Thursday, March 4, 2010
Well after today
I did a very light shopping trip today. Just enough to get yougert and heavy cream for the ice cream maker for the Kitchen Aid mixer. Pluss there were a few other things also in the buggy. Well the cashier thought it was funny that I was getting celery for my bird. Once Olliver seen and realized what it was he was takeing the biggest chunks out and eating it like it was nothing. The Hippy coulden't believe that he could hear the bird across the kitchen munching away. Ok so Olliver is very spoiled also with the 2 fur balls around here. Well as soon as the Hippy found out that I was makeing the mac and cheese when he got home that he coulden't wait to eat lunch at all. It was funny to say the least. Anyway at least lunch was a huge hit in my place. Pluss all I got done today was makeing a huge mess around the kitchen and most of it will be washed and picked up by 11 am at the very latest. Well with the Kitchenaid mixer I have alot of the attachments to it. I can make homemade pasta even with it. As I said up earlier I do have the ice cream maker. It is a nice thing to have in the summer months around here. I haven't baught a lick of ice cream since I have got the maker. Except for the buy one get one free over at Ben and Jerrys. Thats it. Now I just get the makeings of the ice cream and throw it all in the maker except the eggs and start the mixer and let it go. I will say that the Kitchenaid mixer is well worth the money that I have spent on it. Ok folks have fun and play hard.