This is one of my baby cousins that I just adore totally. Who said that families had to totally look alike.

I think it is the nose more than anything. Love ya my Mally. Anyway at least she has a door still open to her at my place eather way. After all the fun and laughture that we all had and my body with my feet going thru spasums it is a good pic of us both. My girl is looking like Great Grandma more than I will with red hair. Anyway the trip was made possible after tricky budgeting a new washer and a prayer on my part for her graduation. After the day before I got there some diden't know that I was hung over from the night before also. That was the funny part of it all. So thanks to the Punxey hotel bar and the folks who got me that way I will never forget the laughes and the poor bar maid saying you sure its not jack tonight. I passed with the skin of my teeth that day and then some. If it was up to me I would have slept out in my van since i had blankets and a few other things in there. Then everyone figured out in how cheap I really was after that trip. I am still laughing about it all and all the good times that we all made during the 10 days that I was there. It was funny after I said I was cheap then shown everyone that I was at that point in time. And I have went cheaper around here also. When I can say this I know what happened with unenjoyment and then being cut off of it becuase of a temp agencey saying differantly. I got cheaper and very quick untill the Hippy could go back to work also.