Friday, January 1, 2010
I was listening to the news the past couple of days
I have noticed in the news lately that more folks have been joining the unemployment lines once again. And I just wander how many of the folks who have been on lay-offs in how much time they have left on the unemployment checks. Well I still know some folks that are working and they have over extended them selves also. The Hippy just shakes his head at some. Some have asked the Hippy in how I do things also around here and how we have managed liveing off of one income at times. Thru the years I did find my nitch on alot of things that I do. I have also thought of what I did when I was 16 and first out on my own also and pulled some of the things from then that worked out for me. Like useing less laundery and dish soap. Along with a leaky washer that I can laugh about now. I will say between the Tide and Tandal laundery deturgants it took up the hairspray off the floors and grease spots. Alot of things have did double and triple duty in my household that I have stuck with alot of what I have noticed that worked. Like dusting with the used dryer sheets pluss there's less of a chance to throw out sparks of the electronics in the household also. With so many things that I have tried out the dryer sheets and the bread bags have stayed around more times than not here. I keep a grocery bag in the bathroom so when the laundery is done I can throw the dryer sheet in the bag. About once a month or so I do hit up the T.V. with glass cleaner. Now I do have to watch in what I use becuase of the bird here. I have switched over to the Green Works products for the most part. I can streach the product out and not have to worry about not haveing enough also. I remember about 2 to 4 years ago someone asked me if they could go grocery shopping with me I said lets go becuase it was that time to go anyway. The person who went with me couldent believe in what I did. I had a months worth of meals for about 60 dollars. Also she started hollering about that I had more in my cart for less than what she spent also. That was without coupons becuase the place we were at diden't take them at the time. I know with some folks they don't sit down and plan the meals for the month at all. In the mean time when they don't they end up with alot of the same thing month after month also. With myself I use a daily planner that I can write down the 3 meals a day for the month. Then I take the planner and an extra list with me when I go do my shopping at all times and some folks are amazed that I do have things wrote down. Then this way I know of how much and of what to get for the month. I have got into the habit of getting flour also for alot of the cooking and bakeing that I do. Also I have been asked out in the store what if I don't want what is on the menu for that day. I mix up the days and what I wanted for that night and mark it down for the day of what I traided it for. Once I figured it all out with the meal planning it became easier on me. I write down the main course then build the meal off of the main course. Lets say you want meatloaf one night, mashed potatoes and another veggie goes with the meatloaf. Now with my household I do have instant potatoes around here. The trick of that is to put more butter and milk into the mix to streach them out and they taste better that way. Now the Hippy has laughed at times becuase I do use powdered milk also around here for cooking and bakeing. I don't buy milk at times becuase of where I am at in the month. If I am at the end of the month I don't run out and get just the milk at all I wait untill I go shopping for the month. Ok folks hve fun and play hard.