Sunday, January 24, 2010
Meatloaf in one house chicken in the other
Now I can start laughing becuase chicken in one meatloaf in the other with the households. Now without all the drama I just don't know what to do at this point in time at all. Eather produce the pic's or leave with the tail between the legs eather way. Now I can say that I am lucky. I have been cleaning all day and hollering and made everyone move to do something. Wierd when ya loose the voice and start throwing things. Not that I am sick I have lost my voice over the past week here. I normally don't talk as much as I have at all. Anyway at least dinner is done and waiting for the guys to start in on food. Now who ever is jelous walk into my shoes since some are crazy in the head on things along with the wishing and a wing on things. Things keep on getting wierder and wierder on alot of things around here. Now with today yes I went on the cheap end and why shoulden't I at this point. Well at least I have food in the can and can do alot of cooking at least. Pluss I don't have to beg my son's to pay my bills niether and send me out to where ever also. I have always lived under the pay checks to say the least and used coupons except today. It was an oddity that I had no coupons at all this time around. I can get the inserts for free but why bother rather pay for them myself at this time.