Sunday, January 3, 2010
Trying to keep warm
The snow is already 2 feet and counting outside today. Now I hope that the back door doesen't freez up this year. The space heater is ready to go just in case if it does. What a day and thank goodness I made soup for dinner. Also I sent the Hippy off with a hot meal while I was at it. One of them days to start worrying becuase of the weather. We both seen someone slide off the 190 while I was paying a bill. Now I will deffanatly stay home. Even I was slideing around and I have some weight in the back of the van. Cat litter is a wanderfull thing for weight. Now for Winter driveing I do have stuff in the van. Like 2 blankets and a few other things. I haven't put a candle in there yet at all. Then again this year I am not going to far from the can neather. There comes a point in time to just stay home to be safe. Now a couple of friends of mine have went to the Tier to do things in thier place. The heater that they have is putting out heat but since they havent heated the place for awhile it is about 60 with the pellet stove going and the toilet still froze. If you are reading this you 2 put a space heater near the cammode and salt in the tank pluss the bowl. That is what I get for working in a cold wearhouse without heat for the most part. Pluss if you have a 2nd story bathroom after ya flush throw salt in the bowl. It wont hurt nothing at all and it will keep the pipes pretty much moveing. That and takeing the tank lid off with opening the cabnet doors on the sink. Sounds wierd but it works. The Hippy said anti freeze from the car works also. I was told salt and heat. Oh well now I am not to worried about the bathroom here freezing up since everything is open to the heat and that room is the warmest room of the place also. I even crack the kitchen lower cabnet doors open to let heat into there since it is the furthest from the heat. Heat tape is a wanderfull thing also. What heat tape does is it is like eletrical tape with a wire thru it, you plug it in and it turns on and off to keep the pipes from freezing up. Now for here yes the can is a trailer. It costs about 5 dollars a month to run the heat tape. I would rather spend 5 dollars extra for the power bill than have a 1000 dollar bill for a busted water pipe. Pluss the water bill to top it off. Now for here I can say that. When it is about 15 outside not includeing the wind chill if not lower than that at this point. Well as I had said before I have worked in pretty ronchy conditions in my life. Where 3 space heaters should have took the room to about 90 it was about 32 in the room with all 3 going. It was about 12 below without the heat in the building. Even though some of us had good laughes out of the one building. Between the snow drifts, the raccons, mice placed in computers, and the burning of the pants. There were alot of laughs and pokeing fun at. In one day I hit 2 mouse houses and several ones that were petrifide on top of it. All I asked of the guys was to dump the bucket that I had becuase I am short. Nothing scares me except for when my Sister-In-Law was around. That is why the guys never put live nor dead mice or rats in what I was pulling apart. And the wall of power supplies on my desk with a space heater. I was warmer than the 2 others at the time with a frog heater going. Mettal conducts heat and I found a way to keep warm. If I could have figured out a way to make a roof for the wall I would have done it. And of course there was the shake up and I survived that one with the skin of my teeth becuase I was still on medical at the time and the doors still shut becuase the boss switched the bosses around once again on the floor. Oh well on it now Alot of folks have been laid off and or the doors to a company have shut tight on them. Now with myself every time I am on unenjoyment(unemployment) I cut way back on alot of things here in the can. And I always do try to live below what I bring in anyway around here. Some months it is hard I won't deny that at all. This is why I say take a look at the budget that is there and are some things really nessesary like the coffee at Starbucks while you are looking for a job?????? Or that cute outfit that is full price at the time? Now with my budget I don't go out to get coffee nor the cute outfit at all when I know that Food and other things are more important. Pluss I have not went out to eat for at least a month at all. I have started cooking at home from scratch once again and the cheaper the better in my book. Leftovers are even better the next day. Alot of the times some folks have told and asked me why bother with leftovers. All I can say is it is food and I don't have to cook for a couple of days. Pluss there is soups around here also. I do not have to pull from the deep freezer everyday to feed myself at all. Nor go outside to heat up a grill also to cook on becuase of no gas in the place. Yes I have eletric appliances and it does me no good if the power goes out. Eather way I get to eat around here. Ok folks have fun and play hard.