Friday, March 12, 2010
Why should I when
Now last night I switched out a bed pan when there were at least 6 Lazy Ass People over at Mt. St. Mary's when I got in and before I left at 7 pm. The one nurse was spread pretty thin becuase of Lazy Ass people on the floor. The poor girl also freaked out when I wasen't there also. What does this tell you about the nurseing system at some places. I refuse to go into the cathloic health system all togeather at this point. I have to agree with my Sister who works for a Major Health Provider at this point that I shoulden't have to becuase of Lazyness and or lack of Money. Be thankfull you work PERIOD around here in Western NY. At this point I should be home takeing care of my own Mother since she is in the hospital per say also. When I say home is meaning as in Illinois. I may be the squirt out of the bunch but, still need my Momma for advice. So now I am spitting mad and will start as of tonight do what is right or a bed pan will get dumped on a Lazy Ass nurse PERIOD. I admire still to this day Both of my Ex Sister in Laws Becuase they both are great nurses along with a few others in the world. Pluss I called the big guns out also to go with me. hey all thought that I was mean and nasty they haven't ran into my Husband as of yet. The Sargent in him will break out PERIOD and some will walk off the shift. That is what I get for being married to a chopper medic. Pluss after last night after what I over heard I don't blame 7 of the girls being PISSED OFF ON THE 5TH FLOOR OF ST. MARY'S AT ALL. When some are in the right Damn It I will stick up for ya.