Friday, September 14, 2012
Shaking my head
Well yesterday was a fluke here in the household totally. It seemed nomatter what I tried to do here nothing got done at all. Oh well at least there is today and I will be doing alot for the household without a question at all. So now here since some things have to go back up to the store so I can get some money here for the gas tank along with other things here in the household it should not be to bad at all for the day here. Since my Husband has not said much to me about what is going on here in the household I am not to worried at all in what will happen next here. So now here at this point in time I will have to get alot cheaper here in the place so I can pay all of the bills off on time. Since I do not need the window units for this week here at all it will help out alot on the power bill to bring that bill down here along with the walk that I will take also for this up coming week here. Also the fresh air coming into the house will not hurt anyone at all while I am at it here for this time. This is what some people can not understand here in the area still about in what I will be doing except acouple of people who know of the why and they are just as broke as we are. Just like when one is on a fixed income already next door to me already and that was a quick year already. At this point in time some were asking me yesterday in what I have done so far this week in the cheap department here. I told him ya seen what I did with all of the laundry the day before and 2 umbrella lines totally full at the time. Between the towels and the other stuff that I had that built up on me for over 2 weeks here it was well worth it in many ways also to also show another neighbor that it is ok to let the laundry go for days on end without running everything every day. Even others have noticed that I have been doing other things here for the place that they like. Between using less of the cleaners here and getting the cheaper end of things it is well worth it to keep the household going at this time here. So now at this time I will start watching in what I do more often and see what I can cut out even more here for the place. Since I have refilled some of the dish soap bottles here it has made it a bit easier on myself to pick up the bottles on the bad days to still use less of that part of the cleaning. Pluss I had 4 bottles left of the same brand that I was using at the time in the ultra dish soap here in the household. So that will get used up here without a problem at all now. When it takes me 2-3 weeks here to go thru the non ultra soap for the dishes there is a problem totally. Knowing that I get enough soap in the water with the use of very little to where others use way to much when they do that part of things. My Husband started laughing yesterday and asked why the one bottle was not gone as of yet here for the week when I thought it would be. All I can say is that the poor recycle bins were full this week and I had miss judged in how much was in the bottle also. So this up coming week there will be at least 3 bottles in the one bin here and that is not bad since everything pretty much gives out at the same time in my place totally. The funny thing about all of it is that since I do alot of the recycling myself here and I make the neighbors look like they are lazy on that part of things. Also I just thought of something here since I pretty much know when the garbage goes out around the area and that is when I will start taking more walks during the week days here also. With that said here I may do ok during the week here totally on some things since most of us put the stuff out the night before. Now that it is hitting me here for what I should do and will be doing here for the household some are gonna be mad at me even more so than before. It goes along with knowing that I need to start dropping my weight here and the walks help out in that area may as well make it worth my while totally here also.