Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Long day

Well yesterday was a long day to say the least here.  Even though I got out of the repair shop for very cheap and still wandering in how I did that part of things yesterday.  We all got to laughing about the Honda that I had and I could have had the house paid off by now with all the axels that I had to replace on the dang thing when I had it.  The Managers daughter was in shock over that part of things.  So with that being said here I guess it does pay off that I hardly drive the truck at this time while I am here alone totally at this time.  Pluss I save on gas this way also here for that part of it all.  When it takes at least 70 dollars a crack here to fill up the tank there is a problem totally.  So as I sit here and think on alot of things that have been going on this week.  That along with what my Husband had said to me here yesterday also and it was not good at all.  He forgets that I kept track last year here of the gas going down to Illinois and back.  I was told to go and knowing that it is not possible at all at this time here it is like he forgets things.  When I told him 2 weeks ago to take over the bills here he hollered about it.  Now he is realizing in what he has done totally here and there is no way that I can go.  This is why I am not lending any money out at all untill I get paid back at this time.  When I had set up the other account here as a back up plan for the place here and got totally ignored in what I was trying to do at the time since someone else is more improtant than what I was trying to do here it is ok now.  I figure that I do not need the money and that is why I told my Husband to take over totally here on alot of things for the household.  Maybe I was in the right for it since some would learn that ya can't keep spending on some of us and expect to have money left after.  Since I try not to touch the one account here at all and go with what we have coming in.  That is why I have such a tight budget here for my place.  That along with always finding ways to cut things down for the household at this time while I am at it all.  The nice thing about all of what I do is that I have noticed that when I get things cut down and streached out here it helps me to feel better by the time I am done.  Pluss it bothered me when my Husband started demanding me to hand over money here for someone else and would not look at the bigger picture on things 2 weeks ago.  So now some things have smacked my Husband totally as of yesterday here and it is not my problem at all.  Also now since I am still thinking here in the household at this time in what else that I can do without totally paying for getting that much cheaper it seems wierd.  Now at this point I will figure out a way here to get things done again and go from there as of today. 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Shaking my head still

Well it always amazes me that some people are cramming the stores as of yesterday for the storm that is coming.  With alot of people grabbing 2 carts for groceries as of yesterday at the Wegman's store I was about ready to leave totally.  It was like people just do not get it this point in time.  Alot of what some were doing was to start grabbing things that they all thought was needed and go from there.  I know that at least 4 people had well over 500 dollars by the time I was there for their place and most of it would go bad before they used it.  Some things I refuse to freeze here for the household since I learned years ago from someone that lived down the street from me at the time.  So I picked up very little while my Husband and myself were out and about here and said oh well when I could not get some food for one pet since every store was out and cat food it is here for about a week.  Also I got to thinking about it here that I am so use to having the power go out in the Trailer Park that I know what to do at this point in time without a problem, to where others do not have a clue at all at this point.  It also reminds me of when I did not even have a fridge at all 18 years ago.  It was great during the winter months except when the milk and the greens froze on me at the time when I threw everything out into the mud room.  So yes I know in what to do and when also now and learned.  Ok so my Husband and I are laughing about it now here in how we got thru it all and how we all learned.  Now at this point there is alot of work to be done along with other things that I have to do here for the morning. 

Sunday, October 28, 2012


Well I went to a silent auction last night and had fun with it.  Of course I ended up with 2 baskets here without a problem at all.  So now since I ended up working anyway and found out a few things while I was at it all it made me wander about some things also in the cruddy work force.  All I could do for the gal who was telling me in all that she had left at the end of the month was give some advice out that I have been doing here for my own place.  I ended up telling the woman to keep some things on hand and do not worry at all since they are the basics out of the household totally.  Between the onions, potatoes, 1-2 bags of flour, butter, baking powder, bags of noodles, powdered milk, yeast, beans canned or baged, rice, some sugar, bread crumbs, eggs, along with 2 rolls of burger, and some chicken for the household.  I have also tried to keep some canned veggies at the trailer and the house here nomatter what.  Since I have all of that in the household here and can make meals out of that for at least 3 weeks here it is not so bad after I get done.  It also goes along with trying to get everything on sale and on the off brand side for the most part.  Pluss there are the days during the week that I turn everything off also for the place totally since I do not need alot of things anyway here that needs power.  Also I try to streach everything out that is in the household anyway.  This is what alot of people have not got as of yet here in why and how I do things for the place.  Since I have got alot tighter on things during the week here for my place it seems strange that I am beginning to think that it is normal in what I am doing.  I even told the gal to get the hand towels along with towels that she can clean with totally for the place that she is at now.  I got the look of what does that have to do with streaching out money for the household last night.  As I was telling the woman that since the 8 pack of paper towels have lasted for a year in my place at this point in time because of the towels and rags that I clean with that is how my place streaches out that part of the budget in my place.  Since 5-10 dollars is at least a days worth of meals if not more for the household it is well worth not getting the paper towels for the household at all.  I guess this is what worries some people that come over to my place also at this point in time now.  All I can do is laugh about it and go from there since I have got that much cheaper for my place here over the years.  When I was telling the woman to take small steps so nobody gets totally hurt and let others know in what you are doing so they can help out also it seems to work out better that way for the household.  That is what happened totally in my place and now I just say something that I am trying out here for the place that we are at now.  The gal was inpressed in what I was doing and could relate also for alot of things.  When I told her my total budget at the trailer years ago of 20 dollars for everything and what the welfare office told me that we could live high on the hog for that much a month also some were in shock.  That is when I became good at streaching things out here 10 years ago for the trailer and the house here also. 

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Thinking again

Well I will say that I have been thinking again here for the place.  The bad part about about thinking is that I am stocked up on the pet supplies once again thanks to some of the stores here totally.  Since we are going to get alot of rain and maybe snow for this up coming week I figured may as well get while the gettings good totally.  With the one raido program that I try to listen to in the afternoons here in the area one caller reminded me I better get the bird seed along with the dog food here for the household before I really refuse to get out and drive all week here.  So now let the big tree come down if it wants to and I will tell the city here once ya get it cut up throw it into my drive way here after ya get done.  May as well here totally.  So now that I do not have to worry that much here for the place at all at this point in time I am all set on alot of things without the hassles that others have.  With some people worrying about what goes on with the weather and shopping once a week this is why the store shelves go bare when we get a good storm coming threw the area.  I know that some people do not think at all at this point of the what ifs that come up.  With that being said here I guess this is why I try to have things on hand for the household at all times totally.  When I first started of being stocked up for the place was years ago and tackeled a huge job that it all was.  There were extra can goods to get, soaps, some meats, flour, rice, pasta, and many other things to hold the place over if anything happened weather or job wise at the time.  Of course it drove the neighbors nuts along with afew others in what I was doing also and on the cheap.  All I could do was laugh about it at the time and tell some people no when they came over to beg for food.  It takes some planning along with looking for the best deals out at the stores to get stocked up for the household.  With that being said here this is why I ended up with extra cabnets at the trailer and moved them to the house also along with the travel of over 1200 miles to get another cabnet for the household also last year.  The funny part of it was that when I got it into the house here I had to take the dirty laundry out of it along with cleaning it up also before I got things into it here and one person telling me that I was just plain out wrong for getting the cabnet at the time.  I shook my head at the person and said fine what ever here along with you'll see after this bout.  Since I had brought back food while I was at it at dirt cheap prices compaired to NY State's standards last year it all worked out and had more room for alot more also at the time to put in the one cabnet.  I started laughing when the pasta went into one drawer along with the sugar in the other drawer, the sharp knives in another, and an extra drawer for something else that was here in the place.  This is what some did not get at all is that I had the space then for the dang thing along with getting extra space in the kitchen from things cleared out that went into the cabnet.  So with that part done and still here this is what has helped with keeping the back stock on alot of things for the household in food.  Another thing that I did lastnight here was hit the bargin rack at the back of the store while I was there along with good deals and points on my one card here.  There are always ways to save nomatter where you are at in any store period.  When I tried to explain this to some while I was in Illinois they did not get in why I only spent 8 dollars while I was at Kmart at all.  Since I knew that the points were about ready to expire at the time I used almost 100 dollars worth of them while I was there.  It hurt the cashier more than it did me at that point since I knew what I needed also.  The extras did not hurt since I can still use them also now for the place and myself.  May as well be cheap and have it when things are at rock bottom prices. 

Friday, October 26, 2012

As I sit here

Well I am sitting around at this point in the morning.  All I can say is thank goodness I do not sleep the whole night thru at all since I got up at about 1 am and had to drop my Husband off to work at 2 am already.  And yes I got the truck going again here.  Dang old cap in the truck.  So now here I will say that some things will never change here at all and never will at all.  With that part of things for the place at this point I was really mad and disjointed about it all and my Husband does not seem to care one bit at all on alot of what is going on here.  So I finally got mad endough about alot of it and got one of the main rooms cleaned totally up except the fire place here yesterday and all I got told was ya could not wait could ya, after 6 flipping months of waiting anyway for help to move things.  I have came to the point of why bother to wait anymore again just like at the trailer and just start doing on my own weather it hurts or not again at this time.  Now to get the fireplace and laundry done for the week here to prove a point totally to some that are left in the household and go from there.  This is what I have ment that I get ignored here totally and I am tired of it all.  So now here with most of the day ahead of me here and I have to go back out to pick some up tonight again it makes me wander in what some think that I do all day here besides try to keep up with the housework along with trying to be cheaper than snot on top of it here also while I am at it all for the place.  So now here I will see what goes on and will get the place to where I want it also very shortly and start kicking and screaming about things again.  Knowing that the household will not like in what I will do from now on, oh well at this time.  As I told my Husband yesterday this is what will happen and he told me not to at all and do not worry about it.  I said fine since it is not him getting bit by fleas again here like last year and I will deal with it all with the itching and other things. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Got bad and quick

Well I knew that things could go bad to worse here and I just proved it this morning at 8 am.  It has been a hell week sto say the least here and the truck is not starting at all so I gave up on that part and started walking then to find out about a good friends Mom on top of it all I am done with the fighting in the household also here.  Ok there is alot that some do not even know about me here and I say no for a reason on some things here when asked totally.  When some told me to get the battery charger out of the garage and I asked where it was I knew then and there totally here that I will walk it and drop the mess in what is going down totally here.  Now some have realized in why I wanted to be close to everything here at the house and still got cut down for it all at the point of getting the house 2 years of December 1st now.  There were other factors in what we got also here at the time and it just smacked some totally up side the head and across the face totally now.  I was so mad here that I could have spit bullits on some by looking at them totally by 8 am with total hate and discusst in what I got at the time 4 years ago here while some of us were still in the trailer.  At this point in time I am mad about what I was told to think and say at the time that gee nowander I stopped talking about some things here on my end since I knew it was just totally a lost cause anyway here to start out with.  Now here I have been thinking that ok if we moved out to the real sticks here I would have been screwed totally and went from there at this point in my life and maybe that is what some really needed here since I am that stupid on things with being pratical in where we are at now here.  As I told a good friend of mine today thatI am thankfull for the hummor that ya brought into being married and the hope and hummor also that goes along with it, it is well worth me paying mind to what went on over the years here so far.  Take the good and the bad thru the years and sometimes ya just gotta try not to smack some people along the way nomatter what goes on.   And always see the hummor in what goes on at the time.  So with today I had walked alot of frustration off here and need another walk period to ttoally clear out the bad and see the hummor in what happened totally for some things here nomatter waht goes on it has made me realize that I have the 2 feet God gave me and a roll cart to help out nomatter what goes on in life. 

Shaking my head

Well at this time I have been plotting out in what needs to be done first here in the household again for the day.  Since my Husband has not got that part in what I do here during the week as of yet I guess getting mad or frustrated is not an option anymore at all.  So I guess I will do in what I have to while he is gone here and keep it up alone.  With that part already going on here for the place there is little that I can do about it anymore after what was said at the begining of the week here totally.  Now here since there is a ton of things that need to be done this week here still and it will get done on my time without a problem anymore.  That means moving the sofa along with other things this week here to clean really good behind that along with not waiting anymore on my Husband to help me out on that part of things.  I have realized here for the place that it is just not worth the wait along with why bother and who the heck cares in what I do anymore here in the household.  So now just to get motivated enough so I can get things done for the household totally for the day and I should be ok after I get started.  Since I have to think about where to put things here in the main room anyway here may as well get started when I get back to the household here this morning.  The problem is the 7 foot sofa at this point in time.  I will get it figured out here totally and still have reason not to open the front door here for the winter unless it is really needed for the place again.  So now here there is alot on my list for the day and I may as well get started here on alot of things that need to be done. 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Shaking my head

Well 2 pick up loads of wood and we have another 2 to get out of the one place that we got the free wood at.  With that being said I know in what I will be doing next weekend here also for the household here.  That is the bad part of things around the place besides another long week here again.  So it makes me wander in what my Husband was thinking last night here when he did not turn off the outside light again for the 50th time this year.  Yes it drives me nuts here when he does that along with driving up the power bill for the place.  So I guess I will pay for it this week by keeping everything off at night here for the week again.  Also at least towards the end of the week here I will get all of the laundry out on the lines to help out with that part of things here.  Since I had planned that it would be a mess this past weekend here and it turned out that way anyway besides in what I did to help save money for the place.  Anyway now with this week here for the place I will figure out something to help with keeping things off here in the household to help with the sanity of what is going on.  So as I sit here at this time I am plotting on what to do first for the place of course.  That is nothing new around here at all on that part.  Now to get things alot cheaper here for the household and go from there since that is part of the plot that I have for the week to test it all out to make sure that it will work for me.  I have went without things before here and will try to do it again from now on.  This should be good and will teach me something again.  With that said here at least I will get things done here this week that some would figure that I would never do at all.  I may as well work in the household at this time and go from there while I am at it here.  At this point in time I have broke out the candles for the place here in the mornings so I can keep the lights off as long as I can now.  Also I have to deep clean some of the kitchen so I can save even more here for the household.  With this past weekend here my Husband started hollering about all of the rice that we have in the household also.  I started laughing about it and told him to look in the 2 drawers where I keep the pasta in and ya get one or the other here from now on since ya said something to me about it.  He did not see the humor in the whole thing as I did.  So I will come up with the 101 ways to cook pasta and the rice without a problem at all now.  It will not be that bad here since I can do that part of things for dinners also at this time.  Some will be mad here at me and that is fine.  At least there is food in the house that can be ate up along with other things at this time.  The pasta and the rice are part of the back stock for the household here besides the dish and laundry soaps that I have.  Now that does not include things like T.P., shampoo, conditioner, bath soaps, and snot rags that are here.  This is what I get for having coupons on top of sales for things like that around the area and in PA. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Shaking my head again

Well it is looking like I am not getting enough done here in the house at all at this point in time.  None the less I did get a truck full of wood so far for this winter here for nothing.  There are at least 3 more truck loads to bring back at this point in time also while I am at it all.  What it is at this time is that we have to unload and to get the holder up and going before we get any more here totally.  So inbetween time I did get a load of laundry folded along with a load outside and one in the washer again.  Ok so I have not been slacking to much here today since I packed the back end of the pick up full with the first load of fire wood here for the place.  That and I did get up to Walmart for the day also this morning here.  Now if I can keep on saving money like I have been at the 2 stores already I will be a happy camper for a good while here also.  At least I can laugh about what is going on here totally at this point in time here.  Between coupons and the nickles that I have took in I should be ok for a good bit here.  Pluss the free fire wood also and I can not forget about that part for the household while I am at it here, it is a good thing here totally in what is going on.  All I can say at this point in time is that some things are turning around for the place here now somewhat.  With the fire wood here at the house the gas bill will go down here this winter again and that is a good thing here on my part.  Maybe I will get lucky this year totally for the power bill and the gas bill and they will not be much I hope.  Now at this point in time I have not forgot in what I did do last winter at all here.  Now to match alot of it here and this some for this winter totally since some people will not be here at all having the door open all of the time and the lights will not be going also for hours at a time by the weekend here anymore.  That will be the nice thing for this winter compaired to last winter here.  Nor do I have to hear that someone is cold in the kitchen also here unlike last year here of course.  As I will say there are ways around everything here and I am still to this day figureing them out for the place here after almost 2 years here.  Not only that since I have found out about the dollar stores again here for some things for the household that is another way here of doing without going broke here totally for the winter months.  I guess this is why I shut the doors to the rooms that I do not use all of the time and still block off areas in the household.  May as well on that part also while I am at it all.  I am not saying to have the thermostate turned way up on anything or way to low to were everyone freezes in the household at all.  I try to keep a happy line here for the household totally on alot of things here without a total screaming match from the other or the kids at all.  Also it is good to have meatings with the family when you want to try something new around the household period.  I have found out the hard way about it with my place.  Pluss working as a team works better anyway for a household. 

Long day

Well I will have a long day today here since I have laundry along with other things to get done for the day here totally.  With that being said already it already stinks in alot of ways.  So as I sit here and plot in what I have to do already here it makes me wander totally in alot of things.  With yesterday here I ended up with some good deals over at the dollar store also and will have to go back this up coming weekend here without a doubt.  Since there were things that needed to be picked up for the house in food wise anyway that got done when I got to the Dollar General.  When I can pick up a 2.5 lb bag of rice for a dollar I am there to get that part of things for the household.  This is why I say hit the bargin racks for alot of things for the household.  The food is still good along with the other things that they have on the rack and if you have coupons to go with the bargin rack even better.  At this point in time here some things will never change out of me here and in what I will do to put food on the table also.  If some people really knew in what I have done while they were coming over all of the time here they would have freaked out on me totally knowing that I had shopped the bargin rack and got other things on sale for food also while I was at it all for the place.  Now I can laugh at alot of things that I have done over the years at the trailer and the house at times to put food on the table.  It is part of the reason of why I go for walks and pick up the nickles also here still to this day.  It is like a huge challange here to see how much I can pick up along with there is part of my food budget also for the place.  With that being said here some have not got that part out of me yet here and they never will.  My one niece that lived at the trailer there for awhile was shocked that I picked up a 20 dollar bill one morning and another 20 dollars in nickles also within acouple of hours that I was gone.  So it does pay off sometimes in what I do for the household here.  At this point in time here all I can say is that the cheaper that I go for the place the better off that I am now.  Alot of the cheapness comes out while my Husband is gone for the weekdays here and he does not even really know in what I am doing for the place at all still to this day.  With that being said here my Husband got on my toush yesterday here about running out of somethings here in the household totally.  I just looked at him and said fine then why should I do anything more for the place from this point forward and he will have to do the shopping on top of everything else here.  I have never seen someone back peddle that fast in the household in the past 19 years that I have been here in NY State.  Now at this point I may as well get things started here early in the place so I can get them done early here. 

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Long day

Well the feeling is there that today will be a very long day here totally.  With cooking and cleaning as normal along with trying to get out of the house here to pick myself up off the floor mentally.  When I was out yesterday afternoon before I picked up my Husband some of us hit the dollar store here.  Since I had to make dinner and felt totally lazy for that part of things I went looking.  So I ended up with 3 things for the place and spent under 4 dollars of course for at least 2 nights worth of dinner and leftovers while I was thinking of that part of things here.  The manager was shocked that I picked up the non brand names out of the dollar store while I was there.  With that being said I got to look at what they had for frozen things along with other parts of the store at the time since I had the time to do so here.  The poor guy did not wander in how I could get over 100 dollars worth of stuff from there and have at least 3 carts full by the time I would leave.  Now that does not include the coupons that I will carry with me from now on to take with me to the one store also here.  With that being said here there are one stone with 2 birds that will go on here from now on to prove a point to some folks here totally.  It is not to hurt the birds just stun the really big and nasty ones with laughture.  Even the gal behind me in line was shocked that I could get at least 3 meals out of what I picked up yesterday along with the leftovers for the week here for my place totally.  So as I sit here and think of what else that I can do for the household to cut the costs alot of it hit me in the past 2 days.  Since my Husband is not worried apparently about the bills at all and the stress that is on me to get the bills paid here along with food in the household also at this time it is ok.  There will be alot more dollar store things here in the household also before it is over with and I will keep it that way from now on.  The off brands will work just the same as the name brands for the most part and some of the off brands I still shy away from to this day for the household.  Now here there is another part of the plan that I have for the household totally here.  Since everything gets piled up on me here for the place I will get it done even if I have to walk here to the stores to get things done.  I was asked the other day here in what if the truck broke down on me.  I said and I can still walk to alot of places and it will not hurt me at all still.  So the person got the point that I am not scared to do what I have to for the place to get things done.  Also now since I still have a roll cart here in the household so I can walk to the store totally to get things here.  Maybe at this point there is a reason for my madness to get the household that much cheaper at this time.  With alot of the thoughts going thru my mind here I have to get them all straight here and that will get done shortly. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Thinking again

Well I got to thinking yesterday here in what has been going on in the household.  Since I had to clean out another cage here along with several other things also here for the day it gave me a chance to think totally in how much I have been doing here in the household.  Also it hit my Husband totally in how much cleaning and other things that I have done in the past almost 9 months here.  With that being said here the man looked under the kitchen sink again to see if I even touched what is under there as of yet and he found out that I was still working on what is in the window at this point in time.  This is what I get for streaching out the dish soap here for the household along with the cleaners also for the place.  Since I started that part over at the trailer and one of the things that I have kept on doing after we moved into the house here some were shocked in what I was doing still to this day on things.  Since I get to the dishes everyday most of the time here in the household it makes it easier on me to do that part first and while I am standing there plot out the rest of the day for cleaning also.  That is one thing that some people have not got about me as of yet is that I do clean every day here at least something in the household.  Some days it is not much and other days I go overboard on the cleaning.  It does happen like that with me here and that is how I get alot of things done also for the place.  When my Husband seen what he did yesterday here it finally hit him in what I have and had been doing here.  Also it hit my Husband in why I have done some things the way I have been doing it for the place.  At that point he appologized to me for what he had been saying all along to me to try to get me to do more for the household.  I guess at this point in time someone has and had said something to my Husband that I did not do squat for the household at all and they were doing all of the work for me here still to that day.  So I grabbed his phone and brought up the texts out of it and the feeling was right in what I had with a person also that had told my Husband this.  Along with that I supposadly did not streach things out in the household.  I kept my mouth shut on it and pretty much put it all togeather in what I had noticed anyway here after I got dropped almost 9 months ago.  Now that the one window will be blocked up untill about 10 am from now on along with the rutine that I have in in the mornings here and untill I get done with some things here I will keep it that way.  With that said here I will not say much in what I have noticed at all.  So now at this point in time since I have been doing alot here to keep busy totally it has helped out alot on to keep my mind off of what other people will do to get attintion here in the area.  Also now there is alot on my list of things to get done in the household and they will get done here in the coming weeks.  My Husband was shocked when he walked in and seen everything off still here in the place.  I have been doing that more here in the past 2 weeks than what some have realized that I have been doing here.  Also here there are things that have been straightined out for the household after all said and done.  I have noticed also here for the place that it has got alot cheaper without myself even trying while I have been at it all. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Thinking again

Well at this point in time here I had most of yesterday to think of what to do for the household.  My Husband was shocked when he walked in with everything unplugged and just the radio was on here for the place.  This is what happends when the weekends there are many lights on here along with other things here in the place.  Also while I was at it all here some will learn that are in the house at this time that it takes very little to keep me happy.  So it was one of the days that my Husband can freak out on totally here and go with it.  Since I did not get to everything yesterday here I will get to it today.  This is totally normal out of myself.  Once I think of it all for the place I can get it alot cheaper without a problem at all from now on.  This means that I will start thinking on what needs to be done here and how much it will cost me to do so from now on.  With that being said here at this time I will be shopping at places that people turn their noses up at all of the time.  I have noticed that when I am out at some of the cheaper stores here some of the older folks are looking at me wierd since I am shopping where the prices are better than the big name stores out in the area.  All I can do is laugh about it here and keep doing what I have to here to keep the household going.  That goes along with not using hardly any power here for the household and to use less of everything that is left in the place.  Also if I have to burn wood here more often to keep the gas bill down along with it I will be doing that here along with other things.  The nice thing about this is that I can keep busy here totally without a problem at all.  With yesterday I was not happy at all since my Husband thinks that it is ok to leave every stinking light on nomatter what time of day it is at this point.  I told him straight out ya gotta turn off things period if you are not going to be in the room with the lights on.  He looked at me and laughed about the comment totally.  So I guess during the week I will have to suffer thru going without here totally.  That is about the only thing that I can do at this point in time here totally to get the bills down here.  So now here I can get this done and will do what I have to do in order to get things where they should be for the place.  Also when I can get the money up for another trip down to PA I will do alot of the shopping down there for the dry bulk of things here for the household while I am at it.  It will all work out for the best by the time I am done for the place.  So let me see in what I can get done for the day here and where I land up totally. 

Monday, October 15, 2012

Shaking my head

Well at this point I have to undo what was done over the weekend here with the power going all of the time here.  That is the part that my Husband does not get still to this day is that there should not be lights going when you are not in the room at all.  And yes it makes me mad when he does things like this while he is home for the weekend here all of the time.  It makes me wander in what he is thinking when he does things like this all weekend.  Now at this time I will be leaving things off around here for most of the week and other things will be out the window all week also here because of what goes on all of the time here on the weekends.  Since the radio takes less power to run all day here the radio will out rule alot of things here in the place for this week.  So now here with that being said for the place and what goes on for part of it here it will not be good around the place at all.  Ok so I am spitting mad in what has happended again here and will have to get alot of things done for the day besides cleaning while I am at it here.  What some have not figured out is that they have made more work for me here for today again.  I do not wander why anymore in why I do not get hardly anything done here on Monday's at all.  Now to get things done on the very cheap this week and see where I land up by the end of the week also.  So now that I am plotting things out around here totally for the place and will get most of the things done this week here.  I have no choise in the matter at all.  With alot of what will go on this week will be on the cheap end of things of course and I will make sure of it here.  The nice thing is that I will be alone here in the place without even a huge problem at all by the time I get started again with the housework.  The nice thing about this week is that I can hang the laundry out for 3 days and not think twice about it all here after it gets washed.  It will help out to save money on that part of things here for the house without using the dryer at all.  There are alot of ways that I will be saving money in the household now since I am fairly stocked in alot of things here for the place at this time.  All of it was done with the sales that went on along with coupons for some places also at the time.  This is part of what some do not see me do for the household at all.  When one of the girls next door here to me turned her nose up at what I got over at the one grocery store here when we first moved in I knew right then and there in what was going on.  The oldest girl along with the youngest thought it was just the coolest thing that I did go to a place like Aldi to shop at for the place.  It does not hurt as bad when I get out to the cheaper stores here for the place.  So now here since I will do what I have to do for the household to make it all run smooth here there will be some people that will get mad at me for what I am doing. 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Thinking again

Well I have been thinking again here for the household totally.  Since I have everything switched over as of Friday here I feel somewhat better about it all.  Now I will not worry about somethings at all when I go to clean here since I am the one that gets stuck with that part of things anyway here for the household.  Even my Husband agreed with me here that I did the right thing on getting some of the items needed for the house here stocked up at a very low price at the time here.  Ok so it took someone to dump me on the curb totally here to get things really done for the place along with not being cut down for what I was doing also at the time.  Now at this point in time here I can say that some things will get cheaper here without some people coming over all of the time and I am thankfull for that part of things here in the household totally.  So as I sit here and think on what I can do to cut the costs more here totally for the place here and will think on it all this week it should not be that bad at all.  Also I know now that I can go without some things during the day here when I am home alone.  So now some things will not be turned on untill about 5 pm here in the household if at all 5 days a week.  With that being said the pwoer bill will come down at my cost here totally and some will have to deal with it out of me from now on.  Since my Husband has got a good look here in the household and seen what I was trying to do here also he got mad about me turning off lights on him all day yesterday.  Now at this time here since I have been turning things off for longer periods of time along with looking over the budget here yet again it will drive some folks nuts in what I am about to do for the place.  As I told my Grandmother yesterday why should I drive here unless I go for a huge shopping trip and or if it is to far for me to walk here also.  This is what some have not got about in what I have done and willing to do here also.  Since I figure to save on gas for my truck here I may as well walk as much as I can also.  Another thing here is that I have been trying to stay out of the stores also here as much as possible.  That part is on me also for the place.  That goes along with streaching in what I have here in the house that is left.  Who needs to use the full amount of things that the bottle says that we should for anything in a household.  It is all a gimmick to go out and buy more anyway.  With that being said that is why alot of things stick around my place here without a problem at all.  Since I have no help at all from others like my cousins do at this time this is alot of the reason of why I streach out everything that I can for the household. 

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Thinking again

Well I have been out already here and alot of things were a bust this year with the garden.  So I will see what I can do here in what is here out of the garden and the left overs from lastnight.  It will not be so bad with the ham and rice here at all.  So as I sit here now and think for that part of things already here for next year.  Now here I know that I have to get that much cheaper here for the winter months without a second thought now.  I am happy that some do not mind the rice here in the household at all.  It is looking more like rice and pasta will rule out again this year.  Since I have the tricks up my sleeve here still on alot of things that start in the kitchen it is not that bad.  This is why I have said to get rice, pasta, butter, onions, and afew other things.  My Husband looked at me and asked how I can get alot of things into tonights meal totally.  What the man forgets here is that I still have the bones along with other things to make stone soup here totally.  That is part of the trick for alot of things in the kitchen at this time.  With prices going up all over the place here you can get creative in the kitchen to use everything to the max.  Since I have saved some bones to make soups out of here for the household and that goes to say some people did not even realize in what I was doing at the time also at the time it is even better on me.  With that said the broth will go with the rice while cooking it.  It is one of the little tricks that alot of people will not tell you about with rice.  And you wander why I hit the one china shop to eat every so often here in the area.  Once ya get to know everyone there it makes it easier to ask what would you do in your own home for the rice.  Pluss I got it all first hand with an old boyfriend's Mom and Grandmother when I asked questions.  It all helps out in the kitchen at one point or another.  With that said that is how I learned about some things that you could do with rice along with leftovers.  Things like chicken, pork, and beef that are left after a dinner throw it in the rice cooker with rice.  With some working like they were and myself watching some did not mind at all when I was in the kitchen with them at all.  Anyway it is all in who you hang out with and if you are willing to learn some will teach you in what they do for a quick cheap meal.  So now here I will be doing some things here that will make my Husbands mouth just totally drop open and have a meal out of it all here with the next several months. 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Now I know why

Well now I know why I flipped out on my Husband this week.  Knowing that some things are due here for the place and he wants to keep lending out money like it is nothing at all.  So I put a stop to that right quick as of yesterday here totally.  Now at this point in time I will be doing alot of thinking here for the place and do not mind it what so ever.  Also just to get everything down in the bills at this time here it would be even better on my part of things here.  Alot of it is on myself anyway since I am the only one in the household to cut the bills as normal here.  With alot of things that are going on here in the place at this time and I am thankfull that I did get smart about the backstock that is here also we should be ok for the time being also on parts of the house once I think of it all.  This is why I have started to cook on the cheap yet again for the household.  At this point in time I am sure that my Husband does not mind this part of what I am doing at all here for food along with how and where I pick up it all up from also.  Another thing is that since I am watching everything coming in and going out of the place at this point in time here I may as well start in on the whole budget on reworking it here also.  With that being said here it is not as simple as some will make it out to be at all.  It is part of the household that is dreaded and that goes without the other things that need to be done also where everyone is at at this time.  Since all of the prices are going up without the paychecks going up it seems a never ending battle at times for some of us here.  Alot of the times here I do not even feel like I am depriveing myself at all with cutting things off during the day here and shopping in where I do alot of the times.  With that being said here this is part of the reason of why I have been hanging laundry up also while I have been at it all.  And of course I was out there somewhat freezeing here to get 2 loads out on the lines.  Another thing is that since I will be cooking alot more on the cheap to start saving money here on that part of things it will not be so bad at all by the time I get into the swing of things again for the household.  Some of what I will be doing here is going to the dollar stores around the area here along with the cheaper end grocery stores to get things for the household at this time.  I may as well do what I have to do to make a point to some people that are here in the place.  With my mind being made up for that part of the household here some will have to deal with it out of me.  Also I will start walking more while I am at it here from the house since I am close to some of the stores.  The bigger hauls for the house will be different to say the least here with a roll cart.  In what will be going on here from now on will be alot more things being done on the cheap side. 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Shaking my head

Well I will be hitting up alot of things this afternoon for the household.  Since my Husband swears up and down that we are further in the cheapness in the household than we are here he has another thing coming at this point also.  So as I sit here and knowing in what I have to do here for the place to get it that much cheaper here some will understand once I start hollering again about things.  That means no extra lights burning in the place at all if and when he comes home on the weekends from now on along with alot of other things that are getting smacked out of the household.  So I have been wandering in what some have been thinking at this point in time in what I have been doing here in the household again.  Since the budget has got alot tighter here for the place and other things falling here to get things done it makes me wander totally.  So I will be working on the bills from now on here along with saying no more also here on alot of things.  I guess I am tired of getting used for money yet again.  Now it has came to the point of just doing around here and keeping things off around here again along with other things for the place.  Also here it has hit me in what else that I can do for the household.  Part of it is a guilt trip on my Husband here to go along with going without myself again here from now on.  With that being said here I have noticed afew things that have been said as of late here from my Husband.  So now I will do what I have to during the week from now on and get things done that way for the household.  It goes along with getting food on the cheap so I can cut the costs there, and using the back stock in the household.  Also I will cut other things down totally since my Husband wants to do something else here while we are at it all.  Maybe that is part of it here is that I am sick and tired of some things that have been going on also here for the household for many years.  So I have several options yet for what needs to be done here and go from there at this point in time.  Also another thing is that I can shop once a month here and say tough on alot of things for the place now.  So today is one of the days that it is a toss up on what I will be doing here and some housework will get done while I am at it all.  So I will be making a list up here to see how and where I land on alot of things here and show my Husband in what is going on and what I have been thinking about also for the place.  There are alot of things that I can still cut out and may as well jump in with both feet again here even though it will drive me nuts to do so here.  Now at this time I will see in how today goes with some things that will not go on untill late in the evening here while I am at it if I can last that long. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Shaking my head

Well at this point in time here I am wandering in what I can do here to get the place that much cheaper and have already started unplugging things this early in the morning.  My Husband started laughing on Sunday when I called him back to say that some things hurt already and that I had walked a mile and a half that morning.  Knowing that I should have pulled either the bread machine out or the KitchenAid mixer out one to make pizza here for the day and that did not get done at all.  Ok so I was being lazy somewhat when I knew I already had some pizza that was in the freezer on the main floor here in the place.  Now I will have to start with alot of things here also for the household since alot of the garden is still going and need to start picking.  This is where I need to run the food dehydrator, the KitchenAid stand mixer, along with the bread machine to get alot of things done here for the place soon.  Since I have been stalling on alot of things here for the week so far it is ok at this point in time.  Knowing that some things need to be dug up here soon out of the garden here and some of it will last for a month untill the hollidays along with part of it will go next door since I did promise some sweet potatoes to them here.  This is where the both KitchenAid mixers come in handy totally in my household.  The funny thing about alot of this here is that the stand mixer gets used alot during the winter months here and the hand mixer will get used also just as much totally this year also.  It is one of the best things that I have bought over the years.  When I started saving up for the stand mixer at the trailer and figuring that once I got it there would be no more sparks thrown across the kitchen and I was right.  It was strange for the next holliday there since I was use to blowing the hand mixer up with what I was making.  Then I ended up with the hand mixer from KitchenAid also for the house since I needed something smaller also for the light work of making everyday food without having to drag out the stand mixer also.  With the up coming hollidays here I may as well use both of them here and go from there.  Now here I will say it has been cheaper for the years that I have had the stand mixer here since I do not need the back up mixers as years prior to the point of that Black Friday when I had enough to get the stand mixer.  Some of us still are laughing about that part since many of the neighbors were standing in line also that day.  Anyway at least I can say here when I need and want to get cheaper I can do it here also.  The nice thing is that since I got back into the swing of things again here in the past several months I have not been cut down for what I am doing yet again.  Also I have been breaking out the cheaper end of things with cooking here while I have been at it.  With that being said here there are still other areas that I need to work on with the household and it all takes some time to get things done here.  Since I am sitting in the dark still with one candle lit it makes it easier on me also and gets me going for another cheap day here.  Now here since I have housework to get done and then head out of the house here for awhile I may as well get started on some things now to get them done for the day.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Looking around again

Well alot of what I did yesterday after all said and done was to look around the place to see what else I could cut on.  It never fails that I can find at least something here in the household to cut down on or to cut out of the budget here totally.  The funny thing is that I did talk to my Husband yesterday here and he asked in what I had done for the day at that point in time.  So I told him straight out that the computer was off for most of the day by that point along with afew other things and he about freaked out here on what I was doing for the weekend.  All I could do was laugh about it and go from there.  Also I got asked if I had threw in a load of laundry for the weekend here and I said no not with the rain at all also.  Since I have several more weeks here of nice weather somewhat outside I will hang the laundry on the lines untill about when the snow flys this year.  I may as well do that part for the place totally since the power bill is still way up there for my budget.  The nice part about all of the cutting down here is that things still stick around to the point of I can not streach them out any further than what I do already.  Since alot of things have been switched over here to the cheaper end of things it works out for the best here in the place.  Pluss not only that some people that were coming over all of the time and have stopped at this point wander in what I am really doing here since they do not have a clue anymore.  The whole thing here is that I have switched to almost the cheapest dish soap, bar soap, along with the shampoo, and conditioners for the place.  Next is the cleaner for the spray cleaner for the bathroom here.  That is what I have not switched over as of yet here at all.  With the cleaning rags that get used here for the household for the mess in the kitchen and the bathroom at this time it has cut down my paper towel use totally.  I still have an 8 pack of paper towels that I had bought last year in November that I picked up after I got home from Illinois.  That has bothered some people to no end in what I have done on that part since I was at the trailer and that habbit came to the house also after the both of us moved in.  Also I had a stack anyway of hand towels at the trailer that were really to big for the kitchen and got to thinking if I use that then I do not need the paper towels at all along with working at the time in the hotels.  So now here I have saved over 5 grand here in about 10 years by doing that.  Another thing is when the hand towels and dish rags get to ratty for the dishes and drying my hands here I throw them into a bucket to use here for cleaning.  I know that there was not any paper towels back in the 1800's and early 1900's at all and they used rags for cleaning back then.  So now here I have noticed that since I have been alone for the weekend it seems like I do not need alot of things to keep myself busy along with seeing in what gets done on the cheaper side of things.  Some people have not got that part about me at all as of yet and may not ever get it at all.  It seems strange that alot of things can be streached out here to the max without anyone being here also.  All I can do is shake my head on some things that have went on and think of better ways of doing alot more for the household at this time.  The auto flow adjustment on the washer helps out also for part of the housework along with other things that have been done.  Things like one sinkfull of soapy water and the other sink of rinse water, stopping the water in the bathroom when soaping up along with not flushing all of the time also here saves money.  Now to see what I can get to for the day on cleaning and go from there.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Clearing out

Well I got some of the clutter out of my mind this morning already here.  Pluss I ended up walking a full mile and then some already here for the day.  That is one of the bad parts here for myself and I got to thinking about alot of things while I was out of the household.  Since I have a ton of things to do for the place this week here along with trying to get my walks in also it should not be so bad here after I get started for the week today.  It all works out when I am alone here and get the chance to think on things and how to do them better for the household.  May as well think on alot of things here as of now since I have time to do all of this also.  With yesterday I ended up having my Husband go into a store with me here and he seen what the one dish soap costs at the normal price that they sell it for.  He about freaked out once he realized that 79 cents was not that bad at all.  I saved over a $1.20 when I picked alot of it up here in Febuary on sale per bottle.  I had to laugh here since I know what and why I did that part of things for the household at the time.  Also at that point I knew that I needed to stock up on some things after all that happened at the time.  Anyway here my week has started this morning here already and I do not mind that part at all.  Now that I can get alot of things done early here for the household it will not be that bad this week after I get started on what needs to be done.  When I started thinking yesterday after my Husband left to go back to work for the week I know in what I have to do at this time here for the place totally and this morning confirmed it all here.  That is the bad part and I am willing to get cheaper than snot from now on for the place.  The coffee keeper will help out alot here for the coming months along with the candles that I picked up.  Now I get the non smelly ones because of the birds in the house to use them for light in the mornings.  Also I will be figuring out in how to do alot more here for alot less money to keep the place going for a good while.  That part is the biggest battles that everyone has anyway is to try to keep everything down in the costs.  With that being said look for the sales in the stores and have coupons on hand also to help along with start talking with the family to get everyone on the same page also to help out on the bills.  Another thing that I have noticed here for the house over the past 22 months that we have been here is that I can close some of the doors to rooms that are not being used at all and that helps out on the heating and cooling on the place and bills.  What alot of the problem is in todays world is that nobody goes outside anymore to do anything.  With that part I know my mother shoved me outside all of the time growing up and hung the laundry up out on the lines.  Since there are gaming systems, computers, and T.V.'s in todays world why should kids go outside and get fresh air and to play.  It costs less to have the kids out playing and using their brain for other things to be creative than it is to make them stay in the house all of the time.  When I was baby sitting 5 kids at once here I got told that I could not let the 2 younger children outside at all period.  I got them out of the house for fresh air anyway and got them to like it totally.  Also the youngests legs started to straighten out while I was at it.  The poor babes legs were bowed since almost everyone carried her around.  With alot of the things that went on I gave up and could not work under the conditions that the parents wanted me to at all since one was totally lazy and the other catered to the father and the lazyness.  Also the T.V. would be turned off so the kids would go outside totally.  So now some have figured out that I was right on alot of things and ran with it all.  Pluss some knew that I was the cheap one anyway out of the bunch here also and ask me still in what can they do to help with that part of things.  With that part here I was still trying to get the bills down for my own place and going with it.  Now I can get the bills down here and still have to work at it hard. 

Friday, October 5, 2012

Wandering here

Well at least at this point it is looking like a very cheap weekend that is coming up here for the household yet again.  Since the beans have been soaking here totally for almost 15 hours I might be ok on that part of things here for the weekend.  So now at this point I do not need to run everything for the weekend here at all and that might help out totally here.  The nice thing about all of this is that some things will never change out of me to use less of things here in the household.  May as well do even more and see how that part goes here for the place and this weekend is a good place to start totally on alot of it.  With alot of it here for the household is that I am still trying to save up for some things and it is not working at all at this point in time.  All I can do is blame myself on that part of things and try my best to get my toush into better gear on alot of things here in the household and tell people no again on alot more.  Since I am going to be alone it will help out to get my mind off of things totally here and straightened out also.  The walks will help on that part of things also this weekend for that part.  With alot of things going on here in the household it  makes me wander if I am still doing the right thing for the place with getting that much cheaper.  All I can do is get into the cheaper pace of life with both feet here and be done with it again.  While I am at it here I guess that I will get more walks in here also to help with that part of things here.  Since alot of the stores are near the house here I can get the walk in and pick up afew things also here without a problem or go out and make a wish list for the household.  Either way I will be out of the house here and that part does help out with the attatude here.  So now at this time I have to figure out in what else that I need to do to get the place alot cheaper and not drive my Husband nuts while I am at it all.  Since I do alot of the housework myself that is half the battle here on most of trying to get cheaper.  Also I do not take my Husband with me alot of the times here to shop for the household.  That is another big help on things here also while I am at it.  Now lets see what I can do for the place today here and I might have a clean house by Sunday here while I am alone.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Shaking my head

Well at least I know of why I am trying to get that much cheaper here in the household at this time.  When some have lied in what they have done in the past almost 4 years for the states it makes me sick totally at this point in time.  As I say that some would never be able to live off of some incomes that are going into households at this time and never could.  So now as I sit here and still have 5 loads of laundry outside since it refused to dry on me yesterday here I will get them down as soon as the dew of the morning dries on them and put more out on the extra pole that is out in the yard.  When some say that the dryer only costs them and extra 20 dollars a month to run also for their place I do not believe it at all since it is over 60 dollars here where I live for 5 loads of laundry.  I guess this is why I have been hanging laundry more and more for the past 22 months here in the household.  With that said here I started looking the other day while I was out to see what I could do when I ran out of the laundry soap and fabric softener also and it will work yet again with what I had seen.  Finally the manufacture got off their toushes for the one laundry soap that I was using at the trailer and it is thicker than snot again coming out of the bottle.  So back to the other when I start running out here for the household.  It is the laundry soap that if you were not paying mind to and used to much that the suds would come out of the washer on ya.  Also there are alot of other things that will be done here from now on also for the household since I got the power bill yesterday and the drop was not big enough for me at all.  My Husabnd started laughing about it untill he realized that I can get it below what others want me to here for the place.  The bad part is that I know in what I can do here for the household and will do it to have money by the end of the month here totally.  That is what has scared alot of people that knows me since I have been right down the middle on alot of things that I have done so far here also.  At this point nobody has got hurt in what I have done and they won't niether at this point in time.  With what I have seen out of some people here in the area totally alot of them waste money on alot of non since for thier place over the past weekend here.  I was in shock since some just do not care at all in what is going on.  When I told my Husband here on Tuesday that we were having soup for the weekend here he said fine with me.  It has came to the point of streaching everything out even more for the place that we are in.  So now here if I make to much of things I can always freeze them back since we never know in who will be over here at any time over the weekend.  The funny thing is that now I do have some things on had totally and it will always be like that here for the household.  As some say that I can make something out of nothing and it is true here.  This is why I will have flour, eggs, pasta, butter, yeast, rice, some meats, onions, garlic, and soup base for the household.  That is what I can do for the place and make meals out of what is here.  I got really good at it years ago and will start that part of life again here very soon without the worries of someone cutting me down for it here.  Just like I got supper here in the household for under 5 dollars and had leftovers also while I was at it all.  That is what hurts some people that know me here totally and they still can not understand of why I do the things that I do here for the place.  Now at this point I may just break out the dried beans for this weekend also here so we can eat also and feed people that come over also here.  Anyway with the gas prices going up all over the place and some people can not under stand in why other things go up also at the same time it is easy to see it with some of us here.  And to see Mouchie the food police in some households now to see what we really do with what little food we do have totally.  She would be shocked in what some of us can do with hardly anything in the household and still eat good. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Busted day

Well I did get some things done yesterday here and it was still not enough of course.  But then again that is what happends here when I get a phone call here asking me to come pick him up also here yesterday morning.  Since I made it out to Aldi yesterday for alot of things here for the household I paid half of what the other stores wanted for almost the same thing totally.  So I got that part done and will get back out there a month from now for a big shopping trip for the household of course.  With that being said here there are ways to save nomatter what goes on and most of the time the grocery bill gets the big old ax first in the household also.  The other bills take sometimes 2 years to get them to drop if you have been in a place for awhile.  With that being said here that is why I do not freak when the companies charge more every other month here for myown place.  When I ask them to come out to read the meters here every other month they normally do since I have pitched total fits over the phone and was right in what I said here to them also.  There are alot of things that can be done totally in the household to get the bills down nomatter what you do.  I do not run alot of lights anyway here for my own place at all along with other things it cuts down on alot of the power totally.  I have also got use to not having much on during the day here also while I have been at it all.  There are times when alot of noise is really not called for in some households at all.  Since the birds chatter alot of the times here who needs any more noise than that for the day.  Anyway with today I will be getting to the laundry here in the household since the pile grew in size and something has to be done about that part of the housework totally for the day here.  That goes with alot of other things that have to be done here also since I have been somewhat slacking on that part while I have been at it.  So I am looking for a long day here nomatter in what I do here.  Oh well I guess it could be worse here other than hanging laundry outside and getting fresh air into the house with the dishes getting done here also.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Shaking my head

Well at this point in time I need to get to the laundry today.  I am going to try and dodge the rain today so I can get at least one load out on the lines here today.  What gets to me is that there is never a break for what goes on here at all with the housework.  I do try to keep up with alot of things here in the place and sometimes it does not work as I want it to.  With that being said here I guess this is why I try to get things done on the cheaper side of life now more than ever here.  I have got back onto the ban waggon for alot of things again here and see no other option for it at this time.  For a good while I had gave up on alot of what I was doing at the trailer when we got here to the house.  When I got cut down the way I did for 16 months after moving into the house here I gave up on alot of things.  Also I figured that I was useless anyway and why bother with it for that long.  So now here since I got my sinces back for the household again it seems like I am working harder than ever here in the place again.  That is why it makes me wander in why others do not care at all in what they do and they expect that others do what they all do from place to place also at this time.  Maybe it is for the best that I get things done on the cheap here totally.  Since it does bother some people that have known me over the years here, I may as well get as cheap as I can for the place.  Also yesterday some things smacked me of course here again in what has been going on and the why's of it all.  Since there is alot of things here for the day that needs to be done I may as well start in on it now here and get things done early for the day.

Monday, October 1, 2012


Well I am wandering now in what will go on for today here.  Since I will be gone for a couple of hours today here the laundry has to wait untill at least Thursday around here totally.  With that being said here I may end up finding a job here today and I am not sure about that part of things also for the day since I will be out paying bills here this morning.  The joys of running a household totally from this point of view either way I look at it here.  With November almost here I may as well go and look even if it is for a few months to get out of the house also if I get hired someplace.  I was reading this morning that some people are having a rough time of it now here all over the place.  It just reminds me of why I started cutting back on the budget years ago at the trailer and I am still working on the budget at this time.  Even my Husband was shocked in what I was still doing after all of these years and that I have not gave up on what I was doing at all here, even though it seems like it at times.  So now here with alot of things that are going on here in the household and with the things that have been kept up with along with being cut down I guess that in the past 8 months here I have not done to bad at all here.  Since my Husband called me last night also and said that we both sent someone into almost tears with the care package that we sent down to the kid it was all good.  I have a feeling that Mom and Daughter will be fighting over a coat that I picked up for 2 dollars at a yard sale this past summer.  I figure to get something like a winter jacket here for a teenager a size to big so she can put sweaters on under it and still have enough room in the jacket also.  So now here I can say that it does pay off to be cheap at times for the place.  Also now my Husband has realized that I am getting into the back stock here to streach out the dollars for the household at this time.  The funny thing about all of it is that now for the household some things will go quicket than others and that is how it will go for awhile.  Pluss prices will go up again here this month again according to some folks since some things ran out in the bills from the government yesterday.  At this time I have been trying to get food for under 150 dollars a month for 2 kitchens and it has not worked at all.  Also here I will have to find a way to really get that part of the household that much cheaper here while I am at it for the next several months for the place.  I do that part every year here and that will never change at all.  As a friend of mine said to me this past weekend here that she was broke also here and this month was going to be worse on her since her car is up this month also.  With both plates and inspections due here on both the car and the truck I told her that I could not lend out anymore here.