Sunday, September 23, 2012
Shaking my head
Well at this point in time I do not want to know squat about the truck at all. Since my Husband figures that he can still waste money here still to this day we had to get out to Collins of course again yesterday here. So I went with him and found acouple of things at yard sales and got them for the household. I am still not happy about it and what can I do at this point in time for the place besides go for more walks here while I am at it all. Pluss we landed at Aldi for afew things for the house here and under 27 dollars I have enough food to last for about 6 meals in total again along with leftovers. Also while I was at Aldi I have figured out that I can get more for the second kitchen here without a problem when the time comes to restock that part of things here. Since my Husband does not figure that I take mental notes at all when it comes down to that part of things let him start thinking on what is really going on here for the place. From now on I will be going to Aldi for more groceries for the place here weather some like it or not and see where I land up after that part of things. Of course I will land over at other places when the prices are dirt cheap and that will not change out of me at all here. With that being said here at least I know in what I can still do for the household and make others mad while I am at it all. I may as well get that much cheaper for the place here and be done with it all. Alot of the times since I do not feel good at all this is why I get to the closest store and go with it all also. Now that part will stop around here and things will be going on that nobody expects out of me at all anymore. At this point in time here I know when to buy alot of things and when not to. When at this point it is not good to buy turkey at all and my Husband about freaked out at the price per pound of that yesterday here I started laughing. Also in how soon the man forgets in what I do here also for things to be that much cheaper for the place. With that part I will not get any turkeys untill the day after the next up coming holliday here and it works out better that way when it is about a quarter per pound in the stores. Also here I will admit that one of these days some will get a crash course in what I do for the place totally. Some like the one Niece will never get it at all in why I did the things that I have done totally untill she is at the end of her rope and that dead broke in the household where she is at this time. So now here I will be doing alot more from some of the stores around the area and it is about the same distance to both Save A Lot and to Aldi. One store has better can goods the other has better things in goody isles. It really depends on what mood I am in totally into where I go for the month here from now on. Anyway with several places that are cheap here and myself cutting down on the bills at this point in time I should have everything beat to snot here yet again. Since I am the one that is doing for the place here and the crash course will begin here for some here in the household very soon.