Sunday, September 30, 2012

Looking like here

Well today I get a good look here for the household since my Husband is leaving this morning for work again.  So now at this point it feels like a Monday morning here and that part can not be helped at all at this time.  Now all I can say is that I will have the time to get things done here in the household with an early start of course and to look around to see what all needs to be first on the list to get onto.  At this point I already have an idea here and do not mind it what so ever at all now.  Also it gives me a chanse to get started on a cheap week here for the household totally.  So as I sit here and plot most of the week out here totally to get things done here for the place it seems that I can still do everything on the cheap side of life here and more often.  Since alot of things hinge on me here for the household it will be wierd for me to get alot of this done at first.  Also here the huge pile of laundry will be hung up out side this week yet again since I do not want to run up that power bill at all in the place.  So I may as well get the stuff outside while I can here before the weather turns really bad here in the area.  Now here at least I know that things will work out and I will have to get alot more done from this day forward here.  Knowing here in what I have to do here for the household it will not be so bad after I get into the full swing of things again here.  Since I had took a break from everything here for the household at one point in time it since I was being torn down for what I was doing at the time I had stopped for alot of things.  Now I am getting back to it and will not be bothered by the comments anymore here since it has stopped totally.  So it makes me wander also about some people in the area here.  With that being said here while my Husband and I were out yesterday here it amazed me in what some people were buying where we all stopped at during the time out of the household.  So now here since I got out of alot of places yesterday here for fairly cheap since I am watching every piece of money coming and going here I will continue to get that much cheaper here and be done with it all.  Knowing that I have to still cook and clean here for the household that will be done on the cheap again and I do not care in what some will say about it at all when they all find out that I am back on that part of the waggon for the place.  Now at this point there are other things going down also and I am letting it be what it is since there is not much I can do for it at all. 

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Shaking my head

Well at this time here I will be doing alot more cheap things for the household totally.  Since I have been dropped on the curb again with some things here I have no other choice in the matter but to go cheaper for the place.  The nice thing about all of this is that I am alone during the week here and will get more done on the cheap side than what some will figure that I do for the place.  Also since there is very little that I need for power and other things also here for the place the bills should get cheaper here without a problem at all for the winter time.  Since alot of things are still here and will get used again, I guess that in what I was doing with getting the back stock into the place will pay off also at this point in time.  What my main problem is here is where to start on things here in the household and what I can deal without all of the time here also.  So during the week while I am alone here I will be trying to go without the T.V. all of the time for the place along with some other things while I am at it all.  The bad part is that I can get alot of things over the radio here that I can get over the T.V. if not more so and it keeps the birds happy while I am at it here.  Knowing that I have to cut way back on other things also here for the household this should be totally nuts here for at least a month if not more from now on.  Alot of it goes back to me and what I have been doing apparently for the place at this time again.  I have alot of guilt here in what has been going on over the past several years and it stinks totally on my part.  Now I will start again on alot of things and be done with it all here and will be saying tough to alot of people again on what is going down.  With some of the things that will go on here from now on is that the lap top will be out more along with cutting things down that much more for the place here and really think of how I will do things with 2 choices in the matter also here.  It all goes with the guilt here also on top of it all.  Now with the government trying to say of what we can and can not eat also it makes it that much harder for some of us to get down right cheap for the places that we are at also here.  Since prices keep going up at the stores here with the hot weather and no rain and the gas going up along with other things some of us are done playing the game totally weather some like it or not at this time.  I would rather do without here in the household and go from there at this point.  I guess this is why I have the cook books in plain view at this point so I can cook on the cheaper side of things here in the household and will be doing alot more here without a problem at all since I do have food here.  Now here there are ways that I can do this and be done with it again and not have to worry about what is said to me here from neighbors that could care less in what is going down.  Last week one person tried to cut me down and I told him that it was not his place and he was more than welcome to pay the bills along with getting food for the place at that point.  It shut him up and got him to think of what is going on.  I am not as lucky to have someone that will help me out in a pinch at all and I have known this for years here.  This is why I started alot of this at the trailer at the time to try to get the bills down along with other things.  Some people did not help me out niether at the time when I started things also from what I can remember out of that part of things here.  So now things have got somewhat easier on that part for the place since some are no longer with us and other factors in the mix.  I guess that is another reason why I got called a "Rich Bitch" by some over the years since I was tight on the money then and will be getting even tighter now with it all.  At this point in time I have also realized that some things can wait for about 3 days now here to get done and that will help out on streaching things out that are left here in the place also.  With the weekend yes I will get the dishes done since I do cook alot here.  During the week I can wait for acouple of days also since there are 2 of us here at times and other times I am here alone also for the place.  Now I am thinking hot and heavy for the week days that I am alone in the place and can do here also at this time to get things streached out.  Since I have to have structure for the place totally I may as well do things my way here and be done with it also while I am at it.  Knowing in what I have to do here also helps out in alot of ways here in the household and it will get done.  Once I have thought about this over time there is nobody going behind me anymore except on the weekends wasting things on me at all anymore for the place.  I am sorry that I have let it all happen here before the past couple of months totally and there will be no more doormat syndrome at all from now on also.  Now to get things to the point of it will work for the place and go as cheap as I can from this point forward and not to have guilt that goes along with it all.  Also now the back stock will last me for awhile here in what is in the place and go from there.  Maybe that is part of the problem here in the way I do think instead of what I have done before over the years.  So now I will have to think on alot of things here during the week and go from there also here for the household.  I will look at new ways of doing here and get them down for everyone here as the time lets me.  Since I will be hanging laundry from now on also for the place more than normal for the place it will hurt some totally and hurt more in the people that are nolonger coming over to the place also.  That goes along with cutting things off totally during the week here totally and I have to stick to my guns with that part for the place.  So I will try things out and get them down here. 

Looking around again

Well it looks like I have to really think again and look around the house to get that much cheaper for the place.  When I tried to tell my Husband yesterday here that I have to pay bills instead of letting people barrow money off of us at this time here he got mad.  Now it all falls back on me here to get the place that much cheaper since I am here all of the time.  So I will be doing alot more here between everything totally to make sure that things turn out.  All I can say is thank goodness that I still have enough food and other supplies here in the household to make a huge dent in everything totally for the month coming up here.  I am guessing that I am on target with that part of things here for the household and my Husband has not even noticed as of yet that I am breaking into the back stock at this point in time.  So as I sit here and think on alot of things here I pretty much know that I will have to cut back on alot of things yet again for the household here again and see if we make it on what I use here for the house.  Since I hate to drive anyway here I will start walking more here also during the week and be done with that part of things while I am at it.  Except when a place is to far to walk to then I will have to drive of course here.  The bad part of things here is that some will not like in what I have to do here from now on for the place.  With myself not using the dryer at all along with turning things off during the day also the power bill will drop like a rock also for the place.  Since I am mad about some things that are going on here totally in what I was asked as of yesterday I have came up swinging of course on alot of things here for the household.  May as well get my anger out on the bills totally here from now on and not go out at all hardly except for the walks that I take here.  Now at this point here I will be saying no alot more here and go from there also along with trying to figure out the best way to cut down on things again here in the household.  Another thing that I was thinking of again is that next year the garden will grow like gang busters along with some of the other things that I was thinking about here also of getting done.  I have also broke out the candles for the house here in the mornings so I do not have to turn on any lights at all here at that time of the day.  Maybe it is for the best that I am thinking of ways to get that much cheaper here.  With the garden here it will help out some this year with the veggies that did grow so far.  So I will be looking for more ways this winter to get things cheaper also here without a problem and write them down for the house rules also.  Since I will be ok also untill about the middle of the week on clean laundry here maybe it is a good thing that I can still hang things outside at this time of the year.  That is one of the things that has saved on the bills here instead of using the dryer also here as some did to me last year here. 

Friday, September 28, 2012

Plain out wierd

Well yesterday I went into Walmart here to get some of the things that were needed for the household totally.  Since I needed to stock up on bird food and the place has what I want in that part of things that is fairly good on the prices for the birds may as well pick it up.  So as I was standing in the dog lane of things also another woman was shopping for her pets also yesterday for the hollidays here and plain out told me that the prices went up totally.  I told her yes it did and that some of the things over at the dollar stores were better priced at this point from last month here that I could remember.  We both started laughing about the comment that I had made and knowing that we were the tight wads out of the store at that time of the day.  Since Kmart has sales going on every so often for the dog and the cat here I end up over there instead of at Walmart most of the time for that part of things totally here for the place.  Also I have noticed that my cat does not mind the one food that I pick up for her all of the time at Aldi.  Ok so she is a cheap cat that does not care at all after she gets fed.  Anyway at this point in time the birds are set on their stuff here in the household and I can stay out of the stores for the most part here for another 2 weeks also while I am at it all.  Since I do have food in the household still here at this time it is not so bad now.  The woman that I was talking to asked in what I did to keep the household going also while I was at it all and I told her that I did try to keep away from alot of the power during the day and did things as cheap as I could for the place.  When I told the woman that I was married to a truck driver then she realized that I had to start stocking the house this month here since the next 4 months are gonna be bad here she was shocked in why I was getting things right then to set up for things that were to come.  So now here with in about a month I will have to do a major hall for food to get things stocked up again in that area of the place.  This is one of the reasons of why I have not totally freaked out on alot of things here in the household as of yet.  Also here I will say that I am waiting to find out in how many sweet potatoes that we have from the garden this year since it is the first year on that part of things also for the household.  With alot of things here I am trying to get things done that some would not even bother to do at this point in time.  The garden was one of the things that I wanted and it turned into a need also after I knew that the price of food was going to go sky high on alot of things along with the gas prices.  It amazes me that some people will pay any amount of money on things that are needed for the place that they are in at this point in time and they do not care at all if they go flapping broke over it.  Also the rate of people being on food stamps has went up all over the country here and that is how the government wants it.  With the food stamps you have to watch in what you get constantly or be thrown off totally for getting the wrong foods with them where I am at now.  That is what some have not got at this point in time that are in the elected office.  Also Baurle had did a 3 hour show on what the kids have for the school lunches and the kids hate alot of what is being served to them now.  At this point they are forced to take either a veggie or fruit with the crap that they serve.  I will admit that it was bad in the late 80's early 90's when I went to school.  Then Mouchie wants to say in what parents pack is not good enough compared to the school lunches here.  When the pizza was dripping with oils and what ever else here when I was in school it was bad enough, I can only imagine what it is today here with the lunch that they serve.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Shaking my head

Well at this point in time it does not look like I even touched the place yesterday when I know that I did clean here in alot of spots.  Sometimes it make me wander about that part once a week here since I have 3 cages to clean and vac the main floor after that here since at least 3 birds are totally messy eaters.  At this time at least some things are done for the week here and more will get done today of course.  Since alot of things have been thought about here in the place at this time it seems strange that some of the stuff that I have been doing here has got alot cheaper for the house to where other areas have not as of yet here of course.  With that being said here and knowing in what I can do for the place still from here on out some people will get mad in what will happen here from now on.  Since alot of things were turned off yesterday for the most part here in the place along with cleaning up also while I was at it, it made for a long day here totally.  With today it will be about the same except that I do not have to lift as much nor push anything here for the day.  That is the nice part about today here.  Also on top of it I will have to get the meal planner out again here so I can make a list of what to make here for the weekend.  Since I already know what is in the freezers and the cabnets here in the household it should not be to bad here come tomarrow of course.  Alot of it is pulling things out and having them thaw out before I start cooking again here.  Also I will try to keep everything caught up with the place here this weekend.  It is one of the new corners that I am trying for the household here.  It will also help out that I will be cheap about things here and put my foot down also while I am at it with lights and other things that are going on also for the weekend here.  So now at this point in time I am trying to plot out for the day also here in what I will be doing first of course and see what goes on for the rest of the day.  I guess this is what has bothered some people that know me and also knew me at one point in time here.  When I started writing things down that needed to be done it drove some people nuts that use to come over all of the time.  With the list wrote down here I will do something on the list and check it off after it is done here to make sure that things got done for the trailer and here in the household before I moved on to the next thing.  Also here it helps out with some people like my Husband to see what I had done all day or all week for the place that we were at and go from there.  So it makes me wander in what some were saying that I was really doing when I could prove in what was done in the place.  Now I do not have that problem so much anymore since the neighbors will say this is what she has done and about ready to do here for the place.  Now to get started on the housework again and go with it today here.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Shaking my head

Well for today it is another major cleaning day here for the household.  What can I say about it except it is in the middle of the week here and the trash will get out again.  Since last week was one of the odd ball weeks with alot of trash that went out this week I will take it easy on the guys totally.  So now here at least there will be less grumbling from the street.  With that being said here at least I know it is the normal trash going out to the curb this week for the most part.  Anyway today is another day to be cheap here with me being alone again.  It is not so bad once someone gets use to it all.  I guess this is why I am so repetitve here for the household.  Since I clean most of the time here during the day along with getting other things done for the week it has helped out after the last accident here totally here.  Knowing that it freaks out some people in what I do and say or people get totally mad at me for trying not to change hardly anything here for the household.  Except to get things switched over to the cheaper side here for the place once in for all again.  Even my Husband wandered why I had to write things down for either the trailer or the house here alot of the times and once he figured it out in what I was doing here he calmed down about that part of things totally.  Also my memory came back slowly here after 6 months after the surgery since the disks were not pressing against my spinal cord.  This is why I wrote alot of things down and got into a rutine here for the household.  So every little bit helped out here in what I did do for the place.  Now at this point in time for the place I am working on alot of things here to get alot of it done and go from there totally so I can get the place that much cheaper once again.  As I told the one guy where I paid my phone bill yesterday that I could not wait untill my power bill came back down to earth here he asked in how I did it all.  So I told him totally and also told him to take little chunks out to start with and give it a month to get use to the 5 things at first.  It all take some time to get use to things when you first start out.  Also since I am cutting down on things still to this day here for the place it helps out.  By using less of things it streaches things out along with money for the place. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Well I have been thinking way to much around here again.  When I do not mind being alone alot of the times here it makes since in why I think alot now at this time.  Alot of what I have been thinking of here for the place is how the heck I am going to do everything and get it cheaper than snot also while I am at it all here.  I have made a huge dent in things already for the place and will keep doing here without a problem at all.  A huge part of what has been going on for almost 8 months here is that I have everything but the one cleaner switched over so far here in the household to the cheaper end of things.  I figure why bother to pay top dollar when the cheap stuff works just as well if not better here totally.  The wierd part is that I am not getting cut down for getting the cheaper things for the household anymore.  Even the one that I thought would did not even bother except to say, cool it is about time ya started that part of things yet again here for the place.  So I must be doing something right here totally and it is a good thing.  Now at this point in time here I know in what I have to do here for the place and I will get it all down sometime here also while I am at it all.  Also knowing that I have to take small chunks to get alot more done on the cheap side again or I will fall flat on my face and drive myself nuts on top of it all.  Not everyone was on the waggon on what I was doing at the time also at the trailer and I had to take a huge step back at the time and say hey this is what needs to be done here and tough.  Also at the time I got stocked up on some things that were needed anyway before all heck broke loose at the time also.  Since I was running back and fourth to Punxsy at the time I got stocked up on the laundry soap and other soaps while I was at it since it was on major sale down that way and got that part stocked up.  Well my Sister in Law started screaming that I was wasting money when I was not and knew in what I was doing also at the time.  All I can say is that I was thankfull that I did get alot of things while I was there at the time and it took awhile to get thru the back stock also then.  It was less stress on where I was going to get it at the time and that cheap also while I was at it all.  At the time I was getting big bottles of laundry soap on sale with a coupon on top of it 2 for 2 dollars.  When some seen the slip that I had and how many coupons that I used at the time they freaked out anyway on me and I ignored it all.  So now at this point in time the prices have went sky high and I can not find deals like that anymore hardly for some of the laundry needs for the household at all anymore.  Do I miss some things yes and I will not deny that part of things at all here.  There are times that I want to get something at the stores and I tell myself ya do not need that as of yet here and start saving up for what I want here totally.  Also knowing that the bills come first always it helps on that end of things here while I am at it. 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Shaking my head

Well at this point in time I do not want to know squat about the truck at all.  Since my Husband figures that he can still waste money here still to this day we had to get out to Collins of course again yesterday here.  So I went with him and found acouple of things at yard sales and got them for the household.  I am still not happy about it and what can I do at this point in time for the place besides go for more walks here while I am at it all.  Pluss we landed at Aldi for afew things for the house here and under 27 dollars I have enough food to last for about 6 meals in total again along with leftovers.  Also while I was at Aldi I have figured out that I can get more for the second kitchen here without a problem when the time comes to restock that part of things here.  Since my Husband does not figure that I take mental notes at all when it comes down to that part of things let him start thinking on what is really going on here for the place.  From now on I will be going to Aldi for more groceries for the place here weather some like it or not and see where I land up after that part of things.  Of course I will land over at other places when the prices are dirt cheap and that will not change out of me at all here.  With that being said here at least I know in what I can still do for the household and make others mad while I am at it all.  I may as well get that much cheaper for the place here and be done with it all.  Alot of the times since I do not feel good at all this is why I get to the closest store and go with it all also.  Now that part will stop around here and things will be going on that nobody expects out of me at all anymore.  At this point in time here I know when to buy alot of things and when not to.  When at this point it is not good to buy turkey at all and my Husband about freaked out at the price per pound of that yesterday here I started laughing.  Also in how soon the man forgets in what I do here also for things to be that much cheaper for the place.  With that part I will not get any turkeys untill the day after the next up coming holliday here and it works out better that way when it is about a quarter per pound in the stores.  Also here I will admit that one of these days some will get a crash course in what I do for the place totally.  Some like the one Niece will never get it at all in why I did the things that I have done totally untill she is at the end of her rope and that dead broke in the household where she is at this time.  So now here I will be doing alot more from some of the stores around the area and it is about the same distance to both Save A Lot and to Aldi.  One store has better can goods the other has better things in goody isles.  It really depends on what mood I am in totally into where I go for the month here from now on.  Anyway with several places that are cheap here and myself cutting down on the bills at this point in time I should have everything beat to snot here yet again.  Since I am the one that is doing for the place here and the crash course will begin here for some here in the household very soon. 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Shaking my head

Well at least now here at this point in time I am wandering in what really is going on for the place and yes lastnight I got dropped to the curb again with a few things.  Since I have been trying to keep up with alot of what has been going on here it has not worked at all for the place.  After yesterday here I have been thinking about alot of things here in the household and what else that I can do for cutting the costs here for the place.  It will all come to me here without a problem at all within due time.  And yes I have self doubts all of the time here now after alot of what has went on in almost 2 years here in the house.  Maybe I have to put alot of it aside here and be done with it along with getting things done totally.  With that said here maybe I do have to get alot cheaper for the house and make my Husband watch in what I am trying to do here for the both of us.  Since I do try to set up a tight budget here for the place and some just love to trash that part of things on me here, this is where it makes me doubt myself totally.  So all I can do is try alot of things here yet again and go from there.  I guess this is why I started walking to alot of places again from the house here and when it is to far away then I drive.  This is what gets to some people that know me and some of the neighbors also here to where we are at.  Alot of times since I do not feel good I would rather not drive at all.  At least 3 people get this out of me here at this point in time also.  That is where I start saving on the gas for the truck that I drive here totally.  Pluss it also helps to have a push cart for when I do go out and shop close to home here.  With the winter coming up here in the area I do not mind walking to places at all if I get things that will go bad on a quick basis also.  So I will see where I land up for that part of things also for the place here.  Now there are several other things that have to be done and my mind set on it also here for the household.  Alot of the times I have noticed that some people tend to freak out on what I do here for the place when they find out that I am trying to be dirt cheap.  Also here it helps with the back stock with being dirt cheap for the household.  With alot of it I have got the place stocked up on everyday uses here and I paid a fraction of the cost for the things that are here.  When one person found out that I was switching things over last year right after my surgery she freaked out on me totally and started with the cut downs in what I was trying to do at the time.  Now since the person does not come over some things have been going smoother than what I figured it would since then.  With alot of it here I have figured out that the cheaper brands work just as well if not better for the household and what I am doing with it also.  I have also figured out that since I have been really cutting the costs between the trailer while we were there and here in the house also that alot of the times I am on track and other times I have to throw up my hands when someone trashes in what I do for either place. 

Friday, September 21, 2012

Shaking my head

Well at this point in time I am wandering in how much more that I have to do for the household here to get it that much cheaper.  Even though I have a good head start around here already and I still have the feeling that I have not done enough around the place at all so far with it coming up on the 2 year marker.  Yes granted I have had several set backs within the almost 2 years here and it makes me wander in why some would love to set me back still.  I also gave up with some of it since I was going nowhere fast also with some of the things that I was getting done here.  Now at this point since hardly anything is going that needs power at this time and I feel better about it all after all that has happened.  Also since I can manage to get the power bill down to almost nothing again here for the Winter months.  That is the nice thing since the dryer will not be going at all here this Winter like it did last year.  I should have put my foot down on alot of things here in the household and did not do it since I did give up on trying to get the place that much cheaper at the time.  Even my Dear Husband noticed a huge difference in how alot of the bills are at this time and that they are cheaper also.  Also what I have done for the household was to get the back stock back up and going here so I did not have to worry about going out to get alot of things that we would run out of on the quick side here.  It also means that I am not getting cut down for what I have got for the household with the cleaners, soaps, and food since some are not coming over anymore.  It is nice to have enough here in the place to not have to worry at all about some things also while I am at it all.  The wierd thing is that since everything has pretty much went down here in the place in the past 7 months and I like it like that.  So it makes me wander in what some were doing in the first place here knowing that I was trying to get everything down to pay the person off in what my Husband barrowed also at the time.  The one person has been paid off and then lied about that part of things also on what had happened.  So now doing without here seems like a need now yet again for the household and that is how it will go for awhile also for the next several months.  Also what my Husband does not know will not hurt him in what I do all week to keep the bills low also here for the household.  I have done without alot of things here way before we got the place and while I was at the trailer.  Knowing that some people freaked out in what I was doing during the day with only the radio going and nothing else it made it well worth going without that part of things here for the place.  Also several people freaked out when I was cooking at the time also here since I was and began again cooking on the cheaper side of things.  It all makes me wander now here in what some will do to make themselves look good and keep up with other people also at this time.  With that being said here at least I can get alot of things down again here and not have to worry about keeping up with anyone at all.  Like I really bothered in the first place anyway here from the get go.  So now at this point in time I will get some things done and out of the way this morning here so I can do other things this afternoon also here for myself. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Shaking my head

Well at this point in time I have to get my toush in gear for alot of things for the household now.  The bad thing is that I have a pile of dishes looking at me from yesterday after I cooked for most of the day since my Husband was home.  So with that said here I will end up pulling some of the leftovers back for the freezer here and see where I land up for tomarrow here on that part since I will take another look at both freezers.  I will not have to get to the store here for awhile on food and other things that are here totally and that is what I get for having the back stock here in the place.  My Husband started laughing when I ended up pulling things out of the pantry(spare room) for the day that were needed.  He asked if we needed anything I told him no.  With that part we ended up at the one pet store and I finally got out of there for under 30 dollars totally.  Since there is another cage that is here in the household totally and could not stand seeing the 2 little ones sitting around anymore also, I got some things for them and went from there.  The big guys as I call them now have enough toys in their cages that it is just enough that it is not totally full at all just like the smaller cage.  So now since that part is set for the place here there are other things that I will get done for the day here and most of it is cleaning here and acouple of places to stop at while I am out of the household.  Since some of the neighbors figure that I am not busy enough here in my place they would freak out in what I really do all day during the week also.  Between getting some of the cleaning done during the week here and other things that I get done, it is no wander in why I am tired by the end of the week here.  All I can do is keep doing here for the house and go from there.  Since I do alot of things on the cheap here in the place it makes it worth the trouble here also during the week.  Now to get others here in the household on the waggon also for what I am trying to get done here even more so it will help out.  Also here it seems wierd that I am already thinking of all of this since I will have to be tighter than ever here in the coming months while I am at it. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Well at this point I am still wandering in what I am doing here for the household.  Sometimes it works like that with me.  It seems the harder I work at alot of things the broker I get around here also at times.  So now at this point I will have to work that much harder on alot of the things here for the household so I can prove a point to some people again.  This is why I hate to lend out money here all the way around and my Husband will hear about this totally.  Pluss he asked why I was using cash more often for the house here instead of the way I was doing it all.  So now here since I have been doing some things that are wierd for me here in the household kind of, it is ok at this point in time.  With myself getting cheaper here for the household at this time here and now I even drug out candles here for the mornings.  I may as well around here since I do not want to keep turning on the light in the kitchen all of the time here.  This is what some people will not get in what I need to do for the place at all from now on.  And yes I do realize that it will bother alot of the neighbors at this point in time.  Since some ended up with a 700 dollar power bill for their place and mine is still under 175 a month even with 3 room units going it seems strange that some have not seen in how I have done this part of things at all.  I had got a flyer from someone running for office stateing that the power bills went up 20% over the past year here and I am like where and when since the bill was about normal for this time of year here.  I had to laugh about it when I read that part of things.  With that being said alot of things are not running anyway here in the household at all during the day and some would never make it on that part along with hanging up the laundry year round in the place.  The point of the matter is that some would freak out in what I am doing all day for the household to make it all work.  Also here since I have been doing the cheaper end of things for the past few weeks here for the most part it does not seem so bad at all at this point of time.  While I have been at it all I was thinking of getting up to the one pet store here down the street untill I moved some things on top of my desk and found what I was going there to get anyway.  So now that part can wait for another couple of months and I will get the disks for the birds again here without a problem also.  Since they have enough food to last untill then anyway I may as well wait on things here.  Pluss the store in Amhurst is much better on things here that are needed anyway.  It is right down the street from the place that I pay the loans so it will not be that bad at all.  Another thing is that the new birds are biters here since they have not been handled at all untill yesterday here.  And yes I have to laugh since they do not bite as hard as the quaker parrots do.  The 2 extra birds do not eat as much as the parrots do and I am safe on that part on things also.  Knowing that the person that I got them from paid an arm and a leg along with the first and last born in the house for them with food it makes me shake my head and wander in what they were thinking at that point.  The bulk food at that point and still is cheaper than the bagged food for the 2 little ones here.  What the pet stores do is when a bag is ripped open that is how they get the bulk food in the cylinders for the birds and other animals.  Some of it is cheaper in the bag and others are not.  It depends on where you go also.  So that is how they make a killing with some folks out there.  So the main thing is to shop around and still cut down on things for the household.  I can still laugh about some of the things that I have done that have not worked at all at the trailer nor here at the house.  It amazes me in why some people will cut down others at this point for streaching out money to were they do not at all.  I guess this is what stone throwing ment also here when it was said to me when I was growing up.  I refuse to throw stones at anyone and will say the truth in what is going on also. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Shaking my head

Well at least I can take in birds here and give them a home.  I got 2 more birds here and that is that.  It will not cost anymore than normal here than with the boys that I already have.  Now at this point here I will have to clean one more cage out and go from there.  Anyway since I can get that much cheaper for the household here at this time it is well worth it in what I can do.  The funny thing is that I got asked to cook for someone that I was sitting for by the time we all got done.  Pluss the childs mother asked in what else I did on the cheap here for my place all of the time.  So I told her in what else that I have added here for the place.  Also I told her to start hitting up the cheaper stores for things while she was at it all.  It is well worth the trouble to get the off brand things at the stores now since almost everyone is broke here in the area.  With 5 kids in the household the cheaper things will not hurt at all at this point in time and they will like the food once they all get use to it.  Also some do not know how to shop once a month here in the area at all.  So I tried to explain to the person that it is ok to get the 15 boxes of cereal for the house once a month and go thru one box at a time also and that goes along with getting things for the freezers for the month while they were at it all.  It finally clicked with the person totally in with what I have been doing for years while I was at the trailer and here for the house.  Pluss it is ok to get 3 bottles of laundry soap for a place also when it is on sale.  Since I hardly go into some places because they are high priced stores here in the area and it is ok not to go into them at all.  When I get asked about some things here for the household I ask myself can I use it for short and long term for the place.  Another thing is that I have stocked up on alot of things here for the place also so I do not have to run out and get something every time that I turn around here.  So now with that said here there are ways to save money for the household nomatter in what goes on in the world.  I have to laugh sometimes here since I have switched almost everything over here in the household to the cheaper end of things that I got on sale and stocked up on alot of the cleaners and soaps for the place.  Since my Husband does not mind in what I have done here at all and will say that things will get used up anyway and it will take some time to go thru some of the things that are here.  So now here I will have to start jotting things down to get done again during the week and see where I land up for alot of things also from now on.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Shaking my head

Well at this time I am still wandering around the household here and I am shaking my head over this.  I guess some of us will pay and it will always be me here in the place.  So now at this point in time here since there has been alot of changes so far here in the house it will get worse before it gets any better from now on when I am alone.  Since I have thought about this alot here in the past couple of weeks on how to do all of this here in the place I think now that I have it after this morning here.  Since I do not mind getting out of the household here for walks here, I will end up going out in the middle of the day and get my walk in from now on.  The early morning is not doing it anymore and I proved that yesterday here to my Husband.  With that part being said here at least I know in part of what I have to do for the place.  Or I may just get out here twice a day for a good while.  It will help with to clear my mind either way I go.  Anyway yesterday I got out for awhile here from the place and ended up turning in part of the nickles here in the place and I felt better after that.  There is still alot that I have to take in at this time and that is ok at this point.  The funny thing is that I have been on the cleaning jag here and alot more is getting done as of late.  Also here I noticed with the one cook book that I have here I end up with some leftovers also for the week.  It is better than what I was doing here before.  Now I can brake out the cheaper versions of recipies for the household here and not have to worry about being cut down for it anymore. 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Thinking way to much

Well I have been thinking way to much here for the household again here.  Since I will be cutting yet again on the bills here alot of the thinking has been on that part on things.  Now at this point in time there have been alot of changes of course here for the place and alot of them have been for the good here.  With alot of things that I have stopped since I have moved into the household here was because I was being cut down so much that it did not matter anymore at all.  So now that I have got back into the swing of things again since I am not being cut down for what I had done at the trailer and had to give up since some people thought it was stupid of me to keep doing here for the household.  With that being said here if I let some move in the place almost 2 years ago I would be stuck walking or stuck totally in the house and could not do anything anyway that was needed to be done.  Then to get screamed at when things did not get done or the bills were to high here for the household.  Now there is no worry for that part of things at all and I have been working on things totally for the place as of Febuary here of this year.  Since I was getting cut down for spending under 80 cents for alot of things that were needed for the household up untill that time I was tired of it totally.  So I made a huge change right then to get the back stock for the household and afew other things that were needed also here from that time forward here.  Now since I have the back stock for the place I do not have to spend at all except for food for the 2 kitchens.  At this point in time that part is not so bad at all since I have done alot of it on the cheap and the cooking will get cheaper while I am at it from now on.  Maybe that is what alot of people were worried about at the time because I was trying to figure out how to feed 3 extra mouths also here just in case.  So now here I do not have to worry about that niether along with other things being ran up on us also here.  Also since I had dragged out the one cook book here for the household again some people would be shocked if they were here or coming over to the place at this time.  And here I thought people would freak out over the housephone, it is all the little things that get done here in the place also that is cheap that people tend to freak out on totally.  So I will be doing alot of things that some will not even think about doing and go from there from now on.  Also I will try again for the dried beans here for some dinners again. 

Friday, September 14, 2012

Thank goodness

Well all I can say is thank goodness that I can drag out my KitchenAid stand mixer here for this weekend totally.  With the cooler weather I will be cooking and baking more around the place totally.  So now at this point in time I know that it is better for the household that I do things from scratch anyway and most of the times winter here is the best time to do things or when it totally cools off for the week.  Since I had the window units here for the household I can not see running the oven here at all to heat up the house so that is why I used the grill almost every day and on the weekends to cook on totally.  With that part I still have propaine left in the one bottle for the grill almost 5 months later here.  So now back to the mixer here, it seems strange that I have really not used that all summer here at all.  But then again with the heat I did not want to make cakes nor anything else in the house here so the poor thing got put back totally untill this week here.  With the KitchenAid stand mixer I can totally trust that it will work here for me and that is how I like it also with alot of things.  Also here since I have been looking thru the cookbooks that I have to get ideas for dinners also on the weekends for the place along with some of the things that are in memos in the back of my mind here, I can make everything on the cheap and still have it come out ok.  With the leftovers that I froze back it is not so bad at all for dinner ideas at all now.  Granted I pulled them back just in case if I did not want to cook for a day or when I go back for surgery here it still works out for the best here also.  Even with my one Aunt when I was down she asked if I wanted peas with dinner and I said that is fine by me since I do like the veggie here she laughed.  So this is why I have almost every veggie known to humans here either in the freezer or in cans at this time untill the garden starts going good.  And yes I have a slicer and shredder for the stand mixer at this time so I can get that part done without pulling the food processor out also.  This is why I do not mind the KitchenAid mixer at all at this point.  So now since there is alot of things that I can do with the mixer here it will not be so bad this winter when I start cooking more here for the place inside.  Also it will get to some of the neighbors that I am cooking more often than not here yet again.  While I was out with my Husband yesterday here I found out that the one dollar store will take coupons also here by the sign that they have in the window.  So now at this point in time here at least I know that I can go back into that store here and save even more money at this time for food and other things that they have that are name brand for the place here.  With that part of things along with other dollar stores I should do ok here from now on for that part of things also. 

Shaking my head

Well yesterday was a fluke here in the household totally.  It seemed nomatter what I tried to do here nothing got done at all.  Oh well at least there is today and I will be doing alot for the household without a question at all.  So now here since some things have to go back up to the store so I can get some money here for the gas tank along with other things here in the household it should not be to bad at all for the day here.  Since my Husband has not said much to me about what is going on here in the household I am not to worried at all in what will happen next here.  So now here at this point in time I will have to get alot cheaper here in the place so I can pay all of the bills off on time.  Since I do not need the window units for this week here at all it will help out alot on the power bill to bring that bill down here along with the walk that I will take also for this up coming week here.  Also the fresh air coming into the house will not hurt anyone at all while I am at it here for this time.  This is what some people can not understand here in the area still about in what I will be doing except acouple of people who know of the why and they are just as broke as we are.  Just like when one is on a fixed income already next door to me already and that was a quick year already.  At this point in time some were asking me yesterday in what I have done so far this week in the cheap department here.  I told him ya seen what I did with all of the laundry the day before and 2 umbrella lines totally full at the time.  Between the towels and the other stuff that I had that built up on me for over 2 weeks here it was well worth it in many ways also to also show another neighbor that it is ok to let the laundry go for days on end without running everything every day.  Even others have noticed that I have been doing other things here for the place that they like.  Between using less of the cleaners here and getting the cheaper end of things it is well worth it to keep the household going at this time here.  So now at this time I will start watching in what I do more often and see what I can cut out even more here for the place.  Since I have refilled some of the dish soap bottles here it has made it a bit easier on myself to pick up the bottles on the bad days to still use less of that part of the cleaning.  Pluss I had 4 bottles left of the same brand that I was using at the time in the ultra dish soap here in the household.  So that will get used up here without a problem at all now.  When it takes me 2-3 weeks here to go thru the non ultra soap for the dishes there is a problem totally.  Knowing that I get enough soap in the water with the use of very little to where others use way to much when they do that part of things.  My Husband started laughing yesterday and asked why the one bottle was not gone as of yet here for the week when I thought it would be.  All I can say is that the poor recycle bins were full this week and I had miss judged in how much was in the bottle also.  So this up coming week there will be at least 3 bottles in the one bin here and that is not bad since everything pretty much gives out at the same time in my place totally.  The funny thing about all of it is that since I do alot of the recycling myself here and I make the neighbors look like they are lazy on that part of things.  Also I just thought of something here since I pretty much know when the garbage goes out around the area and that is when I will start taking more walks during the week days here also.  With that said here I may do ok during the week here totally on some things since most of us put the stuff out the night before.  Now that it is hitting me here for what I should do and will be doing here for the household some are gonna be mad at me even more so than before.  It goes along with knowing that I need to start dropping my weight here and the walks help out in that area may as well make it worth my while totally here also. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Shaking my head

Well 3 loads of dishes that got done for the morning and a load of laundry also done here and I am not really that tired.  So for tomarrow cages need to be cleaned out along with more laundry than I can really do for the day will be done around here also.  Heck I have nothing better to do for the rest of the week so I may as well keep busy totally.  It will help that I canned the one game site that I belong to untill I am ready to rejoin that part again.  Gee I wander why I have been in the weight loss mode here also between moving around and about ready to hang a ton of laundry tomarrow here also.  So inbetween the loads of laundry I can scrub the kitchen floor among other things that need to be done here in the household.  It is nice that I can also get out of the house tomarrow morning and get my walk in while I am at it all.  This is why I am going back to the walks here so I can clear up some things here in my mind again and it will be good for me to do this in the morning and other times of the day also.  It is the only way I can keep going it seems at this point along with getting the nickles while I am out also.  The nice thing about all of this is that I never know in what will happen from day to day here on how much I pick up while I am out or if I get stopped by the cops also here for the morning.  Alot of the times I get left alone here either way that I go.  That is what I tried to tell my one Niece here when she went out at the trailer.  That and it was ok to pick up the cans and bottles along the way also at the time.  I got ignored about it all in what I tried to tell her totally.  So now since I can walk still and feel better afterwards here I may as well do what I can to bring extra money into the house.  I still have my places that I hit up of course and that is how it goes here. 

As I sit here

As I sit here this morning and plot out in what to do first in the kitchen when I start cleaning again for the day totally.  Yesterday was just shot when there were accidents all over the place and when I dropped off my Husband for work.  So today will be a more productive day here without a doubt at all.  Also here I will start the washer yet again for the day and see where I land with that part of the work here in the household.  I have noticed that I am better off with leaving the laundry to pile up for 2 weeks here and then get it all done for the place.  My Husband was shocked to see the pile that is in the hall way yesterday here.  Ok so I have been slacking in some areas here in the household again and it does not bother me at all in that part of things here.  At least knowing that there are full loads of laundry to get done and I am not going to waste water along with power for the washer at all this week.  With that being said my Husband finally realized fully in what I do in the household for the week while he is gone for work.  So now with today here at least I will get more done for the day along with things being turned off for a longer period of time.  With alot of the cleaning for the day it will be done on the cheap side of things totally also while I am at it.  Sometimes I have to laugh here since some do get mad in what I have been doing for the household all along since I have moved in.  I was thinking of when the cable was not hooked up yet here in the house and the radio was going all of the time for the place.  I may just do that again and see where the power bill lands at for several months.  The bad thing about this is that with the weekends here some things are going all of the time in the household at this point.  So I will see in what happends here totally and if I adjust to more here during the coming days, weeks, and months on alot of the changes.  With not using some things here in the household it has made a difference totally.  Also now with yesterday morning here knowing that some things we do not qualify for at all it works out better that way.  With the back up plan for alot of things that is how I have made it here in the house at this point in time.  I guess this is why I have the back stock totally in place for the household still to this day.  With that being said here there is alot that I can do from the freezers and where I keep the dry foods at still.  The funny thing about this part is that we will not go hungery here for about 3 months here at all or untill I can get to the grocery store again.  That goes along with expanding food for the household at this time and one never knows in what will happen here from day to day. 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Shaking my head

Well I have alot to do here in the household as of today.  Between laundry and other housework here that needs to get done, it has piled up on me once again here.  So as I sit here at this time I am plotting on what to even do first for the day yet again.  Since everyone started laughing when I got asked in how I can get alot of things done on the cheap here for the place and to give out tips on what I do.  When I said in what I did during the week when I am here alone, they were shocked totally.  Also I was telling some people last night in that the more expinsive products do not always work better at all for the household, it was food for thought for them in how I do things here for the household.  So now at this point in time since I do alot of things in the household that some would not even think of doing at all I am ok with it along with others also here as of lastnight.  Some people I do not care for at all was asking in what I was doing to cut the costs and I told her in what I did for inbetween jobs and out of work totally.  The poor gals mouth dropped open totally when I said where the cheaper veggies were along with other things here for the household.  Since I can get things done for fairly cheap here for alot of things and the food budget is more the normal of the first thing to be cut on anyway.  So now at this point alot of things that are here in the place at this point in time are from the cheaper stores here and I can make alot of what is here work for dinners.  This is what alot of people do not understand at all in what goes on here for where they are at.  Alot of the pantries here in the area and some do not know in what to do with what they have at all.  I can say this totally since I have worked out of one cabnit and a freezer at the trailer before I went on food stamps at one time here in the area also.  After awhile you get good when you are broke and have only 20 dollars for everything for the household.  Here in NY State I went for walks to get extra money for food at the time after a 10-12 hour work shift.  What some of the welfare workers will do is ask if you can get food from family if you are not the right color to them at all. 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Shaking my head

Well at least there are on and off peek hours all over the place.  Since I try to get everything done in the off peek hours anyway here it is well worth the time.  Knowing that some people did get mad when I told them that they could not start the laundry untill 8 pm here since they wanted to use the dryer all of the time in my place here.  What the person did not like is that I did not want to run up the power bill anymore than what it was already at the time.  With that part of the bills that came in here it dropped like a rock after all said and done, after some left.  Since I do not use alot of power and other things here in the household totally here for the place some get totally mad at me for it.  I have learned over the years here that it is ok to use less of things for nomatter where you are at.  Knowing that my Husband does not mind in what I do here at all during the week it seems to work out even better on my part here.  Some folks have laughed over the years in what I have done to cut down on alot of things at the trailer and others learned by hanging around also in what I was doing with 3 kids in the trailer also.  With alot of what was going on I had to get cheaper then as I do now here for the house.  One of the news casters this morning said that he did not think that his window units were not off at all for at least 3 months at this time and he is right on that part of things.  I do not think that anyone's a/c's really turned off at all this year.  With that being said all the power bills are up and there is no hope untill we can totally turn off the units totally.  Since it will be cooler this week things will be turned off totally in the household.  Also the nice thing here is that I can still hang the laundry out around the area for the next several weeks if not months still outdoors. 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Shaking my head

Well I have been working on the bills yet again here for the household.  At least some folks have gave me the green light here to do what I need to do also for the place.  With that said here this is why alot of things get ran at night with the off peak hours at this time.  At least one person that was coming over to get her laundry done could not understand in why I said no dryer untill 8pm in the household here at all.  Now with the summer here and going very quickly also I have been getting 99.9% of the laundry outside to dry on either the racks or the umbrella lines here.  I also have the lines down in the basement here also for the winter time so I can hang alot of the laundry up year round here for the place also.  When my Dear Husband backed me up on not using the dryer during the peak times of the day the gal could not understand of why untill I got the power bill here and shown her in what happends to it all.  It seems that when the friendship fell apart here then the power bill pretty much went down along with the water bill also.  So now at this point in time alot of the lights will not go during the week here when I am home alone untill about 8pm for the birds and that is it for the day and it is about an hour that they are on also.  So now at this point in time there is alot of things still that I can cut down on and I get my wish as of tomarrow here totally for that part of things.  The window units will still be in the windows here in the place just incase if it gets to warm in the household for everyone that is here.  Another thing that I have noticed also is that some people just do not care in what they do to other people also when it comes to using them for what ever reason.  My sister said something about she had someone in her office that came from the area that I am in and she was butting into everyones life.  I told my sister straight out do not tell her anymore than ya have to since she will stab ya in the back totally on what was said.  Since there is alot of differances between work and home and what ya do at home does not mean it will go to the office nor affect the office at all.  The gal thought it did and started ratting out almost everyone that was in the office about their home life to the main boss.  All my sister could do was shake her head at the time and say that I was right on what was happening at the time.  Also my sister told the gal was that I was the cheap one and do not worry about it at all and so did their boss at the time.  Some people found out right quick that I do not put up with gossip along with back stabing also here in the area and I just seem to get cheaper here for my place when they start flapping their tounges about me.  It is like I have to prove a point to some and made it all work some how some way here for the trailer and to the house here over the years while I was at it.  Maybe that is alot of the problems with some of us here in the area totally since some of us do not care in what is said at all in what we do.  This is why I do not mind hitting up all of the cheap stores for things also besides cutting down the amount of things that are used along with needed here in the household.  When my sisters and my father realized that in what I had been doing here for either place that I have been in they about freaked out about it all.  Also this is why I do not mind going for walks also here so I can pick up the nickles along the way.  It breaks up in knowing in what I have to do here for my own sanity along with extra money coming into the household.  This is why I do not trust some people that are in power at this time here. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Doing the right thing

Well today is a good day here so far with what I have for the day.  With that said at this point I will have to hit up 2 banks today and some time in the truck here also this morning.  Ok so the loans are do here and that is how it all goes.  Since at least 2 days this week I will be on the road here today being one of them here totally and again on Friday it makes me wander sometimes in what I am really doing.  Also here since I have cut way down again in the household at this time I start remembering in it is ok to have a crazy week here also.  The nice thing about the crazy weeks here for the place it gives me a chanse to get out of the house for at least a couple of hours and it also relaxes me since I do not see the walls of the house for that long.  It is part of being cheap here is that I stay home alot and when I can get out of the house to do something here like pay bills it makes in what I do well worth it all on most days.  Also I get to think on things while I am out either in the truck or on my walks here.  It clears my mind and I can think of other ways to get things done in the household while I am at it all.  With the things that I get done with cutting things down here in the place it makes my job that much easier than it was before with a girl that did not give a rats behind on what was going on at the trailer.  Now here I have started cooking on the cheaper end again for the place and nobody complains in what I do for dinners anymore also.  There is still alot of rice getting ate for food here also just like I did at the trailer.  With the rice it is one of the cheaper foods to eat and you can almost throw anything into it to make a meal also.  This is what my one Niece could not understand in why I was cooking so much rice at the trailer.  I have also realized that I got lucky when I did throw out my one Niece since she wasted so much on myself and my Husband while she was with us.  So now I am thinking that I did the right thing here by throwing her out and telling others no for to move into the house here totally.  Also knowing that I would be stuck with alot more of the cleaning, cooking, and shopping if I said yes here, along with going with the thorn's movement while I was at it, along with missing doctors appointments on top of it all.  Still to this day some swear that I was not hurt at all and it was all in my mind in what was going on at the time.  Now that things have got alot cheaper again I have learned that it is ok to take my time on cleaning and it is also ok to cut down on more things also while I am at it all.