Friday, January 29, 2010
Doing a search on the web
I have been search on the web this morning. I have alot of things to try as of now to get even cheaper around here. Last night I was told that in the territory for here the power bill was 40 dollars with everything left plugged in. Well the bill here is normally about 90 with everything unplugged. I had to explain this lastnight and why I unplug everything around here during the day of course. Pluss it drives me nuts when people leave thier phone chargers plugged in without useing them. There are alot of things that I do out of habit of course becuase I do live in a trailer (can). When I started going frugal/cheap again it was becuase, I have had to. As my one sister in law use to tell me I was the rich bitch out of the bunch. She said that becuase she know I was carefull of money and thought about the purchase before I would spend the money. I make sure that the bills are paid and food in the house before anything else went on. When I had started reading on going frugal, cheap, and simplicity most people diden't know why I was trying things out that I had seen on the net. Untill it started working for me and my household. So now with new articals coming out and reread alot over the years to see what I had missed to try or retry alot of things. It has also helped to have an almost fully stocked place. Alot of the folks that I hang out with understand why now of the why I do somethings around here. Like on Sunday night we all got to laughing becuase I do try to save money when I can. Pluss a dear friend of mine looked at me and said please teach me more of your knowledge I really need your help now. Her husband was a spender plain and simple not to knock him at all becuase, he was truely a good guy. I told her I would help her out in anyway that I could and go from there. What alot of it is, is extra expences that she doesen't need at this point in time. As I told her she needed to cut alot of the fat off the budget at her place at this time for a while. And I also explained that it will take at least 6 months to a year to make everything work like it should and then some. The poor woman was shocked when I told her that I was still trying to cut the fat off of my budget. I still work at it everyday around here and with other folks in the household also here it makes it a bit harder to do somethings and explain why I have the place set up the way I do. Now some are realizeing that I am so differant than the last person he stayed with. All I can do is shake my head on some things and others I can't let slip by me at all. I say this only becuase once a year I am very broke and have to play catch up on alot of things in Febuary. Some do not understand about the Truck Drivers out there. And that is another goaround to say the least. I will explain that later on today. Ok folks have fun and play hard.