Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Well yesterday went well
I made it out some yesterday morning for the UPS store and the Family Dollar store. My slideing door is froze shut and found a few things to unfreeze it. It was so bad out yesterday morning that I am happy that I dident drive out to Collins. I slid all the way home from the store. When it is below 20 outside salt does not work at all on the roads. At least the plows were out trying to scrape the roads as much as possible. Anyway after I got back I started in on the cleaning and got most of the list done for yesterday. Today will be to tackle the spare room, liveingroom, and bakeing day. With only about 2 weeks as a count down untill a friend gets here I have to bust my toush to get a room ready for him. So the spaire room is nolonger my pantery at all. The Hippy was still laughing lastnight about it all. It looked like a bomb went off of food T.P. and paper towels. And I got almost everything put back togeather out here in the liveingroom. I have 2 totes out and one needs to go into the bathroom. The other tote is for the free stuff that has came in the mail for the household. That will end up in the kitchen. Now with my place I have limited space with 700 square feet. So I have became creative on what I do for storage and had no choice. I have a tote for the canned veggies and that is under the one counter that sepperates the liveingroom from the kitchen. Also I have storage shelves all over the place holding the other food items that I use that woulden't fit into the cabnets. The fun part about this is do I have enough of regular items to last for the rest of the month. Now with yesterday for most of the day the computer was off so was the T.V. It dident hurt one bit at all. I am shifting some of the things that I have been doing thru the past year also. I don't mind letting the dishes go for a couple 3 days here during the week at all. Since for about 5 days a week there is only me here. Also I will be cleaning like normal for the most part while I am at it and cutting down on everything. I can keep busy during the times that I am alone. Ok folks have fun and play hard.