Saturday, January 30, 2010
Never realized in how true
The movie Groundhog's day is on the T.V. Land channel today. I never realized in how true it really was untill I was there. Punxey PA is about 4 hrs away from where I live at now. It is the same day almost day after day in that town. Except when the Major Grocery store chain has the crazy 8 sales at times thru the year. You watch the news for what water main broke for the rush hour traffic. As I say 2 for 1 at the slaughter house hitting bings and double coupon days nothing really changes down in Punxey. Not knocking anyone down there since I know half the town. The Amish children are seen and not heard at all. I admire thier rules for thier Children so much in life. The Amish folks are very sweet in nature and so true that I do envey them. Even thier little bitty ones are so happy when they are out that I love it and very respectfull that it makes 95% children in todays world abnoxious in thier own way out of the Amish Sect's. I have thanked many of parent in PA that are Amish that you would not believe it. The Amish in Pa and all over the US are like a breath of good clean air in how they react in things from the outside. At 7 am Monday thru Saturdays I enjoyed going shopping becuase of the Amish children being so quiet in the stores along with the afternoons also. The children dident ask for nothing at all in the stores they have the rule of be seen and not heard ways of how I grew up. The woman who raised me is one of the Old School folks. As folks said little ears and little pitchers for children growing up back then. I soaked up everything and learned from it all is all I can say. I am sure that all the Amish children are the same way also. Alot of times I had all smiles and felt better after I was out of my sister in laws house for an hour while I was down in Punxey just standing there in the grocery store watching the little ones and I had new light when I got back to the house hold there. Alot of what the Amish does is what I believe in anyway. Granted some are worse some are better that is with everyone though. You can get that all over the place. And A Huge Thank You to my Miss Sara for teaching me on how to cook on a Wood burning Stove top when I was a teen. I would watch and the poor woman coulden't understand why. I was learning from her at the time and I appreciated it so much that I can't even thank her now. I amy have to call one of my sisters to get Miss Sara's address so I can write to her. Ok folks have fun and play hard.