Saturday, September 29, 2012
Shaking my head
Well at this time here I will be doing alot more cheap things for the household totally. Since I have been dropped on the curb again with some things here I have no other choice in the matter but to go cheaper for the place. The nice thing about all of this is that I am alone during the week here and will get more done on the cheap side than what some will figure that I do for the place. Also since there is very little that I need for power and other things also here for the place the bills should get cheaper here without a problem at all for the winter time. Since alot of things are still here and will get used again, I guess that in what I was doing with getting the back stock into the place will pay off also at this point in time. What my main problem is here is where to start on things here in the household and what I can deal without all of the time here also. So during the week while I am alone here I will be trying to go without the T.V. all of the time for the place along with some other things while I am at it all. The bad part is that I can get alot of things over the radio here that I can get over the T.V. if not more so and it keeps the birds happy while I am at it here. Knowing that I have to cut way back on other things also here for the household this should be totally nuts here for at least a month if not more from now on. Alot of it goes back to me and what I have been doing apparently for the place at this time again. I have alot of guilt here in what has been going on over the past several years and it stinks totally on my part. Now I will start again on alot of things and be done with it all here and will be saying tough to alot of people again on what is going down. With some of the things that will go on here from now on is that the lap top will be out more along with cutting things down that much more for the place here and really think of how I will do things with 2 choices in the matter also here. It all goes with the guilt here also on top of it all. Now with the government trying to say of what we can and can not eat also it makes it that much harder for some of us to get down right cheap for the places that we are at also here. Since prices keep going up at the stores here with the hot weather and no rain and the gas going up along with other things some of us are done playing the game totally weather some like it or not at this time. I would rather do without here in the household and go from there at this point. I guess this is why I have the cook books in plain view at this point so I can cook on the cheaper side of things here in the household and will be doing alot more here without a problem at all since I do have food here. Now here there are ways that I can do this and be done with it again and not have to worry about what is said to me here from neighbors that could care less in what is going down. Last week one person tried to cut me down and I told him that it was not his place and he was more than welcome to pay the bills along with getting food for the place at that point. It shut him up and got him to think of what is going on. I am not as lucky to have someone that will help me out in a pinch at all and I have known this for years here. This is why I started alot of this at the trailer at the time to try to get the bills down along with other things. Some people did not help me out niether at the time when I started things also from what I can remember out of that part of things here. So now things have got somewhat easier on that part for the place since some are no longer with us and other factors in the mix. I guess that is another reason why I got called a "Rich Bitch" by some over the years since I was tight on the money then and will be getting even tighter now with it all. At this point in time I have also realized that some things can wait for about 3 days now here to get done and that will help out on streaching things out that are left here in the place also. With the weekend yes I will get the dishes done since I do cook alot here. During the week I can wait for acouple of days also since there are 2 of us here at times and other times I am here alone also for the place. Now I am thinking hot and heavy for the week days that I am alone in the place and can do here also at this time to get things streached out. Since I have to have structure for the place totally I may as well do things my way here and be done with it also while I am at it. Knowing in what I have to do here also helps out in alot of ways here in the household and it will get done. Once I have thought about this over time there is nobody going behind me anymore except on the weekends wasting things on me at all anymore for the place. I am sorry that I have let it all happen here before the past couple of months totally and there will be no more doormat syndrome at all from now on also. Now to get things to the point of it will work for the place and go as cheap as I can from this point forward and not to have guilt that goes along with it all. Also now the back stock will last me for awhile here in what is in the place and go from there. Maybe that is part of the problem here in the way I do think instead of what I have done before over the years. So now I will have to think on alot of things here during the week and go from there also here for the household. I will look at new ways of doing here and get them down for everyone here as the time lets me. Since I will be hanging laundry from now on also for the place more than normal for the place it will hurt some totally and hurt more in the people that are nolonger coming over to the place also. That goes along with cutting things off totally during the week here totally and I have to stick to my guns with that part for the place. So I will try things out and get them down here.