Sunday, January 31, 2010
How do I react
I dont know how to react at this point I have the place to myself. I am still doing laundery of course and maybe the dishes will wait untill tomarrow morning. I still have at least 3 more loads of laundery to do as of this moment. I am still looking around and just in awe of haveing the place to myself. Oh well at least I can try to catch up on things that need to be done around here anyway while I am at it all. Pluss get more of a grocery list up also. Or should I say a dream list at this point in time. With being so stocked for a good while that you tend to notice when things start getting low around a household. Even the sales have slacked off even. So I may just let the coupons pile up and see what I can do with them all after this. Even my guys over at the fix it shop tend to laugh becuase I always have coupons on me at all times for the place. Every little bit helps in my book. And that is why the Hippy never really pays much mind if I have the buy one get one free and so on in the coupons. Even the Hippy will even say that I am almost the tightest woman he knows besides his own mother. I do try to streach everything out as much as I can around here. Almost have to in todays world. Pluss it is one of the bills that you can controle besides the power bill and a few others in life. It is eather get a good grasp on them or go broke as I see it at this point in time. That is what I am trying to tell the new guy on the block here in the can. Pluss I can say that he is in just total shock that I am trying to do all of this and be cheap about it all at this point. Some he just diden't realize in what was going on since the break off from the crazy lady of the park. Pretty bad when a child asks someone are you with the crazy lady as of yet. One that should have help with finances and just doesen't have a clue of you can't spend everything that you have and then depend on the children that you have to help out at all. The crazy lady as the person is known as complains that there is no money and turns around and starts in on the welfare to get food and everything else for her place. When someone helps her out and she gets mad at them the stuff that got bought for her from that person eather gets tossed or gave away so she can say ooooooooo poor pity me I don't have this or that. Well I have heard from the grapvine that she does this and seen it also with my own eyes. With me I find a way to get something like groceries even if I go hungery for a couple of days untill I can hit a dumpster or collect enough cans to get some food for the place. Or hit up a food pantery one. Pluss I learned real quick that you can make pan cakes out of a cake mix also. It works for food and you can freeze the leftovers of what you don't eat. One of the workers told me about that trick. This is why I say have enough flour, eggs, and powdered milk in the household. Then this way you can make bread sticks and pancakes at least untill you scrape up the money to get other things. I can sit here and tell you alot of the trick of the trade for makeing something out of nothing for food. A few things that I always have is flour, eggs, powdered milk, yeast, onions, garlic, butter/margerine, and sugar. Some folks do not get in why and I can tell you that I can make a meal out of what I always have. That goes with when folks barrow things and you ask if they have an extra piece of chicken and you have an even traid between neighbors. I have made chicken soup out of one piece of chicken and it fed my household for a week after that. When you are that broke you can not complain one bit at all. Ok folks have fun and play hard.