks that won't feed thier children even if ya paided them to also. The children get a half a cup of what is for breacfast lunch and dinner and that is it. Some that I have sat for I have seen them clear out a dozen eggs becuase they wont get squat for dinner and lunch so they stock up for the rest of the day. Ok folks have fun and enjoy and cut out hunger while you're at it.
Just don't wanna
Well I get to run out to Collins again today. I just dont like it when they do maitanince on the tractor in the middle of winter at all. After Friday slideing up and down the hill just stinks in my book. Well if the Hippy slid on friday and he has a load in the bucket I am still wandering how I got up the hill myself here. About the only thing that kept me laughing was the shop cat. She kept running up and down the hill to see what was going on while the one machanic salted the hill down. Then the cat would mow at me like they are trying. Some cats make the best watch dogs anyway in my book. And in my household the dog and cat tag team on everyone. So anyway I was watching a commercial for Oprah and I don't feel sorry for the family that gets the computer and a few other things taken away. Yes it is hard at first to not be on the computer all day unless it is work related and the T.V. is mainly off in my household along with the main computer anyway. It was hard at first untill I got use to haveing silents in the can. Then I noticed that I started to get more done here in the can. Yes I know it does sound strange. Pluss when I got the power bill after the 2nd month of doing this my bill had droped by 40 dollars by turning stuff off also. Then after that I had an idea to get 2 more power strips for the 2 T.V.'s in the place and started turning off the power strips after that. I have also noticed that if the Hippy isen't home during the week the power bill goes down to about 80 dollars a month or less. I don't watch much T.V. and I will be the first to admit to it for my place. Now I have to keep the DVR on tonight so a movie will record. Tomarrow it will be off for most of the day along with other things of course. And I have got to the point where I even unplug the coffee pot during the day even. Some folks may laugh in what I do. It works for me to cut down the power bill. If I had enough room here I would be hanging the laundery also during the winter time also. My neighbors have asked me in how I have done it all and kept the budget. I told them I unplug everything during the day for the most part and do alot of laundery on the Off Peak hours. Yes I end up staying up late or getting up very early to get the laundery done. I was laughing yesterday becuase yesterday was an off peek day. And now I get to do more during the week this week for the one room that needs to get done. Tomarrow will be anothe busy day for me anyway. As Mondays are around here. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Well went to look around
I went out to Aldi today and some of the things have trippled that I wanted to get. So I did pass on alot of things and will wait on the trip to Walmart towards the middle to end of the month. Some things are cheaper at Aldi some are cheaper at Walmart. Well it could be worse out there. So I got about 40 dollars worth of groceries and the rest will come later in the month. Well I can say that there will be coupons with the rest of what I get also. Other than that I have been doing laundery for most of the day. Waiting on the washer more or less. I have one more load to get done and I will be done for the week. In how the dryer vent is set up it keeps the back of the can warmer.
Yesterday was bad
I had went out about 10 am figureing that the plows were already out. They were still out at 8pm after I was coming back home. The hippy got stuck at the boddom of the hill at the company lastnight. It was that slick out. All I could do was laugh at that point in time. Now for here in NY we get pretty use to the cold, ice, and snow. People were out in ditches still yesterday and the hippy thought I put the van in the ditch when it wasen't even me at all. All I can say when it gets that bad out Stay Home or really take it easy out on the roads. Pluss make sure you have blankets and some food in the car. You can cook on the block if need be. Well I can say it still took me about an hour to get out to Collins yesterday. That was the wierd part of it all. The side roads are still bad but the main roads were pretty good still. So today I have to pull double duty around here since I hardly did anything yesterday. I did get some things done here but, not enought to say I got things done. So the laundery has been started and I will start cooking here shortly also while I am at it all. It is not totally bad around here just a few touch ups and I am done. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Now I can laugh again
Well someone came over yesterday and a comment was made on the new food processor in the kitchen. And what the person doesent know won't hurt her niether on what I had paid for the new appliance. I never pay full price anyway on anything so I will let her think I paid over 200 dollars on the thing when I diden't. Coupon codes are a wanderfull thing at all times. Pluss the person was bragging up on a child who diden't need it also. This is why I only talk to the one person once a month so I don't go into overload and blow gaskets. Well after it's all said and done at this point I will keep to my place and keep the glimmer of hope that I will be out of the can and leave no forwarding address to alot of people one of these days. Anyway at this point it gave me new light on alot of things around here yesterday and that I will be ok after. I have cut and slashed here in the can and started drinking hot tea in the afternoons also. I cut the coffee to one pot a day also. Now to come up with something for dinner tonight and go from there of course while I am at it thru the day. Ok folks have fun and ply hard.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
A sigh of relief
Well I got alot done today and not nearly enough at the same time. I am still ploting on what to do next of course after the table got cleaned off and a path way to the T.V. has been cleared out once again around here. I am on early with the computer I know and I needed the radio in some sorts to get me thru the day around here. May as well do double duty for the thing around here and the modem also. Besides the coupons and the free stuff that I will start looking for once again on the net. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Why I turn off things
Normally I am off the computer by now and I am running behind again. I got up late so the day is partly shot already. Anyway I started turning off the power strips for the modem and the T.V.'s during the day to save on the power bill for the most part around here. Then next reason why I shut off the modem is to have it reset. One of the things that the teck people at the cable companies don't tell you that when the net is slow on your end to shut off the modem for about 5 min if not more and turn it back on. Pluss you have to clean out the cookies also off the explorer and thru windows and do a defrag also on the computer. The cable modem is running slow today and I need to reset everything here. I haven't yet finished the rearangeing of a couple of rooms so while everything is off I will be doing somemore today. Pluss it gives me a chance to marry acouple of buckets togeather that are only half full. Now to really think of to get some things out of the storage unit for my bedroom so I will have more room around here and get the one junk dresser out of the room while I am at it when people start showing up here. Ok folks have fun and play hard. As I begin to plot for the day.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Now I don't mind
I really don't mind being alone around here in the can. The reason why I say this is becuase, I can get more done around here without a problem at all. I ended up starting reorganizeing the spare room this past weekend and will finish that up here this week I am hopeing. Along with my bedroom. I have to laugh about this only becuase I am finding stuff that I knew I had and forgot where I put it. I am also still working on the new budget for the next 6 months while I am at it all. Since I work for 15 min and have to sit down for about 15 min also thru the day. It seem that I get more done by doing that thruout the day than working an hour a day as some folks have told me to do. The 3 folks who told me that have an extra 4 to 6 helping hands to go along with work an hour a day also. Well the Hippy also came in for dinner lastnight and asked if I had cleaned the cabnet doors while I was at it. I said no becuase I haden't at the time. I will get that done after I get everything else done and wipe them down with old english after I get done wipeing the doors down. They will be oily for about 3 days untill everything soaks into the woodwork. It keeps the doors from splitting also. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Nice suprize
I got the hippy home for a couple of hours today. So I get to streach the leftovers and soup for the week. Pluss I found out that one of my uncles needs both knees done. Not good in my book from what I went thru with my knee. Well all said and done I know my Randy will take care of his daddy eather way. Well after I thought about today and got some things done I diden't get much done eather way.
Well yesterday went well
I made it out some yesterday morning for the UPS store and the Family Dollar store. My slideing door is froze shut and found a few things to unfreeze it. It was so bad out yesterday morning that I am happy that I dident drive out to Collins. I slid all the way home from the store. When it is below 20 outside salt does not work at all on the roads. At least the plows were out trying to scrape the roads as much as possible. Anyway after I got back I started in on the cleaning and got most of the list done for yesterday. Today will be to tackle the spare room, liveingroom, and bakeing day. With only about 2 weeks as a count down untill a friend gets here I have to bust my toush to get a room ready for him. So the spaire room is nolonger my pantery at all. The Hippy was still laughing lastnight about it all. It looked like a bomb went off of food T.P. and paper towels. And I got almost everything put back togeather out here in the liveingroom. I have 2 totes out and one needs to go into the bathroom. The other tote is for the free stuff that has came in the mail for the household. That will end up in the kitchen. Now with my place I have limited space with 700 square feet. So I have became creative on what I do for storage and had no choice. I have a tote for the canned veggies and that is under the one counter that sepperates the liveingroom from the kitchen. Also I have storage shelves all over the place holding the other food items that I use that woulden't fit into the cabnets. The fun part about this is do I have enough of regular items to last for the rest of the month. Now with yesterday for most of the day the computer was off so was the T.V. It dident hurt one bit at all. I am shifting some of the things that I have been doing thru the past year also. I don't mind letting the dishes go for a couple 3 days here during the week at all. Since for about 5 days a week there is only me here. Also I will be cleaning like normal for the most part while I am at it and cutting down on everything. I can keep busy during the times that I am alone. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Trying to keep warm
The snow is already 2 feet and counting outside today. Now I hope that the back door doesen't freez up this year. The space heater is ready to go just in case if it does. What a day and thank goodness I made soup for dinner. Also I sent the Hippy off with a hot meal while I was at it. One of them days to start worrying becuase of the weather. We both seen someone slide off the 190 while I was paying a bill. Now I will deffanatly stay home. Even I was slideing around and I have some weight in the back of the van. Cat litter is a wanderfull thing for weight. Now for Winter driveing I do have stuff in the van. Like 2 blankets and a few other things. I haven't put a candle in there yet at all. Then again this year I am not going to far from the can neather. There comes a point in time to just stay home to be safe. Now a couple of friends of mine have went to the Tier to do things in thier place. The heater that they have is putting out heat but since they havent heated the place for awhile it is about 60 with the pellet stove going and the toilet still froze. If you are reading this you 2 put a space heater near the cammode and salt in the tank pluss the bowl. That is what I get for working in a cold wearhouse without heat for the most part. Pluss if you have a 2nd story bathroom after ya flush throw salt in the bowl. It wont hurt nothing at all and it will keep the pipes pretty much moveing. That and takeing the tank lid off with opening the cabnet doors on the sink. Sounds wierd but it works. The Hippy said anti freeze from the car works also. I was told salt and heat. Oh well now I am not to worried about the bathroom here freezing up since everything is open to the heat and that room is the warmest room of the place also. I even crack the kitchen lower cabnet doors open to let heat into there since it is the furthest from the heat. Heat tape is a wanderfull thing also. What heat tape does is it is like eletrical tape with a wire thru it, you plug it in and it turns on and off to keep the pipes from freezing up. Now for here yes the can is a trailer. It costs about 5 dollars a month to run the heat tape. I would rather spend 5 dollars extra for the power bill than have a 1000 dollar bill for a busted water pipe. Pluss the water bill to top it off. Now for here I can say that. When it is about 15 outside not includeing the wind chill if not lower than that at this point. Well as I had said before I have worked in pretty ronchy conditions in my life. Where 3 space heaters should have took the room to about 90 it was about 32 in the room with all 3 going. It was about 12 below without the heat in the building. Even though some of us had good laughes out of the one building. Between the snow drifts, the raccons, mice placed in computers, and the burning of the pants. There were alot of laughs and pokeing fun at. In one day I hit 2 mouse houses and several ones that were petrifide on top of it. All I asked of the guys was to dump the bucket that I had becuase I am short. Nothing scares me except for when my Sister-In-Law was around. That is why the guys never put live nor dead mice or rats in what I was pulling apart. And the wall of power supplies on my desk with a space heater. I was warmer than the 2 others at the time with a frog heater going. Mettal conducts heat and I found a way to keep warm. If I could have figured out a way to make a roof for the wall I would have done it. And of course there was the shake up and I survived that one with the skin of my teeth becuase I was still on medical at the time and the doors still shut becuase the boss switched the bosses around once again on the floor. Oh well on it now Alot of folks have been laid off and or the doors to a company have shut tight on them. Now with myself every time I am on unenjoyment(unemployment) I cut way back on alot of things here in the can. And I always do try to live below what I bring in anyway around here. Some months it is hard I won't deny that at all. This is why I say take a look at the budget that is there and are some things really nessesary like the coffee at Starbucks while you are looking for a job?????? Or that cute outfit that is full price at the time? Now with my budget I don't go out to get coffee nor the cute outfit at all when I know that Food and other things are more important. Pluss I have not went out to eat for at least a month at all. I have started cooking at home from scratch once again and the cheaper the better in my book. Leftovers are even better the next day. Alot of the times some folks have told and asked me why bother with leftovers. All I can say is it is food and I don't have to cook for a couple of days. Pluss there is soups around here also. I do not have to pull from the deep freezer everyday to feed myself at all. Nor go outside to heat up a grill also to cook on becuase of no gas in the place. Yes I have eletric appliances and it does me no good if the power goes out. Eather way I get to eat around here. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
I will admit
Now for yesterday the Hippy got me out for a bit. Talk about just plain out cold lastnight. I got to look around the Dollar General also. I found alot for the wish list and diden't get except for what I needed. And what I got was cheaper than Walmart. I did find more bathroom cleaner on sale that is the Green Works also. Now normally I won't go to any stores untill about the middle of the month and last night was a fluke for somethings that I really needed. Anyway the Hippy in my place wanted some goodies for the other kitchen so we all went. All I could do was laugh about it and limp thru the store. What the Hippy and I picked up was under 20 dollars apiece. The poor cashier thought we were just plain out nuts. I got to looking at more blankets for my bed and other blankets. I will wait untill they go on sale at the end of season also. We don't need anyone to be cold in my place. And let the fun begin once again around my place for to clear out the one room in the can. Now I should have picked up a few more totes lastnight and I diden't. So I will end up combineing several of them togeather within the next few days here. The nice thing about a friend staying here is that the can will stay cleaner becuase I will start pushing myself. Another thing is that I have moved most of the food items closer to the kitchen while I was at it yesterday. I got to laughing during it all becuase now all I have to do is throw open the one cabnet and pick out what I want for the day. I diden't forget what I had here in the place I just coulden't get to it since I am short here. Pluss to much stuff here in the can. Oh well at least it is here. Ok folks have fun and play hard.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Thinking of how lucky
At this point I will say that I am lucky that I can take my time on the cheapness still. Even though I have made a resuloution to myself this year to do better. I did get the water bill down to 44 dollars every 3 months now. If not less at this point in time within the next 3 months here. Now lastnight I did have dinner under 2 dollars a person pluss leftovers. Anyway I have been rearangeing my place for most of the day today. It hasen't been all that bad so far and I still have alot to do around here still. The liveing room is still torn up and I will get it picked up by Monday at the latest and the totes moved from one room to the other. As I say small bite at first for anything then go from there. IF not it is over welming for anyone to do at one time. Pluss later on here I will be walking over to Walmart for acouple of things. I can't stand when I run out of some things here in the place. Need I say more for some things. I refuse to have a bucket in the bathroom for homemade products when they are cheaper than I can make them still. It is a fine line when you know when it is cost effective for some things and not others at all. I myself are not saying that it won't work, it is not for me is all. There are always lines of not to cross and I won't cross some of the lines at all. Maybe becuase I can grab the garbage out of the bathroom once a day instead of a bleach load 2 times a day if not more. Sorry if you are a Male reader here. I will be the first one to admit some of us are heavy flow and others are not. If you are not one of the heavy ones that is ok also. Ok folks on that now have fun and play hard.
Just to cold out
Well 6" here in snow and I don't want to know about the Southern Tier in how many feet they already got. I just hope they got the one pellet burner going to keep warm with. Anyway I am already plotting on where to start in the can here for cleaning. It's not so bad when I start doing this at all. With everything going on at this point I have to get cracking to clean out the one room of my place also while I am at it all. Part of it is I did let that room go the other part I need to fit a bed in the room also. At this point in time it is only about 5 outside and I would rather clean inside than go out. Oh well lets see what I can do before I sit back down once again. Have fun and play hard.
Friday, January 1, 2010
I was listening to the news the past couple of days
I have noticed in the news lately that more folks have been joining the unemployment lines once again. And I just wander how many of the folks who have been on lay-offs in how much time they have left on the unemployment checks. Well I still know some folks that are working and they have over extended them selves also. The Hippy just shakes his head at some. Some have asked the Hippy in how I do things also around here and how we have managed liveing off of one income at times. Thru the years I did find my nitch on alot of things that I do. I have also thought of what I did when I was 16 and first out on my own also and pulled some of the things from then that worked out for me. Like useing less laundery and dish soap. Along with a leaky washer that I can laugh about now. I will say between the Tide and Tandal laundery deturgants it took up the hairspray off the floors and grease spots. Alot of things have did double and triple duty in my household that I have stuck with alot of what I have noticed that worked. Like dusting with the used dryer sheets pluss there's less of a chance to throw out sparks of the electronics in the household also. With so many things that I have tried out the dryer sheets and the bread bags have stayed around more times than not here. I keep a grocery bag in the bathroom so when the laundery is done I can throw the dryer sheet in the bag. About once a month or so I do hit up the T.V. with glass cleaner. Now I do have to watch in what I use becuase of the bird here. I have switched over to the Green Works products for the most part. I can streach the product out and not have to worry about not haveing enough also. I remember about 2 to 4 years ago someone asked me if they could go grocery shopping with me I said lets go becuase it was that time to go anyway. The person who went with me couldent believe in what I did. I had a months worth of meals for about 60 dollars. Also she started hollering about that I had more in my cart for less than what she spent also. That was without coupons becuase the place we were at diden't take them at the time. I know with some folks they don't sit down and plan the meals for the month at all. In the mean time when they don't they end up with alot of the same thing month after month also. With myself I use a daily planner that I can write down the 3 meals a day for the month. Then I take the planner and an extra list with me when I go do my shopping at all times and some folks are amazed that I do have things wrote down. Then this way I know of how much and of what to get for the month. I have got into the habit of getting flour also for alot of the cooking and bakeing that I do. Also I have been asked out in the store what if I don't want what is on the menu for that day. I mix up the days and what I wanted for that night and mark it down for the day of what I traided it for. Once I figured it all out with the meal planning it became easier on me. I write down the main course then build the meal off of the main course. Lets say you want meatloaf one night, mashed potatoes and another veggie goes with the meatloaf. Now with my household I do have instant potatoes around here. The trick of that is to put more butter and milk into the mix to streach them out and they taste better that way. Now the Hippy has laughed at times becuase I do use powdered milk also around here for cooking and bakeing. I don't buy milk at times becuase of where I am at in the month. If I am at the end of the month I don't run out and get just the milk at all I wait untill I go shopping for the month. Ok folks hve fun and play hard.
New Years once again.
Now I am impressed that it went well lastnight and this morning. Well I have totally swore off resolutions for the most part anyway. I made one lastnight and this morning to be done with it all. Also I diden't say all the New Year resalution anyway. I am famous to do stuff like that. After all of us that were over here at my place I had been asked for the flat bread recipie that I made once again. I started hot and heavy for the part of the new year of what I said that I would do. I wanted to be cheaper this year and I started that part once again. There are sometimes that I will fall flat on my face becuase that is how it goes with me. And the true test is going to be here within the next 18 days. I know with some things that I will be doing is a trial and error things and that is ok. If I can stick to streaching out everything here and reuseing everything that I can possibly reuse untill it eather is so tatered by the time I am done or it just plain out says that it is not gonna play anymore I have done what I set out to do. I think the biggest battle is going to be is myself hanging laundery out here come spring once again. Maybe not since the person who had asked for a place to stay wished that where he was at did the same thing. Anyway it will be a challange here untill everyone gets on the same page here in the can. We all had the giggles lastnight after we ate all night around here. Part of it was becuase I did go the cheap route for dinner. And there was no turkey in or on the pizza. At this point I am so sick and tired of turkey that I don't want to see another piece of it for awhile. So now comes the fun part of things here becuase I have other things to cook now after the holidays.
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