Sunday, January 24, 2010
As I sit here and think again
Today is one of them days where I need to clean and a few other things here in the can. What I don't get done today I can finish up tomarrow also. Since folks are hitting my place today I have to do somethings to tidy up the can. All I can do is laugh part of the time anyway and get on my own toush about this. Pluss I am already thinking of dinner while I am at it all. Chicken once again for tonight. There will be some that will be happy about this becuase, rice is going with it all. Well now for some that are here in the household they haven't seen me cook with very little in the can. Now is thier chance to see what I can do for the rest of the month around here. I am not like some folks who throw out food after someone got enough food in another place. Well as I always say if you have potatoes, onions, garlic, a 5lb bag of flour and sugar, and a dozen eggs you can eat. Some folks get mad when that is all I have left in the place also. I can work with very little and run with it all. One night this week there will be pancakes of course. Pluss a few other things going that are cheaper than snot. Eather way some are not gonna like what I have to do today and some will love in what I do. If you ever noticed in other parts of the world they eat alot of rice also with thier diet. I do this also here in my place of course. At this point the rice has been going down to rock bottom prices again. In the area that I am in there are alot of differant nationalities also that want the rice. And some of us did hit the gold mine on it all and realized that we can really cook rice on the stove or the rice cooker. Yes I have 2 bags of rice left here from when I went to PA last year. It was about 3 dollars cheaper in the stores down there becuase there is not such a demand for it as there is up here. For a 20 lb bag of rice it is about 10 dollars. That is the nice part of getting it. Once you get the nack for cooking rice it is a great dish also. What I did was grabed the food pantry rice becuase I had so much of it when I was on food stamps that it took up a shelf in the kitchen. That is how I started and it came out according to the directions. Now I just slap it all togeather without thinking of course. Pluss there are gonna be a few things change on the cassarole of course that I am makeing tonight and that is part of the joy of cooking to make the dish your own in the proccess of things. There are alot of things you can do to make things on the cheap. I also made a promise to myself to eat more rice anyway and now I can. Ok folks have fun and play hard.