Saturday, September 29, 2012
Looking around again
Well it looks like I have to really think again and look around the house to get that much cheaper for the place. When I tried to tell my Husband yesterday here that I have to pay bills instead of letting people barrow money off of us at this time here he got mad. Now it all falls back on me here to get the place that much cheaper since I am here all of the time. So I will be doing alot more here between everything totally to make sure that things turn out. All I can say is thank goodness that I still have enough food and other supplies here in the household to make a huge dent in everything totally for the month coming up here. I am guessing that I am on target with that part of things here for the household and my Husband has not even noticed as of yet that I am breaking into the back stock at this point in time. So as I sit here and think on alot of things here I pretty much know that I will have to cut back on alot of things yet again for the household here again and see if we make it on what I use here for the house. Since I hate to drive anyway here I will start walking more here also during the week and be done with that part of things while I am at it. Except when a place is to far to walk to then I will have to drive of course here. The bad part of things here is that some will not like in what I have to do here from now on for the place. With myself not using the dryer at all along with turning things off during the day also the power bill will drop like a rock also for the place. Since I am mad about some things that are going on here totally in what I was asked as of yesterday I have came up swinging of course on alot of things here for the household. May as well get my anger out on the bills totally here from now on and not go out at all hardly except for the walks that I take here. Now at this point here I will be saying no alot more here and go from there also along with trying to figure out the best way to cut down on things again here in the household. Another thing that I was thinking of again is that next year the garden will grow like gang busters along with some of the other things that I was thinking about here also of getting done. I have also broke out the candles for the house here in the mornings so I do not have to turn on any lights at all here at that time of the day. Maybe it is for the best that I am thinking of ways to get that much cheaper here. With the garden here it will help out some this year with the veggies that did grow so far. So I will be looking for more ways this winter to get things cheaper also here without a problem and write them down for the house rules also. Since I will be ok also untill about the middle of the week on clean laundry here maybe it is a good thing that I can still hang things outside at this time of the year. That is one of the things that has saved on the bills here instead of using the dryer also here as some did to me last year here.