Sunday, March 14, 2010
Lots of sales this week
I will hit up 2 supermarkets this week. Chicken is on sale at one and the other one has better sales for the week. Now to try to explain to folks that life goes on even if I have to run up to the dump of a Hospital. Pluss I have to let out the dog anyway. Now you know why my head was spinning last week on alot of things around here. Anyway there were alot of good coupons in the Sunday paper today that I can use. Between cat food, litter, dog treats, to other things for the place. I can say that I have a lot of differant things here it is called veriaty. I plan my meals around the main dish alot of the times. Now I can get a whole chicken and there are alot of possibilities for 3 dinners pluss lunches off of one bird. That is the joys of cooking enough to get enough off of one meal to several of them. That is why I can say I can make a meal for under 5 dollars all of the time for a family of 4. This is why I start with a plan for the day or week depending on what is going on for the day. Now for this week I have a list already and it is getting longer by the min. around here. I can say that I am on overload at this point in time and do not like it one bit. Ok I like the slower part of life in some ways. Or just hanging in the can for the most part. I am a housewife to some extent around here. What gets to me alot is that some folks swear that homemakers do not work at all. I know some men that are homemakers also. Some days I run all day long paying bills, grocery shop, clean house and alot of other things while I am at it. When some folks say that I do not work they woulden't want to work in my household. I say this only becuase they woulden't want to wash dishes by hand and deal with mini disaters as I call them. Pluss streach out the dollars also while they are at it all. We are a one car household also. IF one has the car/van the other walks to where we need to go to. Even if we need groceries. I have wheel bags to make life easier on me. Also another thing is yes I do use coupons and sales combined to make ends meet. Pluss turn off everything during the day. When folks say oh your Husband is a truck driver he makes money. Explain to me this then why are most of the companies only halling maybe 10,000 lbs if that for a flipping load. Pluss how do you think that the products get out to the stores now. There are deisel gas costs included with the prices at the stores. That is why the prices go up pluss the trucking fees and a few other things. I know some who have hollared about the prices going up around here in the area. Some are on food stamps and only bring in very little in SS checks. One person I know is so use to spending that it doesen't matter at this point if she cuts back on what she does besides pay down the debts and use coupons. I have been on both sides of the spectrum here totally broke and have enough money to get food and some other things for the can. And I did go dumpster diveing for alot of things also while I was at it to make ends meet around here. When folks ask well you are at the poverty line I say yes I am and still have enough to pay my bills and buy groceries at the same time along with other things for the household. What gets to the folks who say that is that I have more in the bank than they do by the end of the month and not in the red also. That is what most hollar about with me. Ok folks have fun and play hard.