Saturday, March 20, 2010
Got to see a place today
Well I went out to se a place today. It is a lot bigger than where I am at at this point in time. It would be nice to see the front of the dollar store than the back of the building. One draw back is oil heating and hot water. If it gets me out of the Hell hold trailer park from rotten neighbors I can put up with not being able to take in breath at all. A good thing of where the place is located at is that I can still walk to alot of places if I do not feel like driveing. If I get the place I will have new neighbors hawlking around the place when I cook also. Oh well at least I will not be putting up with children and adults who need shock collars on a constant basis and begging for a hot meal around where I want to go to. That is what I will like about it. It also seems to be a quiet neighborhood. Anyway I am looking forward to all the bills to go down in the household one day also. That is the dream that I have been holding out for. Also to have a wood burner just in case if the power goes guess what I still have heat and can cook also. Well I still have cans and bottels in the van that I haven't took in as of yet for the wood burning stove. I still have a jar fund going for that and wait untill I get enough togeather to make it worth my while to go in and cash in the nickles. I do not mind the wait at all to get something that I want. As I say a penny to a nickel at a time to save up every little bit helps around here in my book. Most of what I have I have saved and scrimped to get around here. That is what some folks haven't realized thru the years at all. That when I work out of the home and get a "Real" paycheck yes I do get more for the household or can hold. And pull more back while I am at it. It is a thing that I have. Ok folks have fun and play hard.