Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Shaking my head
Well for today it is another major cleaning day here for the household. What can I say about it except it is in the middle of the week here and the trash will get out again. Since last week was one of the odd ball weeks with alot of trash that went out this week I will take it easy on the guys totally. So now here at least there will be less grumbling from the street. With that being said here at least I know it is the normal trash going out to the curb this week for the most part. Anyway today is another day to be cheap here with me being alone again. It is not so bad once someone gets use to it all. I guess this is why I am so repetitve here for the household. Since I clean most of the time here during the day along with getting other things done for the week it has helped out after the last accident here totally here. Knowing that it freaks out some people in what I do and say or people get totally mad at me for trying not to change hardly anything here for the household. Except to get things switched over to the cheaper side here for the place once in for all again. Even my Husband wandered why I had to write things down for either the trailer or the house here alot of the times and once he figured it out in what I was doing here he calmed down about that part of things totally. Also my memory came back slowly here after 6 months after the surgery since the disks were not pressing against my spinal cord. This is why I wrote alot of things down and got into a rutine here for the household. So every little bit helped out here in what I did do for the place. Now at this point in time for the place I am working on alot of things here to get alot of it done and go from there totally so I can get the place that much cheaper once again. As I told the one guy where I paid my phone bill yesterday that I could not wait untill my power bill came back down to earth here he asked in how I did it all. So I told him totally and also told him to take little chunks out to start with and give it a month to get use to the 5 things at first. It all take some time to get use to things when you first start out. Also since I am cutting down on things still to this day here for the place it helps out. By using less of things it streaches things out along with money for the place.