Friday, January 15, 2010
I finally got the walk this morning after a long night. Well I may have said before Olliver (the bird) has siezures. He had one at 2:30 A.M. and once again at at 9:30 A.M. I can see where my day is going to end up today. The spats are getting farther apart now after almost 6 months of haveing him here. The previous owner never said anything to me about it at all. Never get a bird from Leona Cox at all. So now that has been said the siezures are down to once a month now. Ollivers diet has improved also. He eats more and has totally filled out since I have got him. And no other bird is dive bombing the poor thing when he tries to eat and drink now. After I took away the bitters and tonic Olliver has done well around here. Pluss I can pick up the poor baby with my bare hands at this point in time also. Leona gave all the attintion to the other bird that was in the cage with Olliver. So for the past 6 months I have been working with him. Olliver has came along way since the biteing stage he was in when I first got him. Anyway now with the walk that I took this morning it did me good in so many ways around here. I also got to clear my brain for all the crud that I had dim light on. Now I have regained my since of doing things here in the can and I like it now. Pluss now since I have a clear mind I did do some thinking on the walk that I did take also. I am so thankfull for alot of good friends around me at this point and telling me it is O.K. to be totally mad at somethings that have happened. Last night was a huge help with 2 good friends coming over to see me. We all have been so broke for so long that both of them understand why I am cheaper than most. And why I had chicken swimming in crud for dinner tonight. ANd yes I do have alot of chicken and need to get more here shortly. Pluss the rice doesen't hurt niether here in my place. I can get rice over at Walmart cheaper than any other store here in NY State at this point in time. It is about 10 dollars for a 20lb bag. So now that I know that most of the stuff is cheaper at Walmart to go grocery shopping at at this point I may as well. Pluss Walmart is within walking distance from the can here. I was ther within 5 min becuase the ice is built up on the pathway and the roads here in the park. The SlumLoards don't care one bit if they all get a lawsuit against them at all. Awfull funny that my driveway is clear and so is the parkinglot at Walmart and Sabre Park is ice covered in the streets still. Anyway I did get prices this morning while I was at the store and was basicly alone at 8 am. That is how I find alot of the good deals on meats for the can. I yank them back in the deep freezer also. Go early in the morning and you get the best prices also. What happends is they discount the meat that is about ready to give up that is not already froze. Alot of us that are totally broke will pick up the meat and run with it then divide it up to portions for the household then put it in the freezer for later use. I will say that the Hippy and myself do not make 75 grand a year at all. I do also streach out and go without when at all possible here. If the undies and socks pluss towels are holding up I do not buy them at all. And yes I have had to buy slingshots at times becuase I have eather worn them out or they totally break also. Well I dont feel like I am dressed untill I have my undergarments on. Pluss I don't buy cute outfits at all only becuase I can't afford to at all. I am lucky to have 2 pairs of jeans that fit me and a couple of pairs of dress pants that fit also. Otherwise I hardly go out and most of the time people have to grab my ponytail to get me to go out someplace. We all still laugh about it today. For Holloween yes I did go out and had fun only becuase a friend got up and played with the band. My other Hippy as I call him. He got everyone on the dance floor and kicking up thier heals. I thought it was very cool that a special needs woman was there also and I took her under my wing. She danced untill she could dance nomore that night. She was no older than my Baby Brother with Autisum. I told here I needed another sister and she was the one. I still think of the girl every day since October of last year and hope she is doing well with everything. My baby Brother still asks how is Sissy doing. He started calling me that when he was about 10 and I never coreccted him on it at all. I still call my baby brother bubbs to this day. Even though he is 6'5 and over 200lbs. As I say all of my brothers and sister are my favorites. They have no choice in the matter. Even the other hippies wife I adore dearly. I started laughing of when she asked for a recipie from me so her hubby could make it for thier place. Well she can't cook worth a lick and it all turns out. Anyway I better get going so I can start on the house work here. Have fun and play hard.