Sunday, March 14, 2010
Waiting for the water
I am waiting for the dish water to somewhat cool down so I don't take the skin off my hands. I have my Husband laughing about what I am going to do for the week after. I am totally takeing a me week and staying home to clean the can. The being alone doesen't hurt me niether. After a week of hardly doing except to do vary little to keep the place going and this week coming up of doing the same thing the place already looks trashed more than normal. I have been saved from doing most of the laundery for today. Friday and Saturdays are nice for that. Now to really sit down on Monday morning to plan for the week and meal planning also while I am at it all. I have started wrighting down my list for the week of to do's this morning. When I can say that my Husband looks at me in the middle of the store and says babe while we are here get the 30 pack of beer I don't mind now. I know it's his way of my payment for trying to keep up during the last week. Now I will tell you again I do not have a totally uncluttered place and never will around here. All of the counter space is took up and utilized in my can. Pluss I have used up the dead spots in my place for storage and other things. Some are very suprized when they walk in and see how I have done things in a 700 square foot place. Storage bins help out also around here. I don't know how I made it so long without them after I started useing them about 4 years ago. I took a clear storage bin for the bathroom to hold all of the shampoo and conditioner that I had got after cleaning out my sister in laws place. It was so bad that it took us over 3 years to use everything up becuase the ungreatfull child diden't like a piticular thing and refused to use it. Well the ungreatfull Child is a totally new can of worms and I will save that for a latter date. My husband and myself had a 7 room house that was a rental (thanking my luck) in about 2 days and the kitchen was the hardest part of it all. That is how I came to know about the Brown Bottle Lysole to get the cat urin smell out of a place also. All the landloard would say was how and let me know what you did. John is a wanderfull Landloard and I still Love him to this day and appreciate him. He called us when he diden't have to when the pipes were freezeing up the one year and I told him everything was still good at the place and he might want to call this person becuase of her pipes freezeing up. Anyway with myself trying to be cheap around here and I will get it all the way done some day and look for ways to still cut costs. Cheap and Frugal go hand in hand anyway and there is no wrong or right way of doing eather one. Just like when I bought the Kitchenaid stand mixer. Was it cheap Kind of was it a frugal Purchase yes. In the long run the mixer has paid for itself and has kept up longer than the junk handmixers that I have bought or my sister in law bought for me. It is one of the long term purchases that you have to think on just like a car and a house. I think of ok will it last me for 20 years pluss and what is the pay off for the major purchase also. That is where things kick in of being frugal and cheap at the same time. Pluss can I use it everyday and will it keep up with the ware and tare of everyday life. I tried to save up for 20 years for my Kitchenaid mixer. When I was with the ex I had a harder time. With the new Husband (16years) he is just like I am, how can I save money in the long run and go from there. Some weeks are worse than others for saveing on the bills. I will say that becuase it is true. You never know what will happen from day to day.