Thursday, September 27, 2012
Shaking my head
Well at this point in time it does not look like I even touched the place yesterday when I know that I did clean here in alot of spots. Sometimes it make me wander about that part once a week here since I have 3 cages to clean and vac the main floor after that here since at least 3 birds are totally messy eaters. At this time at least some things are done for the week here and more will get done today of course. Since alot of things have been thought about here in the place at this time it seems strange that some of the stuff that I have been doing here has got alot cheaper for the house to where other areas have not as of yet here of course. With that being said here and knowing in what I can do for the place still from here on out some people will get mad in what will happen here from now on. Since alot of things were turned off yesterday for the most part here in the place along with cleaning up also while I was at it, it made for a long day here totally. With today it will be about the same except that I do not have to lift as much nor push anything here for the day. That is the nice part about today here. Also on top of it I will have to get the meal planner out again here so I can make a list of what to make here for the weekend. Since I already know what is in the freezers and the cabnets here in the household it should not be to bad here come tomarrow of course. Alot of it is pulling things out and having them thaw out before I start cooking again here. Also I will try to keep everything caught up with the place here this weekend. It is one of the new corners that I am trying for the household here. It will also help out that I will be cheap about things here and put my foot down also while I am at it with lights and other things that are going on also for the weekend here. So now at this point in time I am trying to plot out for the day also here in what I will be doing first of course and see what goes on for the rest of the day. I guess this is what has bothered some people that know me and also knew me at one point in time here. When I started writing things down that needed to be done it drove some people nuts that use to come over all of the time. With the list wrote down here I will do something on the list and check it off after it is done here to make sure that things got done for the trailer and here in the household before I moved on to the next thing. Also here it helps out with some people like my Husband to see what I had done all day or all week for the place that we were at and go from there. So it makes me wander in what some were saying that I was really doing when I could prove in what was done in the place. Now I do not have that problem so much anymore since the neighbors will say this is what she has done and about ready to do here for the place. Now to get started on the housework again and go with it today here.