Thursday, September 6, 2012
Shaking my head
Well I have been working on the bills yet again here for the household. At least some folks have gave me the green light here to do what I need to do also for the place. With that said here this is why alot of things get ran at night with the off peak hours at this time. At least one person that was coming over to get her laundry done could not understand in why I said no dryer untill 8pm in the household here at all. Now with the summer here and going very quickly also I have been getting 99.9% of the laundry outside to dry on either the racks or the umbrella lines here. I also have the lines down in the basement here also for the winter time so I can hang alot of the laundry up year round here for the place also. When my Dear Husband backed me up on not using the dryer during the peak times of the day the gal could not understand of why untill I got the power bill here and shown her in what happends to it all. It seems that when the friendship fell apart here then the power bill pretty much went down along with the water bill also. So now at this point in time alot of the lights will not go during the week here when I am home alone untill about 8pm for the birds and that is it for the day and it is about an hour that they are on also. So now at this point in time there is alot of things still that I can cut down on and I get my wish as of tomarrow here totally for that part of things. The window units will still be in the windows here in the place just incase if it gets to warm in the household for everyone that is here. Another thing that I have noticed also is that some people just do not care in what they do to other people also when it comes to using them for what ever reason. My sister said something about she had someone in her office that came from the area that I am in and she was butting into everyones life. I told my sister straight out do not tell her anymore than ya have to since she will stab ya in the back totally on what was said. Since there is alot of differances between work and home and what ya do at home does not mean it will go to the office nor affect the office at all. The gal thought it did and started ratting out almost everyone that was in the office about their home life to the main boss. All my sister could do was shake her head at the time and say that I was right on what was happening at the time. Also my sister told the gal was that I was the cheap one and do not worry about it at all and so did their boss at the time. Some people found out right quick that I do not put up with gossip along with back stabing also here in the area and I just seem to get cheaper here for my place when they start flapping their tounges about me. It is like I have to prove a point to some and made it all work some how some way here for the trailer and to the house here over the years while I was at it. Maybe that is alot of the problems with some of us here in the area totally since some of us do not care in what is said at all in what we do. This is why I do not mind hitting up all of the cheap stores for things also besides cutting down the amount of things that are used along with needed here in the household. When my sisters and my father realized that in what I had been doing here for either place that I have been in they about freaked out about it all. Also this is why I do not mind going for walks also here so I can pick up the nickles along the way. It breaks up in knowing in what I have to do here for my own sanity along with extra money coming into the household. This is why I do not trust some people that are in power at this time here.