Monday, September 17, 2012
Shaking my head
Well at this time I am still wandering around the household here and I am shaking my head over this. I guess some of us will pay and it will always be me here in the place. So now at this point in time here since there has been alot of changes so far here in the house it will get worse before it gets any better from now on when I am alone. Since I have thought about this alot here in the past couple of weeks on how to do all of this here in the place I think now that I have it after this morning here. Since I do not mind getting out of the household here for walks here, I will end up going out in the middle of the day and get my walk in from now on. The early morning is not doing it anymore and I proved that yesterday here to my Husband. With that part being said here at least I know in part of what I have to do for the place. Or I may just get out here twice a day for a good while. It will help with to clear my mind either way I go. Anyway yesterday I got out for awhile here from the place and ended up turning in part of the nickles here in the place and I felt better after that. There is still alot that I have to take in at this time and that is ok at this point. The funny thing is that I have been on the cleaning jag here and alot more is getting done as of late. Also here I noticed with the one cook book that I have here I end up with some leftovers also for the week. It is better than what I was doing here before. Now I can brake out the cheaper versions of recipies for the household here and not have to worry about being cut down for it anymore.