Saturday, September 8, 2012
Shaking my head
Well at least there are on and off peek hours all over the place. Since I try to get everything done in the off peek hours anyway here it is well worth the time. Knowing that some people did get mad when I told them that they could not start the laundry untill 8 pm here since they wanted to use the dryer all of the time in my place here. What the person did not like is that I did not want to run up the power bill anymore than what it was already at the time. With that part of the bills that came in here it dropped like a rock after all said and done, after some left. Since I do not use alot of power and other things here in the household totally here for the place some get totally mad at me for it. I have learned over the years here that it is ok to use less of things for nomatter where you are at. Knowing that my Husband does not mind in what I do here at all during the week it seems to work out even better on my part here. Some folks have laughed over the years in what I have done to cut down on alot of things at the trailer and others learned by hanging around also in what I was doing with 3 kids in the trailer also. With alot of what was going on I had to get cheaper then as I do now here for the house. One of the news casters this morning said that he did not think that his window units were not off at all for at least 3 months at this time and he is right on that part of things. I do not think that anyone's a/c's really turned off at all this year. With that being said all the power bills are up and there is no hope untill we can totally turn off the units totally. Since it will be cooler this week things will be turned off totally in the household. Also the nice thing here is that I can still hang the laundry out around the area for the next several weeks if not months still outdoors.